pub struct FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet = CompositeDateTimeFieldSet>where
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,{ /* private fields */ }
Expand description
A low-level type that formats datetime patterns with localized names. The calendar should be chosen at compile time.
📏 This item has a stack size of 312 bytes on the stable toolchain at release date.
Type parameters:
- The calendar chosen at compile time for additional type safety
- A components object type containing the fields that might be formatted
By default, the components object is set to CompositeDateTimeFieldSet
meaning that dates and times, but not time zones, are supported. A smaller
components object results in smaller stack size.
To support all fields including time zones, use CompositeFieldSet
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::input::Date;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::datetime::pattern::DateTimePattern;
use icu::datetime::pattern::MonthNameLength;
use icu::datetime::pattern::WeekdayNameLength;
use icu::datetime::pattern::DayPeriodNameLength;
use icu::locale::locale;
use icu::datetime::input::{DateTime, Time};
use writeable::assert_try_writeable_eq;
// Create an instance that can format abbreviated month, weekday, and day period names:
let mut names: FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<Gregorian> =
// Create a pattern from a pattern string (note: K is the hour with h11 hour cycle):
let pattern_str = "E MMM d y -- K:mm a";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
// Test it:
let datetime = DateTime { date: Date::try_new_gregorian(2023, 11, 20).unwrap(), time: Time::try_new(12, 35, 3, 0).unwrap() };
assert_try_writeable_eq!(names.with_pattern_unchecked(&pattern).format(&datetime), "пн лист. 20 2023 -- 0:35 пп");
If the correct data is not loaded, and error will occur:
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::input::Date;
use icu::datetime::DateTimeWriteError;
use icu::datetime::parts;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::datetime::pattern::{DateTimePattern, PatternLoadError};
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::enums::CompositeFieldSet;
use icu::locale::locale;
use icu::time::zone::{IanaParser, VariantOffsetsCalculator};
use icu::datetime::input::{Time, TimeZoneInfo, ZonedDateTime};
use icu_provider_adapters::empty::EmptyDataProvider;
use writeable::{Part, assert_try_writeable_parts_eq};
// Unstable API used only for error construction below
use icu::datetime::provider::fields::{Field, FieldLength, FieldSymbol, Weekday};
// Create an instance that can format all fields (CompositeFieldSet):
let mut names: FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<Gregorian, CompositeFieldSet> =
// Create a pattern from a pattern string:
let pattern_str = "'It is:' E MMM d y G 'at' h:mm:ssSSS a zzzz";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
// The pattern string contains lots of symbols including "E", "MMM", and "a",
// but we did not load any data!
let mut dtz = ZonedDateTime::try_from_str("2023-11-20T11:35:03+00:00[Europe/London]", Gregorian, IanaParser::new(), VariantOffsetsCalculator::new()).unwrap();
// Missing data is filled in on a best-effort basis, and an error is signaled.
"It is: mon M11 20 2023 CE at 11:35:03.000 AM +0000",
Err(DateTimeWriteError::NamesNotLoaded(Field { symbol: FieldSymbol::Weekday(Weekday::Format), length: FieldLength::One }.into())),
(7, 10, Part::ERROR), // mon
(7, 10, parts::WEEKDAY), // mon
(11, 14, Part::ERROR), // M11
(11, 14, parts::MONTH), // M11
(15, 17, icu::decimal::parts::INTEGER), // 20
(15, 17, parts::DAY), // 20
(18, 22, icu::decimal::parts::INTEGER), // 2023
(18, 22, parts::YEAR), // 2023
(23, 25, Part::ERROR), // CE
(23, 25, parts::ERA), // CE
(29, 31, icu::decimal::parts::INTEGER), // 11
(29, 31, parts::HOUR), // 11
(32, 34, icu::decimal::parts::INTEGER), // 35
(32, 34, parts::MINUTE), // 35
(35, 41, parts::SECOND), // 03.000
(35, 37, icu::decimal::parts::INTEGER), // 03
(37, 38, icu::decimal::parts::DECIMAL), // .
