ICU 77.1  77.1
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Deprecated List
Global FALSE
ICU 68 Use standard "false" instead.
Global icu::BreakIterator::createBufferClone (void *stackBuffer, int32_t &BufferSize, UErrorCode &status)=0
ICU 52. Use clone() instead.
Global icu::BreakIterator::createTitleInstance (const Locale &where, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 64 Use createWordInstance instead.
Global icu::BreakIterator::isBufferClone ()
ICU 52. Always delete the BreakIterator.
Global icu::Calendar::add (EDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 2.6. use add(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status) instead.
Global icu::Calendar::EAmpm
ICU 2.6. Use C enum UCalendarAMPMs defined in ucal.h
Global icu::Calendar::EDateFields
ICU 2.6. Use C enum UCalendarDateFields defined in ucal.h
Global icu::Calendar::EDaysOfWeek
ICU 2.6. Use C enum UCalendarDaysOfWeek defined in ucal.h
Global icu::Calendar::EMonths
ICU 2.6. Use C enum UCalendarMonths defined in ucal.h
Global icu::Calendar::fieldDifference (UDate when, EDateFields field, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 2.6. Use fieldDifference(UDate when, UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode& status).
Global icu::Calendar::getActualMinimum (EDateFields field, UErrorCode &status) const
ICU 2.6. Use getActualMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode& status) instead.
Global icu::Calendar::getFirstDayOfWeek () const
ICU 2.6 use the overload with error code
Global icu::Calendar::getGreatestMinimum (EDateFields field) const
ICU 2.6. Use getGreatestMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
Global icu::Calendar::getLeastMaximum (EDateFields field) const
ICU 2.6. Use getLeastMaximum(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
Global icu::Calendar::getMaximum (EDateFields field) const
ICU 2.6. Use getMaximum(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
Global icu::Calendar::getMinimum (EDateFields field) const
ICU 2.6. Use getMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
Global icu::Calendar::internalGet (EDateFields field) const
ICU 2.6. Use internalGet(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
Global icu::Calendar::internalSet (EDateFields field, int32_t value)
ICU 2.6. Use internalSet(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t value) instead.
Global icu::Calendar::roll (EDateFields field, UBool up, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 2.6. Use roll(UCalendarDateFields field, UBool up, UErrorCode& status) instead.
Global icu::Calendar::roll (EDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 2.6. Use roll(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status) instead.
Class icu::ChoiceFormat
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::applyPattern (const UnicodeString &pattern, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::applyPattern (const UnicodeString &pattern, UParseError &parseError, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::ChoiceFormat (const double *limits, const UnicodeString *formats, int32_t count)
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::ChoiceFormat (const double *limits, const UBool *closures, const UnicodeString *formats, int32_t count)
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::ChoiceFormat (const ChoiceFormat &that)
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::ChoiceFormat (const UnicodeString &pattern, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::clone () const override
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::format (const Formattable *objs, int32_t cnt, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPosition &pos, UErrorCode &success) const
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::format (double number, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPosition &pos) const override
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::format (int32_t number, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPosition &pos) const override
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::format (int64_t number, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPosition &pos) const override
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::getClosures (int32_t &count) const
ICU 4.8 Use the MessagePattern class to analyze a ChoiceFormat pattern.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::getDynamicClassID () const override
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::getFormats (int32_t &count) const
ICU 4.8 Use the MessagePattern class to analyze a ChoiceFormat pattern.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::getLimits (int32_t &count) const
ICU 4.8 Use the MessagePattern class to analyze a ChoiceFormat pattern.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::getStaticClassID ()
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::operator= (const ChoiceFormat &that)
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::operator== (const Format &other) const override
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::parse (const UnicodeString &text, Formattable &result, ParsePosition &parsePosition) const override
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::setChoices (const double *limitsToCopy, const UnicodeString *formatsToCopy, int32_t count)
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::setChoices (const double *limits, const UBool *closures, const UnicodeString *formats, int32_t count)
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::toPattern (UnicodeString &pattern) const
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::ChoiceFormat::~ChoiceFormat ()
ICU 49 Use MessageFormat instead, with plural and select arguments.
Global icu::CollationKey::compareTo (const CollationKey &target) const
ICU 2.6 use the overload with error code
Global icu::Collator::Collator (UCollationStrength collationStrength, UNormalizationMode decompositionMode)
ICU 2.4. Subclasses should use the default constructor instead and handle the strength and normalization mode themselves.
