public abstract class BasicTimeZone extends TimeZone
with additional methods to access
time zone transitions and rules. All ICU TimeZone
concrete subclasses
extend this class. APIs added to java.util.TimeZone
are annotated with '[icu]'.TimeZoneRule
Serialized FormModifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
[icu] Options used by
getOffsetFromLocal(long, LocalOption, LocalOption, int[])
to specify how to interpret an input time when it does not exist, or when it is ambiguous,
around a time zone transition. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static int |
This API is ICU internal only.
protected static int |
This API is ICU internal only.
protected static int |
This API is ICU internal only.
protected static int |
This API is ICU internal only.
protected static int |
This API is ICU internal only.
protected static int |
This API is ICU internal only.
Modifier | Constructor and Description |
protected |
Protected no arg constructor.
protected |
BasicTimeZone(String ID)
This API is ICU internal only.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static int |
getLocalOptionValue(BasicTimeZone.LocalOption locOpt)
This API is ICU internal only.
abstract TimeZoneTransition |
getNextTransition(long base,
boolean inclusive)
[icu] Returns the first time zone transition after the base time
void |
getOffsetFromLocal(long date,
BasicTimeZone.LocalOption nonExistingTimeOpt,
BasicTimeZone.LocalOption duplicatedTimeOpt,
int[] offsets)
[icu] Returns time zone offsets from local wall time.
abstract TimeZoneTransition |
getPreviousTransition(long base,
boolean inclusive)
[icu] Returns the last time zone transition before the base time
TimeZoneRule[] |
getSimpleTimeZoneRulesNear(long date)
[icu] Returns the array of
TimeZoneRule which represents the rule of
this time zone object near the specified date. |
abstract TimeZoneRule[] |
[icu] Returns the array of
TimeZoneRule which represents the rule
of this time zone object. |
TimeZoneRule[] |
getTimeZoneRules(long start)
[icu] Returns the array of
TimeZoneRule which represents the rule
of this time zone object since the specified start time. |
boolean |
hasEquivalentTransitions(TimeZone tz,
long start,
long end)
[icu] Checks if the time zone has equivalent transitions in the time range.
boolean |
hasEquivalentTransitions(TimeZone tz,
long start,
long end,
boolean ignoreDstAmount)
[icu] Checks if the time zone has equivalent transitions in the time range.
clone, cloneAsThawed, countEquivalentIDs, equals, forLocaleOrDefault, forULocaleOrDefault, freeze, getAvailableIDs, getAvailableIDs, getAvailableIDs, getAvailableIDs, getCanonicalID, getCanonicalID, getDefault, getDefaultTimeZoneType, getDisplayName, getDisplayName, getDisplayName, getDisplayName, getDisplayName, getDisplayName, getDSTSavings, getEquivalentID, getFrozenTimeZone, getIanaID, getID, getIDForWindowsID, getOffset, getOffset, getOffset, getRawOffset, getRegion, getTimeZone, getTimeZone, getTZDataVersion, getWindowsID, hashCode, hasSameRules, inDaylightTime, isFrozen, observesDaylightTime, setDefault, setDefaultTimeZoneType, setICUDefault, setID, setRawOffset, useDaylightTime
@Deprecated protected static final int LOCAL_STD
@Deprecated protected static final int LOCAL_DST
@Deprecated protected static final int LOCAL_FORMER
@Deprecated protected static final int LOCAL_LATTER
@Deprecated protected static final int STD_DST_MASK
@Deprecated protected static final int FORMER_LATTER_MASK
protected BasicTimeZone()
@Deprecated protected BasicTimeZone(String ID)
- the time zone ID.public abstract TimeZoneTransition getNextTransition(long base, boolean inclusive)
Example code:
System.out.println("### Iterates time zone transitions in America/Los_Angeles starting 2005-01-01 and forward");
// A TimeZone instance created by getTimeZone with TIMEZONE_ICU is always a BasicTimeZone
BasicTimeZone btz = (BasicTimeZone)TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles", TimeZone.TIMEZONE_ICU);
// Date format for the wall time
SimpleDateFormat wallTimeFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z", ULocale.US);
long start = 1104537600000L; // 2005-01-01 0:00 UTC
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Up to 5 transitions
TimeZoneTransition trans = btz.getNextTransition(start, false /* not including start time */
// Display the transition time and offset information
long transTime = trans.getTime();
System.out.println(wallTimeFmt.format(new Date(transTime - 1)) + " -> " + wallTimeFmt.format(new Date(transTime)));
System.out.println(" - Before (Offset/Save): " + trans.getFrom().getRawOffset() + "/" + trans.getFrom().getDSTSavings());
System.out.println(" - After (Offset/Save): " + trans.getTo().getRawOffset() + "/" + trans.getTo().getDSTSavings());
// Update start time for next transition
start = transTime;
- The base time.inclusive
- Whether the base time is inclusive or not.Date
holding the first time zone transition time
after the given base time, or null if no time zone transitions
are available after the base time.public abstract TimeZoneTransition getPreviousTransition(long base, boolean inclusive)
Example code:
System.out.println("### Iterates time zone transitions in America/Los_Angeles starting 2010-01-01 and backward");
// A TimeZone instance created by getTimeZone with TIMEZONE_ICU is always a BasicTimeZone
BasicTimeZone btz = (BasicTimeZone)TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles", TimeZone.TIMEZONE_ICU);
// Date format for the wall time
SimpleDateFormat wallTimeFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z", ULocale.US);
long start = 1262304000000L; // 2010-01-01 0:00 UTC