(38, 41, icu::decimal::parts::FRACTION), // 000
(42, 44, Part::ERROR), // AM
(42, 44, parts::DAY_PERIOD), // AM
(45, 50, Part::ERROR), // +0000
(45, 50, parts::TIME_ZONE_NAME), // +0000
// To make the error occur sooner, one can use an EmptyDataProvider:
let empty = EmptyDataProvider::new();
names.load_for_pattern(&empty, &pattern),
Err(PatternLoadError::Data(_, _)),
If the pattern contains fields inconsistent with the receiver, an error will occur:
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::DateTimeWriteError;
use icu::datetime::parts;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::datetime::pattern::DateTimePattern;
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::zone::LocalizedOffsetLong;
use icu::locale::locale;
use icu::datetime::input::{DateTime, TimeZoneInfo};
use writeable::{Part, assert_try_writeable_parts_eq};
// Create an instance that can format abbreviated month, weekday, and day period names:
let mut names: FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<Gregorian, LocalizedOffsetLong> =
// Create a pattern from a pattern string:
let pattern_str = "'It is:' E MMM d y G 'at' h:mm:ssSSS a zzzz";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
// The pattern string contains lots of symbols including "E", "MMM", and "a",
// but the `FixedCalendarDateTimeNames` is configured to format only time zones!
// Further, the time zone we provide doesn't contain any offset into!
// Missing data is filled in on a best-effort basis, and an error is signaled.
"It is: {E} {M} {d} {y} {G} at {h}:{m}:{s} {a} {z}",
(7, 10, Part::ERROR), // {E}
(7, 10, parts::WEEKDAY), // {E}
(11, 14, Part::ERROR), // {M}
(11, 14, parts::MONTH), // {M}
(15, 18, Part::ERROR), // {d}
(15, 18, parts::DAY), // {d}
(19, 22, Part::ERROR), // {y}
(19, 22, parts::YEAR), // {y}
(23, 26, Part::ERROR), // {G}
(23, 26, parts::ERA), // {G}
(30, 33, Part::ERROR), // {h}
(30, 33, parts::HOUR), // {h}
(34, 37, Part::ERROR), // {m}
(34, 37, parts::MINUTE), // {m}
(38, 41, Part::ERROR), // {s}
(38, 41, parts::SECOND), // {s}
(42, 45, Part::ERROR), // {a}
(42, 45, parts::DAY_PERIOD), // {a}
(46, 49, Part::ERROR), // {z}
(46, 49, parts::TIME_ZONE_NAME), // {z}
When loading data for time zones, currently only one type can be loaded; see:
use icu::datetime::input::Date;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::enums::ZoneFieldSet;
use icu::locale::locale;
use icu::datetime::input::{DateTime, Time};
use writeable::assert_try_writeable_eq;
// Create an instance that can format abbreviated month, weekday, and day period names:
let mut names: FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<(), ZoneFieldSet> =
// Load the names for generic short:
// The same functions can be called a second time (nothing will happen):
// But loading names for a different zone style does not currently work:
Source§impl<C, FSet> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
impl<C, FSet> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
Sourcepub fn try_new(
prefs: DateTimeFormatterPreferences,
) -> Result<FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, DataError>
pub fn try_new( prefs: DateTimeFormatterPreferences, ) -> Result<FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, DataError>
Constructor that takes a selected locale and creates an empty instance.
For an example, see FixedCalendarDateTimeNames
✨ Enabled with the compiled_data
Cargo feature.
Sourcepub fn try_new_unstable<P>(
provider: &P,
prefs: DateTimeFormatterPreferences,
) -> Result<FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, DataError>
pub fn try_new_unstable<P>( provider: &P, prefs: DateTimeFormatterPreferences, ) -> Result<FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, DataError>
A version of Self::try_new
that uses custom data provided by a DataProvider
Sourcepub fn try_new_with_buffer_provider(
provider: &(impl BufferProvider + ?Sized),
prefs: DateTimeFormatterPreferences,
) -> Result<FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, DataError>
pub fn try_new_with_buffer_provider( provider: &(impl BufferProvider + ?Sized), prefs: DateTimeFormatterPreferences, ) -> Result<FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, DataError>
A version of [Self :: try_new
] that uses custom data provided by a BufferProvider
✨ Enabled with the serde
Sourcepub fn new_without_number_formatting(
prefs: DateTimeFormatterPreferences,
) -> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>
pub fn new_without_number_formatting( prefs: DateTimeFormatterPreferences, ) -> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>
Creates a completely empty instance, not even with number formatting.