Global icu::Collator::compare (const UnicodeString &source, const UnicodeString &target) const
ICU 2.6 use the overload with UErrorCode &
Global icu::Collator::compare (const char16_t *source, int32_t sourceLength, const char16_t *target, int32_t targetLength) const
ICU 2.6 use the overload with UErrorCode &
Global icu::Collator::compare (const UnicodeString &source, const UnicodeString &target, int32_t length) const
ICU 2.6 use the overload with UErrorCode &
Global icu::Collator::EComparisonResult
ICU 2.6. Use C enum UCollationResult defined in ucol.h
Global icu::Collator::getLocale (ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &status) const =0
ICU 2.8 This API is under consideration for revision in ICU 3.0.
Global icu::Collator::getStrength () const
ICU 2.6 Use getAttribute(UCOL_STRENGTH...) instead
Global icu::Collator::safeClone () const
ICU 50 no need to have two methods for cloning
Global icu::Collator::setStrength (ECollationStrength newStrength)
ICU 2.6 Use setAttribute(UCOL_STRENGTH...) instead
Global icu::Collator::setVariableTop (uint32_t varTop, UErrorCode &status)=0
ICU 53 Call setMaxVariable() instead.
Global icu::Collator::setVariableTop (const UnicodeString &varTop, UErrorCode &status)=0
ICU 53 Call setMaxVariable() instead.
Global icu::Collator::setVariableTop (const char16_t *varTop, int32_t len, UErrorCode &status)=0
ICU 53 Call setMaxVariable() instead.
Global icu::DateFormatSymbols::DT_CONTEXT_COUNT
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Global icu::DateFormatSymbols::DT_WIDTH_COUNT
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Global icu::DateFormatSymbols::getZoneStrings (int32_t &rowCount, int32_t &columnCount) const
ICU 3.6
Global icu::DecimalFormat::setCurrency (const char16_t *theCurrency)
ICU 3.0. Use setCurrency(const char16_t*, UErrorCode&).
Global icu::DictionaryBasedBreakIterator
ICU 3.6
Global icu::FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder::build (BreakIterator *adoptBreakIterator, UErrorCode &status)=0
ICU 60 use wrapIteratorWithFilter() instead
Global icu::FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder::createInstance (UErrorCode &status)
ICU 60 use createEmptyInstance instead
Global icu::Formattable::getLong (UErrorCode *status) const
ICU 3.0 use getLong(UErrorCode&) instead
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::getActualMinimum (EDateFields field, UErrorCode &status) const
ICU 2.6. Use getActualMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field) instead. (Added to ICU 3.0 for signature consistency)
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::getActualMinimum (EDateFields field) const
ICU 2.6. Use getActualMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field) instead.
Global icu::GregorianCalendar::roll (EDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode &status) override
ICU 2.6. Use roll(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode& status) instead.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Binding
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Binding::Binding ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Binding::Binding (const Binding &other)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Binding::Binding (const VariableName &v, Expression &&e)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Binding::getValue () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Binding::getVariable () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Binding::input (UnicodeString &&variableName, Expression &&rhs, UErrorCode &errorCode)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Binding::operator= (Binding) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Binding::swap (Binding &b1, Binding &b2) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Binding::~Binding ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Expression
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Builder
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Builder::addAttribute (const UnicodeString &key, Operand &&value, UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Builder::setOperand (Operand &&rAnd)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Builder::setOperator (Operator &&rAtor)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Builder::~Builder ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Expression ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::Expression (const Expression &other)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::getAttributes () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::getOperand () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::getOperator (UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::isFunctionCall () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::isStandaloneAnnotation () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::operator= (Expression) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::swap (Expression &e1, Expression &e2) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Expression::~Expression ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Key
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Key::asLiteral () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Key::isWildcard () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Key::Key (const Literal &lit)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Key::Key ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Key::Key (const Key &other)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Key::operator< (const Key &other) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Key::operator= (Key) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Key::operator== (const Key &other) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Key::swap (Key &k1, Key &k2) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Key::~Key ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Literal
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::isQuoted () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::Literal (UBool q, const UnicodeString &s)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::Literal (const Literal &other)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::Literal ()=default
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::operator< (const Literal &other) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::operator= (Literal) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::operator== (const Literal &other) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::quoted () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::swap (Literal &l1, Literal &l2) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::unquoted () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Literal::~Literal ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Markup
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::addAttribute (const UnicodeString &key, Operand &&value, UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::addOption (const UnicodeString &key, Operand &&value, UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::setClose ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::setName (const UnicodeString &n)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::setOpen ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::setStandalone ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Builder::~Builder ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::getAttributes () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::getName () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::getOptions () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::isClose () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::isOpen () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::isStandalone () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::Markup ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Markup::~Markup ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Operand
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operand::asLiteral () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operand::asVariable () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operand::isLiteral () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operand::isNull () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operand::isVariable () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operand::Operand ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operand::Operand (const UnicodeString &v)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operand::Operand (const Literal &l)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operand::Operand (const Operand &)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operand::operator= (Operand) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operand::swap (Operand &o1, Operand &o2) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operand::~Operand ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Operator
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Builder
