17 #include "layout/LETypes.h"
19 #include "layout/loengine.h"
63 const le_int32 *limits,
152 U_CAPI const le_font * U_EXPORT2
196 const le_int32 *limits,
328 const le_int32 *limits,
417 U_CAPI const char * U_EXPORT2
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getLocaleRunLimit(const pl_localeRuns *localeRuns, le_int32 run)
Get the limit index for a particular font run.
U_CAPI void pl_closeValueRuns(pl_valueRuns *valueRuns)
Close the given pl_valueRuns object.
void pl_localeRuns
Opaque datatype representing an array of locale runs.
void pl_valueRuns
Opaque datatype representing an array of value runs.
U_CAPI void pl_closeLocaleRuns(pl_localeRuns *localeRuns)
Close the given pl_localeRuns object.
U_CAPI const char * pl_getLocaleRunLocale(const pl_localeRuns *localeRuns, le_int32 run)
Get the le_font object associated with the given run of text.
U_CAPI const le_font * pl_getFontRunFont(const pl_fontRuns *fontRuns, le_int32 run)
Get the le_font object associated with the given run of text.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getFontRunCount(const pl_fontRuns *fontRuns)
Get the number of font runs.
U_CAPI void pl_resetLocaleRuns(pl_localeRuns *localeRuns)
Reset the number of locale runs to zero.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_addValueRun(pl_valueRuns *valueRuns, le_int32 value, le_int32 limit)
Add a new font run to the given pl_valueRuns object.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_addFontRun(pl_fontRuns *fontRuns, const le_font *font, le_int32 limit)
Add a new font run to the given pl_fontRuns object.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getValueRunLimit(const pl_valueRuns *valueRuns, le_int32 run)
Get the limit index for a particular value run.
U_CAPI void pl_resetValueRuns(pl_valueRuns *valueRuns)
Reset the number of value runs to zero.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getLocaleRunCount(const pl_localeRuns *localeRuns)
Get the number of font runs.
void pl_fontRuns
Opaque datatype representing an array of font runs.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getFontRunLastLimit(const pl_fontRuns *fontRuns)
Get the limit index for the last font run.
U_CAPI pl_fontRuns * pl_openFontRuns(const le_font **fonts, const le_int32 *limits, le_int32 count)
Construct a pl_fontRuns object from pre-existing arrays of fonts and limit indices.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_addLocaleRun(pl_localeRuns *localeRuns, const char *locale, le_int32 limit)
Add a new run to the given pl_localeRuns object.
U_CAPI void pl_resetFontRuns(pl_fontRuns *fontRuns)
Reset the number of font runs to zero.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getValueRunLastLimit(const pl_valueRuns *valueRuns)
Get the limit index for the last value run.
U_CAPI pl_valueRuns * pl_openEmptyValueRuns(le_int32 initialCapacity)
Construct an empty pl_valueRuns object.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getValueRunValue(const pl_valueRuns *valueRuns, le_int32 run)
Get the value associated with the given run * of text.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getLocaleRunLastLimit(const pl_localeRuns *localeRuns)
Get the limit index for the last font run.
U_CAPI pl_localeRuns * pl_openEmptyLocaleRuns(le_int32 initialCapacity)
Construct an empty pl_localeRuns object.
U_CAPI pl_valueRuns * pl_openValueRuns(const le_int32 *values, const le_int32 *limits, le_int32 count)
Construct a pl_valueRuns object from pre-existing arrays of values and limit indices.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getFontRunLimit(const pl_fontRuns *fontRuns, le_int32 run)
Get the limit index for a particular font run.
U_CAPI void pl_closeFontRuns(pl_fontRuns *fontRuns)
Close the given pl_fontRuns object.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getValueRunCount(const pl_valueRuns *valueRuns)
Get the number of value runs.
U_CAPI pl_localeRuns * pl_openLocaleRuns(const char **locales, const le_int32 *limits, le_int32 count)
Construct a pl_localeRuns object from pre-existing arrays of fonts and limit indices.
U_CAPI pl_fontRuns * pl_openEmptyFontRuns(le_int32 initialCapacity)
Construct an empty pl_fontRuns object.
#define U_CAPI
This is used to declare a function as a public ICU C API.
Basic definitions for ICU, for both C and C++ APIs.