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Up to 5 transitions
TimeZoneTransition trans = btz.getPreviousTransition(start, false /* not including start time */
// Display the transition time and offset information
long transTime = trans.getTime();
System.out.println(wallTimeFmt.format(new Date(transTime - 1)) + " -> " + wallTimeFmt.format(new Date(transTime)));
System.out.println(" - Before (Offset/Save): " + trans.getFrom().getRawOffset() + "/" + trans.getFrom().getDSTSavings());
System.out.println(" - After (Offset/Save): " + trans.getTo().getRawOffset() + "/" + trans.getTo().getDSTSavings());
// Update start time for next transition
start = transTime;
- The base time.inclusive
- Whether the base time is inclusive or not.Date
holding the last time zone transition time
before the given base time, or null if no time zone transitions
are available before the base time.public boolean hasEquivalentTransitions(TimeZone tz, long start, long end)
Example code:
System.out.println("### Compare America/New_York and America/Detroit since year 1970"); // A TimeZone instance created by getTimeZone with TIMEZONE_ICU is always a BasicTimeZone BasicTimeZone tzNewYork = (BasicTimeZone)TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/New_York", TimeZone.TIMEZONE_ICU); BasicTimeZone tzDetroit = (BasicTimeZone)TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Detroit", TimeZone.TIMEZONE_ICU); GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Etc/GMT")); // Compare these time zones every 10 years since year 1970 up to year 2009 for (int startYear = 1970; startYear <= 2000; startYear += 10) { long start, end; cal.set(startYear, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 0, 0, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); start = cal.getTimeInMillis(); // Set the end time to the end of startYear + 9 int endYear = startYear + 9; cal.set(endYear + 1, Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 0, 0, 0); end = cal.getTimeInMillis() - 1; // Check if these two zones have equivalent time zone transitions for the given time range boolean isEquivalent = tzNewYork.hasEquivalentTransitions(tzDetroit, start, end); System.out.println(startYear + "-" + endYear + ": " + isEquivalent); }
- The instance of TimeZone
- The start time of the evaluated time range (inclusive)end
- The end time of the evaluated time range (inclusive)BasicTimeZone
, this method
returns false.public boolean hasEquivalentTransitions(TimeZone tz, long start, long end, boolean ignoreDstAmount)
- The instance of TimeZone
- The start time of the evaluated time range (inclusive)end
- The end time of the evaluated time range (inclusive)ignoreDstAmount
- When true, any transitions with only daylight saving amount
changes will be ignored, except either of them is zero. For example, a transition
from rawoffset 3:00/dstsavings 1:00 to rawoffset 2:00/dstsavings 2:00 is excluded
from the comparison, but a transition from rawoffset 2:00/dstsavings 1:00 to
rawoffset 3:00/dstsavings 0:00 is included.BasicTimeZone
, this method
returns false.public abstract TimeZoneRule[] getTimeZoneRules()
which represents the rule
of this time zone object. The first element in the result array will
be the InitialTimeZoneRule
instance for the initial rule.
The rest will be either AnnualTimeZoneRule
instances representing transitions.TimeZoneRule
which represents this
time zone.public TimeZoneRule[] getTimeZoneRules(long start)
which represents the rule
of this time zone object since the specified start time. The first
element in the result array will be the InitialTimeZoneRule
instance for the initial rule. The rest will be either
or TimeArrayTimeZoneRule
instances representing transitions.
Example code:
System.out.println("### Extracts time zone rules used by America/Los_Angeles since year 2005"); // A TimeZone instance created by getTimeZone with TIMEZONE_ICU is always a BasicTimeZone BasicTimeZone btz = (BasicTimeZone)TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles", TimeZone.TIMEZONE_ICU); long since = 1104537600000L; // 2005-01-01 0:00 UTC TimeZoneRule[] rules = btz.getTimeZoneRules(since); System.out.println("Rule(initial): " + rules[0]); for (int i = 1; i < rules.length; i++) { System.out.println("Rule: " + rules[i]); }
- The start time (inclusive).TimeZoneRule
which represents this
time zone since the start time.public TimeZoneRule[] getSimpleTimeZoneRulesNear(long date)
which represents the rule of
this time zone object near the specified date. Some applications are not
capable to handle historic time zone rule changes. Also some applications
can only handle certain type of rule definitions. This method returns
either a single InitialTimeZoneRule
if this time zone does not
have any daylight saving time within 1 year from the specified time, or a
pair of AnnualTimeZoneRule
whose rule type is
for date and DateTimeRule.WALL_TIME
for time with a single InitialTimeZoneRule
representing the
initial time, when this time zone observes daylight saving time near the
specified date. Thus, the result may be only valid for dates around the
- The date to be used for TimeZoneRule
, either a single
object, or a pair of AnnualTimeZoneRule
with a single InitialTimeZoneRule
. The first element in the
array is always a InitialTimeZoneRule
.@Deprecated protected static int getLocalOptionValue(BasicTimeZone.LocalOption locOpt)
's internal flag value. This is used by ICU internal
implementation only.locOpt
- A LocalOptionpublic void getOffsetFromLocal(long date, BasicTimeZone.LocalOption nonExistingTimeOpt, BasicTimeZone.LocalOption duplicatedTimeOpt, int[] offsets)
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