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Builder::addOption (const UnicodeString &key, Operand &&value, UErrorCode &status) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Builder::setFunctionName (FunctionName &&func)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Builder::~Builder ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::getFunctionName () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::getOptions () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Operator ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::Operator (const Operator &other) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::operator= (Operator) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::swap (Operator &o1, Operator &o2) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Operator::~Operator ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Option
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::getName () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::getValue () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::operator= (Option other) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::Option (const Option &other)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::Option ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::Option (const UnicodeString &n, Operand &&r)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::swap (Option &o1, Option &o2) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Option::~Option ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Pattern
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::begin () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Builder
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Builder::add (Expression &&part, UErrorCode &status) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Builder::add (Markup &&part, UErrorCode &status) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Builder::add (UnicodeString &&part, UErrorCode &status) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status) const noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Builder::~Builder ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::end () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Iterator
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Iterator::operator!= (const Iterator &a, const Iterator &b)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Iterator::operator* () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Iterator::operator++ ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::operator= (Pattern) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Pattern ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::Pattern (const Pattern &other)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::swap (Pattern &p1, Pattern &p2) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Pattern::~Pattern ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::asMarkup () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::asText () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::contents () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::isExpression () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::isMarkup () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::isText () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::operator= (PatternPart) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::PatternPart (const PatternPart &other)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::PatternPart ()=default
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::PatternPart (Markup &&m)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::PatternPart (Expression &&e)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::PatternPart (const UnicodeString &t)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::swap (PatternPart &p1, PatternPart &p2) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::PatternPart::~PatternPart ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::Builder
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::Builder::add (Key &&key, UErrorCode &status) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::Builder::~Builder ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::getKeys () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::operator< (const SelectorKeys &other) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::operator= (SelectorKeys other) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::SelectorKeys ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::SelectorKeys (const SelectorKeys &other)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::swap (SelectorKeys &s1, SelectorKeys &s2) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::SelectorKeys::~SelectorKeys ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::data_model::Variant
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Variant::getKeys () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Variant::getPattern () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Variant::operator= (Variant other) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Variant::swap (Variant &v1, Variant &v2) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Variant::Variant (const Variant &)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Variant::Variant ()=default
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Variant::Variant (const SelectorKeys &keys, Pattern &&pattern)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::data_model::Variant::~Variant ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::Formattable
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::asICUFormattable (UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::forDate (UDate d)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::forDecimal (std::string_view number, UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::Formattable ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::Formattable (int64_t i)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::Formattable (const Formattable *arr, int32_t len)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::Formattable (const FormattableObject *obj)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::Formattable (double d)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::Formattable (const Formattable &)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::Formattable (const UnicodeString &s)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::getArray (int32_t &count, UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::getDate (UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::getDouble (UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::getInt64 (UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::getInt64Value (UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::getLong (UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::getObject (UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::getString (UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::getType () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::isNumeric () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::operator= (Formattable) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::swap (Formattable &f1, Formattable &f2) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formattable::~Formattable ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::FormattableObject
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattableObject::tag () const =0
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattableObject::~FormattableObject ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::FormattedMessage
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::appendTo (Appendable &appendable, UErrorCode &status) const override
This API is for ICU internal use only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::charAt (int32_t index, UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for ICU internal use only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::FormattedMessage (UErrorCode &status)
This API is for ICU internal use only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::length (UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for ICU internal use only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::nextPosition (ConstrainedFieldPosition &cfpos, UErrorCode &status) const override
This API is for ICU internal use only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::subSequence (int32_t start, int32_t end, UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for ICU internal use only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::toCharacterIterator (UErrorCode &status)
This API is for ICU internal use only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::toString (UErrorCode &status) const override
This API is for ICU internal use only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::toTempString (UErrorCode &status) const override
This API is for ICU internal use only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedMessage::~FormattedMessage ()
This API is for ICU internal use only.
