187 virtual char16_t last()
242 virtual char16_t next()
C++ API: Character Iterator.
Abstract class that defines an API for iteration on text objects.
Origin enumeration for the move() and move32() functions.
const char16_t * wrapper with implicit conversion from distinct but bit-compatible pointer types.
Abstract class that defines an API for forward-only iteration on text objects.
"Smart pointer" base class; do not use directly: use LocalPointer etc.
A concrete subclass of CharacterIterator that iterates over the characters (code units or code points...
virtual char16_t nextPostInc() override
Gets the current code unit for returning and advances to the next code unit in the iteration range (t...
virtual int32_t move(int32_t delta, EOrigin origin) override
Moves the current position relative to the start or end of the iteration range, or relative to the cu...
UCharCharacterIterator(ConstChar16Ptr textPtr, int32_t length, int32_t textBegin, int32_t textEnd, int32_t position)
Create an iterator over the char16_t array referred to by "textPtr".
UCharCharacterIterator(const UCharCharacterIterator &that)
Copy constructor.
virtual char16_t next() override
Advances to the next code unit in the iteration range (toward endIndex()), and returns that code unit...
void setText(ConstChar16Ptr newText, int32_t newTextLength)
Sets the iterator to iterate over a new range of text.
virtual UChar32 previous32() override
Advances to the previous code point in the iteration range (toward startIndex()), and returns that co...
virtual UChar32 setIndex32(int32_t position) override
Sets the iterator to refer to the beginning of the code point that contains the "position"-th code un...
virtual char16_t last() override
Sets the iterator to refer to the last code unit in its iteration range, and returns that code unit.
virtual UChar32 first32() override
Sets the iterator to refer to the first code point in its iteration range, and returns that code unit...
virtual UChar32 last32() override
Sets the iterator to refer to the last code point in its iteration range, and returns that code unit.
virtual char16_t first() override
Sets the iterator to refer to the first code unit in its iteration range, and returns that code unit.
virtual char16_t previous() override
Advances to the previous code unit in the iteration range (toward startIndex()), and returns that cod...
UCharCharacterIterator(ConstChar16Ptr textPtr, int32_t length, int32_t position)
Create an iterator over the char16_t array referred to by "textPtr".
virtual int32_t hashCode() const override
Generates a hash code for this iterator.
static UClassID getStaticClassID()
Return a class ID for this class (not really public)
virtual int32_t move32(int32_t delta, EOrigin origin) override
Moves the current position relative to the start or end of the iteration range, or relative to the cu...
virtual UChar32 next32() override
Advances to the next code point in the iteration range (toward endIndex()), and returns that code poi...
virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const override
Return a class ID for this object (not really public)
virtual bool operator==(const ForwardCharacterIterator &that) const override
Returns true if the iterators iterate over the same range of the same string and are pointing at the ...
virtual void getText(UnicodeString &result) override
Copies the char16_t array under iteration into the UnicodeString referred to by "result".
virtual char16_t firstPostInc() override
Sets the iterator to refer to the first code unit in its iteration range, returns that code unit,...
UCharCharacterIterator & operator=(const UCharCharacterIterator &that)
Assignment operator.
virtual UChar32 current32() const override
Returns the code point the iterator currently refers to.
virtual ~UCharCharacterIterator()
virtual char16_t current() const override
Returns the code unit the iterator currently refers to.
virtual UCharCharacterIterator * clone() const override
Returns a new UCharCharacterIterator referring to the same character in the same range of the same st...
virtual UBool hasPrevious() override
Returns false if there are no more code units or code points before the current position in the itera...
virtual UChar32 first32PostInc() override
Sets the iterator to refer to the first code point in its iteration range, returns that code point,...
UCharCharacterIterator(ConstChar16Ptr textPtr, int32_t length)
Create an iterator over the char16_t array referred to by "textPtr".
virtual UChar32 next32PostInc() override
Gets the current code point for returning and advances to the next code point in the iteration range ...
const char16_t * text
Protected member text.
Protected constructor.
virtual UBool hasNext() override
Returns false if there are no more code units or code points at or after the current position in the ...
virtual char16_t setIndex(int32_t position) override
Sets the iterator to refer to the "position"-th code unit in the text-storage object the iterator ref...
UnicodeString is a string class that stores Unicode characters directly and provides similar function...
int32_t UChar32
Define UChar32 as a type for single Unicode code points.
int8_t UBool
The ICU boolean type, a signed-byte integer.
void * UClassID
UClassID is used to identify classes without using the compiler's RTTI.
Basic definitions for ICU, for both C and C++ APIs.
#define U_COMMON_API
Set to export library symbols from inside the common library, and to import them from outside.