1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255
// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
// (online at: https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x/blob/main/LICENSE ).
//! 📚 *This module documents ICU4X constructor signatures.*
//! One of the key differences between ICU4X and its parent projects, ICU4C and ICU4J, is in how
//! it deals with locale data.
//! In ICU4X, data can always be explicitly passed to any function that requires data.
//! This enables ICU4X to achieve the following value propositions:
//! 1. Configurable data sources (machine-readable data file, baked into code, JSON, etc).
//! 2. Dynamic data loading at runtime (load data on demand).
//! 3. Reduced overhead and code size (data is resolved locally at each call site).
//! 4. Explicit support for multiple ICU4X instances sharing data.
//! However, as manual data management can be tedious, ICU4X also has a `compiled_data`
//! default Cargo feature that includes data and makes ICU4X work out-of-the box.
//! Subsequently, there are 4 versions of all Rust ICU4X functions that use data:
//! 1. `*`
//! 2. `*_unstable`
//! 3. `*_with_any_provider`
//! 4. `*_with_buffer_provider`
//! # Which constructor should I use?
//! ## When to use `*`
//! If you don't want to customize data at runtime (i.e. if you don't care about code size,
//! updating your data, etc.) you can use the `compiled_data` Cargo feature and don't have to think
//! about where your data comes from.
//! These constructors are sometimes `const` functions, this way Rust can most effectively optimize
//! your usage of ICU4X.
//! ## When to use `*_unstable`
//! Use this constructor if your data provider implements the [`DataProvider`] trait for all
//! data structs in *current and future* ICU4X versions. Examples:
//! 1. `BakedDataProvider` generated for the specific ICU4X minor version
//! 2. Anything with a _blanket_ [`DataProvider`] impl
//! Since the exact set of bounds may change at any time, including in minor SemVer releases,
//! it is the client's responsibility to guarantee that the requirement is upheld.
//! ## When to use `*_with_any_provider`
//! Use this constructor if you need to use a provider that implements [`AnyProvider`] but not
//! [`DataProvider`]. Examples:
//! 1. [`FixedProvider`]
//! 2. [`ForkByMarkerProvider`] between two providers implementing [`AnyProvider`]
//! 3. Providers that cache or override certain markers but not others and therefore
//! can't implement [`DataProvider`]
//! ## When to use `*_with_buffer_provider`
//! Use this constructor if your data originates as byte buffers that need to be deserialized.
//! All such providers should implement [`BufferProvider`]. Examples:
//! 1. [`BlobDataProvider`]
//! 2. [`FsDataProvider`]
//! 3. [`ForkByMarkerProvider`] between two providers implementing [`BufferProvider`]
//! Please note that you must enable the `serde` Cargo feature on each crate in which you use the
//! `*_with_buffer_provider` constructor.
//! # Data Versioning Policy
//! The `*_with_any_provider` and `*_with_buffer_provider` functions will succeed to compile and
//! run if given a data provider supporting all of the markers required for the object being
//! constructed, either the current or any previous version within the same SemVer major release.
//! For example, if a data file is built to support FooFormatter version 1.1, then FooFormatter
//! version 1.2 will be able to read the same data file. Likewise, backwards-compatible markers can
//! always be included by `icu_provider_export` to support older library versions.
//! The `*_unstable` functions are only guaranteed to work on data built for the exact same minor version
//! of ICU4X. The advantage of the `*_unstable` functions is that they result in the smallest code
//! size and allow for automatic data slicing when `BakedDataProvider` is used. However, the type
//! bounds of this function may change over time, breaking SemVer guarantees. These functions
//! should therefore only be used when you have full control over your data lifecycle at compile
//! time.
//! # Data Providers Over FFI
//! Over FFI, there is only one data provider type: [`ICU4XDataProvider`]. Internally, it is an
//! `enum` between`dyn `[`BufferProvider`] and a unit compiled data variant.
//! To control for code size, there are two Cargo features, `compiled_data` and `buffer_provider`,
//! that enable the corresponding items in the enum.
//! In Rust ICU4X, a similar enum approach was not taken because:
//! 1. Feature-gating the enum branches gets complex across crates.
//! 2. Without feature gating, users need to carry Serde code even if they're not using it,
//! violating one of the core value propositions of ICU4X.
//! 3. We could reduce the number of constructors from 4 to 2 but not to 1, so the educational
//! benefit is limited.