Class icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::asFormattable () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::canFormat () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::FormattedPlaceholder (FormattedPlaceholder &&other)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::FormattedPlaceholder (const UnicodeString &s)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::FormattedPlaceholder (const FormattedPlaceholder &input, FormattedValue &&output)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::FormattedPlaceholder (const FormattedPlaceholder &input, FunctionOptions &&opts, FormattedValue &&output)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::FormattedPlaceholder (const Formattable &input, const UnicodeString &fb)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::FormattedPlaceholder ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::formatToString (const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::getFallback () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::isEvaluated () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::isFallback () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::isNullOperand () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::operator= (FormattedPlaceholder &&) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::options () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedPlaceholder::output () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::FormattedValue
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::FormattedValue (FormattedValue &&other)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::FormattedValue ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::FormattedValue (number::FormattedNumber &&)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::FormattedValue (const UnicodeString &)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::getNumber () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::getString () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::isNumber () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::isString () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::operator= (FormattedValue &&) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormattedValue::~FormattedValue ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::Formatter
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formatter::format (FormattedPlaceholder &&toFormat, FunctionOptions &&options, UErrorCode &status) const =0
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Formatter::~Formatter ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::FormatterFactory
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormatterFactory::createFormatter (const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status)=0
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormatterFactory::operator= (const FormatterFactory &)=delete
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FormatterFactory::~FormatterFactory ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::FunctionOptions
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FunctionOptions::FunctionOptions (FunctionOptions &&)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FunctionOptions::FunctionOptions ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FunctionOptions::getOptions () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FunctionOptions::operator= (const FunctionOptions &)=delete
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FunctionOptions::operator= (FunctionOptions &&) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::FunctionOptions::~FunctionOptions ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::MessageArguments
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageArguments::MessageArguments ()=default
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageArguments::MessageArguments (const std::map< UnicodeString, Formattable > &args, UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageArguments::operator= (MessageArguments &&) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageArguments::~MessageArguments ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::MessageFormatter
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::setDataModel (MFDataModel &&dataModel)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::setErrorHandlingBehavior (UMFErrorHandlingBehavior type)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::setFunctionRegistry (const MFFunctionRegistry &functionRegistry)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::setLocale (const Locale &locale)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::setPattern (const UnicodeString &pattern, UParseError &parseError, UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::Builder::~Builder ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::format (const MessageArguments &arguments, UErrorCode &status) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::formatToString (const MessageArguments &arguments, UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::getDataModel () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::getLocale () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::getNormalizedPattern () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::getPattern () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::operator= (MessageFormatter &&) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::U_MF_BEST_EFFORT
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::U_MF_STRICT
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::UMFErrorHandlingBehavior
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MessageFormatter::~MessageFormatter ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::MFDataModel
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder

This API is for technology preview only.

This API is for technology preview only.

Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::addBinding (Binding &&b, UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::addSelector (VariableName &&selector, UErrorCode &errorCode)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::addVariant (SelectorKeys &&keys, Pattern &&pattern, UErrorCode &errorCode) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::build (UErrorCode &status) const noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &status)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::setPattern (Pattern &&pattern)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::Builder::~Builder ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::getLocalVariables () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::getPattern () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::getSelectors () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::getVariants () const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::MFDataModel ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::MFDataModel (const MFDataModel &other)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::operator= (MFDataModel) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::swap (MFDataModel &m1, MFDataModel &m2) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFDataModel::~MFDataModel ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::Builder
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::Builder::adoptFormatter (const data_model::FunctionName &formatterName, FormatterFactory *formatterFactory, UErrorCode &errorCode)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::Builder::adoptSelector (const data_model::FunctionName &selectorName, SelectorFactory *selectorFactory, UErrorCode &errorCode)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::Builder::build ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::Builder::Builder (UErrorCode &errorCode)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::Builder::setDefaultFormatterNameByType (const UnicodeString &type, const data_model::FunctionName &functionName, UErrorCode &errorCode)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::Builder::~Builder ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::getDefaultFormatterNameByType (const UnicodeString &formatterType, FunctionName &name) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::getFormatter (const FunctionName &formatterName) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::getSelector (const FunctionName &selectorName) const
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::MFFunctionRegistry (MFFunctionRegistry &&other)
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::operator= (MFFunctionRegistry &&) noexcept
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::MFFunctionRegistry::~MFFunctionRegistry ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::Selector
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Selector::selectKey (FormattedPlaceholder &&toFormat, FunctionOptions &&options, const UnicodeString *keys, int32_t keysLen, UnicodeString *prefs, int32_t &prefsLen, UErrorCode &status) const =0
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::Selector::~Selector ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Class icu::message2::SelectorFactory
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::SelectorFactory::createSelector (const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status) const =0
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::SelectorFactory::operator= (const SelectorFactory &)=delete
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::message2::SelectorFactory::~SelectorFactory ()
This API is for technology preview only.