Errors occur if a number formatter is not loaded but one is required:
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::input::Date;
use icu::datetime::parts;
use icu::datetime::DateTimeWriteError;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::datetime::pattern::DateTimePattern;
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::enums::DateFieldSet;
use icu::locale::locale;
use writeable::{Part, assert_try_writeable_parts_eq};
// Create an instance that can format only date fields:
let names: FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<Gregorian, DateFieldSet> =
// Create a pattern from a pattern string:
let pattern_str = "'It is:' y-MM-dd";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
// The pattern string contains lots of numeric symbols,
// but we did not load any data!
let date = Date::try_new_gregorian(2024, 7, 1).unwrap();
// Missing data is filled in on a best-effort basis, and an error is signaled.
// (note that the padding is ignored in this fallback mode)
"It is: 2024-07-01",
(7, 11, Part::ERROR), // 2024
(7, 11, parts::YEAR), // 2024
(12, 14, Part::ERROR), // 07
(12, 14, parts::MONTH), // 07
(15, 17, Part::ERROR), // 01
(15, 17, parts::DAY), // 01
Source§impl<C, FSet> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
C: CldrCalendar,
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
impl<C, FSet> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
C: CldrCalendar,
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
Sourcepub fn from_formatter(
prefs: DateTimeFormatterPreferences,
formatter: FixedCalendarDateTimeFormatter<C, FSet>,
) -> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>
pub fn from_formatter( prefs: DateTimeFormatterPreferences, formatter: FixedCalendarDateTimeFormatter<C, FSet>, ) -> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>
Creates an instance with the names loaded in a FixedCalendarDateTimeFormatter
This function requires passing in the DateTimeFormatterPreferences
because it is not
retained in the formatter. Pass the same value or else unexpected behavior may occur.
use icu::datetime::input::Date;
use icu::datetime::input::{DateTime, Time};
use icu::datetime::FixedCalendarDateTimeFormatter;
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::{YMD, YMDT};
use icu::datetime::pattern::{FixedCalendarDateTimeNames, DayPeriodNameLength};
use icu::locale::locale;
use writeable::assert_writeable_eq;
let prefs = locale!("es-MX").into();
let formatter =
formatter.format(&Date::try_new_gregorian(2025, 2, 13).unwrap()),
"13 de febrero de 2025"
// Change the YMD formatter to a YMDT formatter, after loading day period names.
// This assumes that the locale uses Abbreviated names for the given semantic skeleton!
let mut names = FixedCalendarDateTimeNames::from_formatter(prefs, formatter).cast_into_fset::<YMDT>();
let formatter = names.try_into_formatter(YMDT::long().hm()).unwrap();
formatter.format(&DateTime {
date: Date::try_new_gregorian(2025, 2, 13).unwrap(),
time: Time::midnight(),
"13 de febrero de 2025, 12:00 a.m."
Source§impl<C, FSet> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
C: CldrCalendar,
FSet: DateTimeMarkers + GetField<CompositeFieldSet>,
<FSet as DateTimeMarkers>::D: TypedDateDataMarkers<C>,
<FSet as DateTimeMarkers>::T: TimeMarkers,
<FSet as DateTimeMarkers>::Z: ZoneMarkers,
impl<C, FSet> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
C: CldrCalendar,
FSet: DateTimeMarkers + GetField<CompositeFieldSet>,
<FSet as DateTimeMarkers>::D: TypedDateDataMarkers<C>,
<FSet as DateTimeMarkers>::T: TimeMarkers,
<FSet as DateTimeMarkers>::Z: ZoneMarkers,
Sourcepub fn try_into_formatter(
field_set: FSet,
) -> Result<FixedCalendarDateTimeFormatter<C, FSet>, (DateTimeFormatterLoadError, FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>)>where
Baked: AllFixedCalendarPatternDataMarkers<C, FSet>,
pub fn try_into_formatter(
field_set: FSet,
) -> Result<FixedCalendarDateTimeFormatter<C, FSet>, (DateTimeFormatterLoadError, FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>)>where
Baked: AllFixedCalendarPatternDataMarkers<C, FSet>,
Loads a pattern for the given field set and returns a FixedCalendarDateTimeFormatter
The names in the current FixedCalendarDateTimeNames
must be sufficient for the field set.