//! [`DataProvider`]: crate::DataProvider
//! [`BufferProvider`]: crate::buf::BufferProvider
//! [`AnyProvider`]: crate::any::AnyProvider
//! [`FixedProvider`]: ../../icu_provider_adapters/fixed/struct.FixedProvider.html
//! [`ForkByMarkerProvider`]: ../../icu_provider_adapters/fork/struct.ForkByMarkerProvider.html
//! [`BlobDataProvider`]: ../../icu_provider_blob/struct.BlobDataProvider.html
//! [`StaticDataProvider`]: ../../icu_provider_blob/struct.StaticDataProvider.html
//! [`FsDataProvider`]: ../../icu_provider_blob/struct.FsDataProvider.html
//! [`ICU4XDataProvider`]: ../../icu_capi/provider/ffi/struct.ICU4XDataProvider.html
#[doc(hidden)] // macro
macro_rules! gen_any_buffer_unstable_docs {
(ANY, $data:path) => {
"A version of [`", stringify!($data), "`] that uses custom data ",
"provided by an [`AnyProvider`](icu_provider::any::AnyProvider).\n\n",
"[📚 Help choosing a constructor](icu_provider::constructors)",
(BUFFER, $data:path) => {
"A version of [`", stringify!($data), "`] that uses custom data ",
"provided by a [`BufferProvider`](icu_provider::buf::BufferProvider).\n\n",
"✨ *Enabled with the `serde` feature.*\n\n",
"[📚 Help choosing a constructor](icu_provider::constructors)",
(UNSTABLE, $data:path) => {
"A version of [`", stringify!($data), "`] that uses custom data ",
"provided by a [`DataProvider`](icu_provider::DataProvider).\n\n",
"[📚 Help choosing a constructor](icu_provider::constructors)\n\n",
"<div class=\"stab unstable\">⚠️ The bounds on <tt>provider</tt> may change over time, including in SemVer minor releases.</div>"
/// Usage:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// gen_any_buffer_data_constructors!((locale, options: FooOptions) -> error: DataError,
/// /// Some docs
/// functions: [try_new, try_new_with_any_provider, try_new_with_buffer_provider, try_new_unstable]
/// );
/// ```
/// `functions` can be omitted if using standard names. If `locale` is omitted, the method will not take a locale. You can specify any number
/// of options arguments, including zero.
/// By default the macro will generate a `try_new`. If you wish to skip it, write `try_new: skip`
/// Errors can be specified as `error: SomeError` or `result: SomeType`, where `error` will get it wrapped in `Result<Self, SomeError>`.
#[allow(clippy::crate_in_macro_def)] // by convention each crate's data provider is `crate::provider::Baked`
#[doc(hidden)] // macro
macro_rules! gen_any_buffer_data_constructors {
// Allow people to omit the functions
(($($args:tt)*) -> $error_kind:ident: $error_ty:ty, $(#[$doc:meta])*) => {
($($args)*) -> $error_kind: $error_ty,
functions: [
// Allow people to specify errors instead of results
(($($args:tt)*) -> error: $error_ty:path, $(#[$doc:meta])* functions: [$baked:ident$(: $baked_cmd:ident)?, $any:ident, $buffer:ident, $unstable:ident $(, $struct:ident)? $(,)?]) => {
($($args)*) -> result: Result<Self, $error_ty>,
functions: [
$baked$(: $baked_cmd)?,
$(, $struct)?
// locale shorthand
((locale, $($args:tt)*) -> result: $result_ty:ty, $(#[$doc:meta])* functions: [$baked:ident$(: $baked_cmd:ident)?, $any:ident, $buffer:ident, $unstable:ident $(, $struct:ident)? $(,)?]) => {
(locale: &$crate::DataLocale, $($args)*) -> result: $result_ty,
functions: [
$baked$(: $baked_cmd)?,
$(, $struct)?
((locale) -> result: $result_ty:ty, $(#[$doc:meta])* functions: [$baked:ident$(: $baked_cmd:ident)?, $any:ident, $buffer:ident, $unstable:ident $(, $struct:ident)? $(,)?]) => {
(locale: &$crate::DataLocale) -> result: $result_ty,
functions: [
$baked$(: $baked_cmd)?,
$(, $struct)?
(($($options_arg:ident: $options_ty:ty),*) -> result: $result_ty:ty, $(#[$doc:meta])* functions: [$baked:ident, $any:ident, $buffer:ident, $unstable:ident $(, $struct:ident)? $(,)?]) => {
#[cfg(feature = "compiled_data")]
/// ✨ *Enabled with the `compiled_data` Cargo feature.*
/// [📚 Help choosing a constructor](icu_provider::constructors)
pub fn $baked($($options_arg: $options_ty),* ) -> $result_ty {
$($struct :: )? $unstable(&crate::provider::Baked $(, $options_arg)* )
($($options_arg: $options_ty),*) -> result: $result_ty,
functions: [
$baked: skip,
$(, $struct)?
(($($options_arg:ident: $options_ty:ty),*) -> result: $result_ty:ty, $(#[$doc:meta])* functions: [$baked:ident: skip, $any:ident, $buffer:ident, $unstable:ident $(, $struct:ident)? $(,)?]) => {
#[doc = $crate::gen_any_buffer_unstable_docs!(ANY, $($struct ::)? $baked)]
pub fn $any(provider: &(impl $crate::any::AnyProvider + ?Sized) $(, $options_arg: $options_ty)* ) -> $result_ty {
use $crate::any::AsDowncastingAnyProvider;
$($struct :: )? $unstable(&provider.as_downcasting() $(, $options_arg)* )
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
#[doc = $crate::gen_any_buffer_unstable_docs!(BUFFER, $($struct ::)? $baked)]
pub fn $buffer(provider: &(impl $crate::buf::BufferProvider + ?Sized) $(, $options_arg: $options_ty)* ) -> $result_ty {
use $crate::buf::AsDeserializingBufferProvider;
$($struct :: )? $unstable(&provider.as_deserializing() $(, $options_arg)* )