Global icu::Normalizer::clone () const
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::compose (const UnicodeString &source, UBool compat, int32_t options, UnicodeString &result, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::concatenate (const UnicodeString &left, const UnicodeString &right, UnicodeString &result, UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options, UErrorCode &errorCode)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::current ()
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::decompose (const UnicodeString &source, UBool compat, int32_t options, UnicodeString &result, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::endIndex () const
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::first ()
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::getDynamicClassID () const override
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::getIndex () const
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::getOption (int32_t option) const
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::getStaticClassID ()
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::getText (UnicodeString &result)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::getUMode () const
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::hashCode () const
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::isNormalized (const UnicodeString &src, UNormalizationMode mode, UErrorCode &errorCode)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::isNormalized (const UnicodeString &src, UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options, UErrorCode &errorCode)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::last ()
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::next ()
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::normalize (const UnicodeString &source, UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options, UnicodeString &result, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::Normalizer (ConstChar16Ptr str, int32_t length, UNormalizationMode mode)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::Normalizer (const Normalizer &copy)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::Normalizer (const CharacterIterator &iter, UNormalizationMode mode)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::Normalizer (const UnicodeString &str, UNormalizationMode mode)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::operator!= (const Normalizer &that) const
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::operator== (const Normalizer &that) const
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::previous ()
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::quickCheck (const UnicodeString &source, UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::quickCheck (const UnicodeString &source, UNormalizationMode mode, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::reset ()
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::setIndexOnly (int32_t index)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::setMode (UNormalizationMode newMode)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::setOption (int32_t option, UBool value)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::setText (ConstChar16Ptr newText, int32_t length, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::setText (const UnicodeString &newText, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::setText (const CharacterIterator &newText, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::startIndex () const
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::Normalizer::~Normalizer ()
ICU 56 Use Normalizer2 instead.
Global icu::PluralFormat::setLocale (const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 50 This method clears the pattern and might create a different kind of PluralRules instance; use one of the constructors to create a new instance instead.
Global icu::PluralRules::getAllKeywordValues (const UnicodeString &keyword, double *dest, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 55
Global icu::PluralRules::getUniqueKeywordValue (const UnicodeString &keyword)
ICU 55
Global icu::ResourceBundle::getLocale () const
ICU 2.8 Use getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &status) overload instead.
Global icu::ResourceBundle::getVersionNumber () const
ICU 2.8 Use getVersion instead.
Global icu::RuleBasedBreakIterator::createBufferClone (void *stackBuffer, int32_t &BufferSize, UErrorCode &status) override
ICU 52. Use clone() instead.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::cloneRuleData (int32_t &length, UErrorCode &status) const
ICU 52. Use cloneBinary() instead.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::getLocale (ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &status) const override
ICU 2.8 likely to change in ICU 3.0, based on feedback
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::getMaxExpansion (int32_t order) const
ICU 51 Use CollationElementIterator::getMaxExpansion() instead.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::setVariableTop (uint32_t varTop, UErrorCode &status) override
ICU 53 Call setMaxVariable() instead.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::setVariableTop (const UnicodeString &varTop, UErrorCode &status) override
ICU 53 Call setMaxVariable() instead.
Global icu::RuleBasedCollator::setVariableTop (const char16_t *varTop, int32_t len, UErrorCode &status) override
ICU 53 Call setMaxVariable() instead.
Global icu::RuleBasedTimeZone::inDaylightTime (UDate date, UErrorCode &status) const override
ICU 2.4. Use Calendar::inDaylightTime() instead.
Global icu::SimpleTimeZone::inDaylightTime (UDate date, UErrorCode &status) const override
ICU 2.4. Use Calendar::inDaylightTime() instead.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Class icu::TimeUnitFormat
ICU 53 Use the MeasureFormat class instead.