If not, the input object will be returned with an error.
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::T;
use icu::datetime::input::Time;
use icu::datetime::pattern::{
DayPeriodNameLength, FixedCalendarDateTimeNames,
use icu::locale::locale;
use writeable::assert_writeable_eq;
let names =
FixedCalendarDateTimeNames::<(), _>::new_without_number_formatting(
let field_set = T::long().hm();
// Cannot convert yet: no names are loaded
let mut names = names.try_into_formatter(field_set).unwrap_err().1;
// Load the data we need:
// Now the conversion is successful:
let formatter = names.try_into_formatter(field_set).unwrap();
assert_writeable_eq!(formatter.format(&Time::midnight()), "12:00 a.m.");
Sourcepub fn try_into_formatter_unstable<P>(
provider: &P,
field_set: FSet,
) -> Result<FixedCalendarDateTimeFormatter<C, FSet>, (DateTimeFormatterLoadError, FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>)>where
P: AllFixedCalendarPatternDataMarkers<C, FSet> + ?Sized,
pub fn try_into_formatter_unstable<P>(
provider: &P,
field_set: FSet,
) -> Result<FixedCalendarDateTimeFormatter<C, FSet>, (DateTimeFormatterLoadError, FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>)>where
P: AllFixedCalendarPatternDataMarkers<C, FSet> + ?Sized,
A version of Self::try_into_formatter
that uses custom data provided by a DataProvider
Sourcepub fn try_into_formatter_with_buffer_provider<P>(
provider: &P,
field_set: FSet,
) -> Result<FixedCalendarDateTimeFormatter<C, FSet>, (DateTimeFormatterLoadError, FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>)>where
P: BufferProvider + ?Sized,
pub fn try_into_formatter_with_buffer_provider<P>(
provider: &P,
field_set: FSet,
) -> Result<FixedCalendarDateTimeFormatter<C, FSet>, (DateTimeFormatterLoadError, FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>)>where
P: BufferProvider + ?Sized,
A version of Self::try_into_formatter
that uses custom data provided by a BufferProvider
✨ Enabled with the serde
Source§impl<C, FSet> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
C: CldrCalendar,
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
impl<C, FSet> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
C: CldrCalendar,
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
Sourcepub fn load_year_names<P>(
&mut self,
provider: &P,
length: YearNameLength,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn load_year_names<P>( &mut self, provider: &P, length: YearNameLength, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Loads year (era or cycle) names for the specified length.
Does not support multiple field symbols or lengths. See #4337
Sourcepub fn include_year_names(
&mut self,
length: YearNameLength,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn include_year_names( &mut self, length: YearNameLength, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Includes year (era or cycle) names for the specified length.
Does not support multiple field symbols or lengths. See #4337
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::datetime::pattern::PatternLoadError;
use icu::datetime::pattern::YearNameLength;
use icu::locale::locale;
let mut names =
// First length is successful:
// Attempting to load the first length a second time will succeed:
// But loading a new length fails:
Sourcepub fn load_month_names<P>(
&mut self,
provider: &P,
length: MonthNameLength,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn load_month_names<P>( &mut self, provider: &P, length: MonthNameLength, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Loads month names for the specified symbol and length.
Does not support multiple field symbols or lengths. See #4337
Sourcepub fn include_month_names(
&mut self,
length: MonthNameLength,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn include_month_names( &mut self, length: MonthNameLength, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Includes month names for the specified symbol and length.
Does not support multiple field symbols or lengths. See #4337
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::datetime::pattern::MonthNameLength;
use icu::datetime::pattern::PatternLoadError;
use icu::locale::locale;
let mut names =
// First length is successful:
// Attempting to load the first length a second time will succeed:
// But loading a new symbol or length fails:
Source§impl<C, FSet> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
impl<C, FSet> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
Sourcepub fn load_day_period_names<P>(
&mut self,
provider: &P,
length: DayPeriodNameLength,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn load_day_period_names<P>( &mut self, provider: &P, length: DayPeriodNameLength, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Loads day period names for the specified length.
