ICU Code Contributions Addendum

This page contains additional details about the contributions or the joint copyright assignment letters.


ICU 3.6 contribution of ICU4J conversion code (port from ICU4C): Niti Hantaweepant (the Adobe representative and signing contributor, see the softcopy of the Joint Copyright Assignment) stated in an email to Markus Scherer (IBM ICU team manager) on 2006-jan-16:


I confirm that Zartaj Majeed was employed by Adobe at the time of 
working on the contribution, and that therefore his contribution is 
covered by item number 4 of the Contributor Questionnaire.

To quote this question and my answer from the letter:

4) If you are employed by a university (or are a student thereof), 
corporation or other entity, please confirm that you have been given 
permission by the university, corporation or other entity to assign joint 
copyright rights to the Contribution, if applicable.

I confirm that I have been given permission by Adobe Systems Incorporated 
to assign joint copyright rights to the Contribution.

Best regards,


ICU 3.2 contribution: The hardcopy has the following changes compared to the softcopy: Red text changed to black; Contributor Questionnaire filled in exactly as in the previous Apple Joint Copyright Assignment.

ICU 3.4 contribution: The hardcopy has the following change compared to the softcopy: Contributor Questionnaire filled in exactly as in the first (above) Apple Joint Copyright Assignment.

DIT Bhutan

The joint copyright assignment letter does not contain line number counts: New files 747 lines total (87 TibetanLayoutEngine.cpp, 129 TibetanLayoutEngine.h, 380 TibetanReordering.cpp, 151 TibetanReordering.h); there were also 4 lines added to LayoutEngine.cpp, and 2 lines added to

Jonas Utterström

The hardcopy has the following change compared to the softcopy: Jonas added an answer to question 3 of the Contributor Questionnaire; he answered the question "Did you refer to any third party material or code when you wrote the Contribution?" with "No".

Robert Buck

The hardcopy has the following change compared to the softcopy: Robert sent the hardcopy as an "Individual Contributor" and with his home address, instead of The MathWorks. He signed it on February 25, 2006.