Global icu::TimeUnitFormat::clone () const override
ICU 53
Global icu::TimeUnitFormat::getDynamicClassID () const override
ICU 53
Global icu::TimeUnitFormat::getStaticClassID ()
ICU 53
Global icu::TimeUnitFormat::operator= (const TimeUnitFormat &other)
ICU 53
Global icu::TimeUnitFormat::parseObject (const UnicodeString &source, Formattable &result, ParsePosition &pos) const override
ICU 53
Global icu::TimeUnitFormat::setLocale (const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 53
Global icu::TimeUnitFormat::setNumberFormat (const NumberFormat &format, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 53
Global icu::TimeUnitFormat::TimeUnitFormat (const Locale &locale, UTimeUnitFormatStyle style, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 53
Global icu::TimeUnitFormat::TimeUnitFormat (const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status)
ICU 53
Global icu::TimeUnitFormat::TimeUnitFormat (UErrorCode &status)
ICU 53
Global icu::TimeUnitFormat::TimeUnitFormat (const TimeUnitFormat &)
ICU 53
Global icu::TimeUnitFormat::~TimeUnitFormat ()
ICU 53
Global icu::TimeZone::createEnumeration (const char *region)
ICU 70 Use createEnumerationForRegion(const char*,UErrorCode&) instead.
Global icu::TimeZone::createEnumeration (int32_t rawOffset)
ICU 70 Use createEnumerationForRawOffset(int32_t,UErrorCode&) instead.
Global icu::TimeZone::createEnumeration ()
ICU 70 Use createEnumeration(UErrorCode&) instead.
Global icu::TimeZone::inDaylightTime (UDate date, UErrorCode &status) const =0
ICU 2.4. Use Calendar::inDaylightTime() instead.
Global icu::URBNF_COUNT
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 74 Use MeasureFormat instead.
Global icu::VTimeZone::inDaylightTime (UDate date, UErrorCode &status) const override
ICU 2.4. Use Calendar::inDaylightTime() instead.
ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead.
ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead.
ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead.
Global RES_INT
ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead.
ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead.
ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead.
ICU 2.6 Not used.
ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead.
ICU 2.6 Use the URES_ constant instead.
Global TRUE
ICU 68 Use standard "true" instead.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 52. Do not rely on ubrk_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 52. Do not rely on ucnv_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.
ICU 52. Do not rely on ucol_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Global u_getISOComment (UChar32 c, char *dest, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
ICU 49
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
This API is for technology preview only.
This API is for technology preview only.
This API is for technology preview only.
This API is for technology preview only.
This API is for technology preview only.
This API is for technology preview only.
This API is for technology preview only.
This API is for technology preview only.
This API is for technology preview only.
This API is for technology preview only.
This API is for technology preview only.
This API is for technology preview only.
This API is for technology preview only.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 54. This error cannot occur.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Global u_setAtomicIncDecFunctions (const void *context, UMtxAtomicFn *inc, UMtxAtomicFn *dec, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 52. This function is no longer supported.
Global u_setMutexFunctions (const void *context, UMtxInitFn *init, UMtxFn *destroy, UMtxFn *lock, UMtxFn *unlock, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 52. This function is no longer supported.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 49
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Global ubrk_safeClone (const UBreakIterator *bi, void *stackBuffer, int32_t *pBufferSize, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 69 Use ubrk_clone() instead.
ICU 2.8 Use the word break iterator for titlecasing for Unicode 4 and later.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 49
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 49
Global ucnv_safeClone (const UConverter *cnv, void *stackBuffer, int32_t *pBufferSize, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 71 Use ucnv_clone() instead.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Global ucol_getContractions (const UCollator *coll, USet *conts, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 3.4, use ucol_getContractionsAndExpansions instead
Global ucol_getLocale (const UCollator *coll, ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 2.8 Use ucol_getLocaleByType instead
Global ucol_getShortDefinitionString (const UCollator *coll, const char *locale, char *buffer, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 54
ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, was removed from implementation.
Global ucol_normalizeShortDefinitionString (const char *source, char *destination, int32_t capacity, UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 54
Global ucol_openFromShortString (const char *definition, UBool forceDefaults, UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 54 Use ucol_open() with language tag collation keywords instead.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Global ucol_restoreVariableTop (UCollator *coll, const uint32_t varTop, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 53 Call ucol_setMaxVariable() instead.