Does not support multiple field symbols or lengths. See #4337
Sourcepub fn include_day_period_names(
&mut self,
length: DayPeriodNameLength,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn include_day_period_names( &mut self, length: DayPeriodNameLength, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Includes day period names for the specified length.
Does not support multiple field symbols or lengths. See #4337
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::pattern::DayPeriodNameLength;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::datetime::pattern::PatternLoadError;
use icu::locale::locale;
let mut names =
// First length is successful:
// Attempting to load the first length a second time will succeed:
// But loading a new length fails:
Sourcepub fn load_weekday_names<P>(
&mut self,
provider: &P,
length: WeekdayNameLength,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn load_weekday_names<P>( &mut self, provider: &P, length: WeekdayNameLength, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Loads weekday names for the specified symbol and length.
Does not support multiple field symbols or lengths. See #4337
Sourcepub fn include_weekday_names(
&mut self,
length: WeekdayNameLength,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn include_weekday_names( &mut self, length: WeekdayNameLength, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Includes weekday names for the specified symbol and length.
Does not support multiple field symbols or lengths. See #4337
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::datetime::pattern::PatternLoadError;
use icu::datetime::pattern::WeekdayNameLength;
use icu::locale::locale;
let mut names =
// First length is successful:
// Attempting to load the first length a second time will succeed:
// But loading a new symbol or length fails:
Sourcepub fn load_time_zone_essentials<P>(
&mut self,
provider: &P,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn load_time_zone_essentials<P>( &mut self, provider: &P, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Loads shared essential patterns for time zone formatting.
Sourcepub fn include_time_zone_essentials(
&mut self,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn include_time_zone_essentials( &mut self, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Includes shared essential patterns for time zone formatting.
This data should always be loaded when performing time zone formatting. By itself, it allows localized offset formats.
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::enums::ZoneFieldSet;
use icu::datetime::input::ZonedDateTime;
use icu::datetime::pattern::DateTimePattern;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::locale::locale;
use icu::time::zone::{IanaParser, VariantOffsetsCalculator};
use writeable::assert_try_writeable_eq;
let mut zone_london_winter = ZonedDateTime::try_from_str(
let mut zone_london_summer = ZonedDateTime::try_from_str(
let mut names =
FixedCalendarDateTimeNames::<Gregorian, ZoneFieldSet>::try_new(
// Create a pattern with symbol `OOOO`:
let pattern_str = "'Your time zone is:' OOOO";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
"Your time zone is: GMT+00:00",
"Your time zone is: GMT+01:00",
// Now try `V`:
let pattern_str = "'Your time zone is:' V";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
"Your time zone is: gblon",
// Now try `Z`:
let pattern_str = "'Your time zone is:' Z";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
"Your time zone is: +0000",
// Now try `ZZZZZ`:
let pattern_str = "'Your time zone is:' ZZZZZ";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
"Your time zone is: Z",
"Your time zone is: +01:00",
Sourcepub fn load_time_zone_location_names<P>(
&mut self,
provider: &P,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn load_time_zone_location_names<P>( &mut self, provider: &P, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Loads location names for time zone formatting.
Sourcepub fn include_time_zone_location_names(
&mut self,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn include_time_zone_location_names( &mut self, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Includes location names for time zone formatting.
Important: When performing manual time zone data loading, in addition to the specific time zone format data, also call either:
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::enums::ZoneFieldSet;
use icu::datetime::input::ZonedDateTime;
use icu::datetime::pattern::DateTimePattern;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::locale::locale;
use icu::time::zone::{IanaParser, VariantOffsetsCalculator};
use writeable::assert_try_writeable_eq;
let mut zone_london_winter = ZonedDateTime::try_from_str(
let mut names =
FixedCalendarDateTimeNames::<Gregorian, ZoneFieldSet>::try_new(
// Try `VVVV`:
let pattern_str = "'Your time zone is:' VVVV";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
"Your time zone is: UK Time",
Sourcepub fn load_time_zone_exemplar_city_names<P>(
&mut self,
provider: &P,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn load_time_zone_exemplar_city_names<P>( &mut self, provider: &P, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Loads exemplar city names for time zone formatting.