Global ucol_safeClone (const UCollator *coll, void *stackBuffer, int32_t *pBufferSize, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 71 Use ucol_clone() instead.
Global ucol_setVariableTop (UCollator *coll, const UChar *varTop, int32_t len, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 53 Call ucol_setMaxVariable() instead.
ICU 54
This API is for technology preview only.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 50 Use UDAT_ABBR_MONTH instead.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 50 Use instead UDAT_HOUR UDAT_ABBR_GENERIC_TZ or some other timezone presentation.
ICU 50 Use instead UDAT_HOUR_MINUTE UDAT_ABBR_GENERIC_TZ or some other timezone presentation.
ICU 50 Use instead UDAT_HOUR_MINUTE UDAT_ABBR_SPECIFIC_TZ or some other timezone presentation.
ICU 50 Use instead UDAT_HOUR UDAT_ABBR_SPECIFIC_TZ or some other timezone presentation.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 50 Use UDAT_MONTH instead.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 59 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 55 Use UTS #46 instead via uidna_openUTS46() or class IDNA.
Global uidna_compare (const UChar *s1, int32_t length1, const UChar *s2, int32_t length2, int32_t options, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 55 Use UTS #46 instead via uidna_openUTS46() or class IDNA.
Global uidna_IDNToASCII (const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength, UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity, int32_t options, UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 55 Use UTS #46 instead via uidna_openUTS46() or class IDNA.
Global uidna_IDNToUnicode (const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength, UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity, int32_t options, UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 55 Use UTS #46 instead via uidna_openUTS46() or class IDNA.
Global uidna_toASCII (const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength, UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity, int32_t options, UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 55 Use UTS #46 instead via uidna_openUTS46() or class IDNA.
Global uidna_toUnicode (const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength, UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity, int32_t options, UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 55 Use UTS #46 instead via uidna_openUTS46() or class IDNA.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 2.8
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Global UMTX
ICU 52. This type is no longer supported.
Global UMtxAtomicFn (const void *context, int32_t *p)
ICU 52. This function is no longer supported.
Global UMtxFn (const void *context, UMTX *mutex)
ICU 52. This function is no longer supported.
Global UMtxInitFn (const void *context, UMTX *mutex, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 52. This function is no longer supported.
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
Global unorm_concatenate (const UChar *left, int32_t leftLength, const UChar *right, int32_t rightLength, UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity, UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
Global unorm_isNormalized (const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength, UNormalizationMode mode, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
Global unorm_isNormalizedWithOptions (const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength, UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
Global unorm_next (UCharIterator *src, UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity, UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options, UBool doNormalize, UBool *pNeededToNormalize, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
Global unorm_normalize (const UChar *source, int32_t sourceLength, UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options, UChar *result, int32_t resultLength, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
Global unorm_previous (UCharIterator *src, UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity, UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options, UBool doNormalize, UBool *pNeededToNormalize, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
Global unorm_quickCheck (const UChar *source, int32_t sourcelength, UNormalizationMode mode, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
Global unorm_quickCheckWithOptions (const UChar *src, int32_t srcLength, UNormalizationMode mode, int32_t options, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
Global UNormalizationMode
ICU 56 Use unorm2.h instead.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
, ICU 3.8
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Global ures_countArrayItems (const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle, const char *resourceKey, UErrorCode *err)
ICU 2.8 User ures_getSize instead
Global ures_getLocale (const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 2.8 Use ures_getLocaleByType instead.
Global ures_getVersionNumber (const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle)
ICU 2.8 Use ures_getVersion instead.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 53
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 Any case confusable mappings were removed from UTS 39; the corresponding ICU API was deprecated.
Global UTF16_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_APPEND_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_ARRAY_SIZE (size)
ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF16_BACK_1_SAFE (s, start, i)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_BACK_1_UNSAFE (s, i)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_BACK_N_SAFE (s, start, i, n)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_BACK_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_CHAR_LENGTH (c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_FWD_1_SAFE (s, i, length)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_FWD_1_UNSAFE (s, i)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_FWD_N_SAFE (s, i, length, n)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_FWD_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_GET_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, length, c, strict)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_GET_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF16_GET_PAIR_VALUE (first, second)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF16_IS_LEAD (uchar)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_IS_SINGLE (uchar)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_IS_TRAIL (uchar)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_LEAD (supplementary)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_NEXT_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c, strict)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_NEXT_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_PREV_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, c, strict)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_PREV_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_SAFE (s, start, i, length)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE (s, start, i)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF16_TRAIL (supplementary)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_APPEND_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_ARRAY_SIZE (size)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_BACK_1_SAFE (s, start, i)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_BACK_1_UNSAFE (s, i)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_BACK_N_SAFE (s, start, i, n)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_BACK_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_CHAR_LENGTH (c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_FWD_1_SAFE (s, i, length)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_FWD_1_UNSAFE (s, i)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_FWD_N_SAFE (s, i, length, n)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_FWD_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_GET_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, length, c, strict)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_GET_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_IS_LEAD (uchar)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_IS_SAFE (c, strict)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_IS_SINGLE (uchar)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_IS_TRAIL (uchar)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_NEXT_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c, strict)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_NEXT_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_PREV_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, c, strict)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_PREV_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_SAFE (s, i, length)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF32_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE (s, start, i)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_APPEND_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_ARRAY_SIZE (size)
ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF8_BACK_1_SAFE (s, start, i)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_BACK_1_UNSAFE (s, i)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_BACK_N_SAFE (s, start, i, n)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_BACK_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4. Use U8_LENGTH instead, see utf.h.
Global UTF8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES (leadByte)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4.

ICU 2.4.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF8_FWD_1_SAFE (s, i, length)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_FWD_1_UNSAFE (s, i)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_FWD_N_SAFE (s, i, length, n)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_FWD_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_GET_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, length, c, strict)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_GET_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_IS_LEAD (uchar)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_IS_SINGLE (uchar)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_IS_TRAIL (uchar)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE (leadByte, countTrailBytes)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE, see utf_old.h.
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_NEXT_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c, strict)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_NEXT_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_PREV_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, c, strict)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_PREV_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_SAFE (s, start, i, length)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF8_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE (s, start, i)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_APPEND_CHAR (s, i, length, c)
ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_ARRAY_SIZE (size)
ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_BACK_1 (s, start, i)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_BACK_1_SAFE (s, start, i)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_BACK_1_UNSAFE (s, i)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_BACK_N (s, start, i, n)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_BACK_N_SAFE (s, start, i, n)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_BACK_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.
ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_FIRST_SURROGATE (supplementary)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_FWD_1 (s, i, length)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_FWD_1_SAFE (s, i, length)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_FWD_1_UNSAFE (s, i)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_FWD_N (s, i, length, n)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_FWD_N_SAFE (s, i, length, n)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_FWD_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_GET_CHAR (s, start, i, length, c)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_GET_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, length, c, strict)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_GET_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_IS_ERROR (c)
ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_IS_LEAD (uchar)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_LEAD and U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_IS_SINGLE (uchar)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SINGLE and U16_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_IS_SURROGATE (uchar)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_IS_TRAIL (uchar)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_TRAIL and U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_UNICODE_CHAR, see utf_old.h.
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_UNICODE_NONCHAR, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_IS_VALID (c)
ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.
ICU 2.4. Use U16_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0xffff) instead.
Global UTF_NEXT_CHAR (s, i, length, c)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_NEXT_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c, strict)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_NEXT_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_PREV_CHAR (s, start, i, c)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_PREV_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, c, strict)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_PREV_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_SECOND_SURROGATE (supplementary)
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_SET_CHAR_LIMIT (s, start, i, length)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_SAFE (s, start, i, length)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4.
Global UTF_SET_CHAR_START (s, start, i)
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.
Global UTF_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE (s, start, i)
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4.
ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.
ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SURROGATE_OFFSET, see utf_old.h.
Global UTimeUnitFormatStyle

ICU 53 Use MeasureFormat and UMeasureFormatWidth instead.

ICU 53

ICU 53
ICU 53
ICU 53
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
Global utrans_getAvailableID (int32_t index, char *buf, int32_t bufCapacity)
ICU 2.8 Use utrans_openIDs() instead, see utrans.h
Global utrans_getID (const UTransliterator *trans, char *buf, int32_t bufCapacity)
ICU 2.8 Use utrans_getUnicodeID() instead, see utrans.h
Global utrans_open (const char *id, UTransDirection dir, const UChar *rules, int32_t rulesLength, UParseError *parseError, UErrorCode *status)
ICU 2.8 Use utrans_openU() instead, see utrans.h
Global utrans_unregister (const char *id)
ICU 2.8 Use utrans_unregisterID() instead, see utrans.h
ICU 59 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.