Sourcepub fn include_time_zone_exemplar_city_names(
&mut self,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn include_time_zone_exemplar_city_names( &mut self, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Includes exemplar city names for time zone formatting.
Important: The VVV
format requires location data in addition to exemplar
city data. Also call either:
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::enums::ZoneFieldSet;
use icu::datetime::input::ZonedDateTime;
use icu::datetime::pattern::DateTimePattern;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::locale::locale;
use icu::time::zone::{IanaParser, VariantOffsetsCalculator};
use writeable::assert_try_writeable_eq;
let mut zone_london_winter = ZonedDateTime::try_from_str(
let mut names =
FixedCalendarDateTimeNames::<Gregorian, ZoneFieldSet>::try_new(
// Try `VVVV`:
let pattern_str = "'Your time zone is:' VVV";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
"Your time zone is: London",
Sourcepub fn load_time_zone_generic_long_names<P>(
&mut self,
provider: &P,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn load_time_zone_generic_long_names<P>( &mut self, provider: &P, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Loads generic non-location long time zone names.
Sourcepub fn include_time_zone_generic_long_names(
&mut self,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn include_time_zone_generic_long_names( &mut self, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Includes generic non-location long time zone names.
Important: When performing manual time zone data loading, in addition to the specific time zone format data, also call either:
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::enums::ZoneFieldSet;
use icu::datetime::input::ZonedDateTime;
use icu::datetime::pattern::DateTimePattern;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::locale::locale;
use icu::time::zone::{IanaParser, VariantOffsetsCalculator};
use writeable::assert_try_writeable_eq;
let mut zone_london_winter = ZonedDateTime::try_from_str(
let mut zone_london_summer = ZonedDateTime::try_from_str(
let mut names =
FixedCalendarDateTimeNames::<Gregorian, ZoneFieldSet>::try_new(
// Create a pattern with symbol `vvvv`:
let pattern_str = "'Your time zone is:' vvvv";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
"Your time zone is: Greenwich Mean Time",
"Your time zone is: Greenwich Mean Time", // TODO
Sourcepub fn load_time_zone_generic_short_names<P>(
&mut self,
provider: &P,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn load_time_zone_generic_short_names<P>( &mut self, provider: &P, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Loads generic non-location short time zone names.
Sourcepub fn include_time_zone_generic_short_names(
&mut self,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn include_time_zone_generic_short_names( &mut self, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Includes generic non-location short time zone names.
Important: When performing manual time zone data loading, in addition to the specific time zone format data, also call either:
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::enums::ZoneFieldSet;
use icu::datetime::input::ZonedDateTime;
use icu::datetime::pattern::DateTimePattern;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::locale::locale;
use icu::time::zone::{IanaParser, VariantOffsetsCalculator};
use writeable::assert_try_writeable_eq;
let mut zone_london_winter = ZonedDateTime::try_from_str(
let mut zone_london_summer = ZonedDateTime::try_from_str(
let mut names =
FixedCalendarDateTimeNames::<Gregorian, ZoneFieldSet>::try_new(
// Create a pattern with symbol `v`:
let pattern_str = "'Your time zone is:' v";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
"Your time zone is: GMT",
"Your time zone is: GMT", // TODO
Sourcepub fn load_time_zone_specific_long_names<P>(
&mut self,
provider: &P,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn load_time_zone_specific_long_names<P>( &mut self, provider: &P, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Loads specific non-location long time zone names.
Sourcepub fn include_time_zone_specific_long_names(
&mut self,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn include_time_zone_specific_long_names( &mut self, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Includes specific non-location long time zone names.
Important: When performing manual time zone data loading, in addition to the specific time zone format data, also call either:
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::enums::ZoneFieldSet;
use icu::datetime::input::ZonedDateTime;
use icu::datetime::pattern::DateTimePattern;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::locale::locale;
use icu::time::zone::{IanaParser, VariantOffsetsCalculator};
use writeable::assert_try_writeable_eq;
let mut zone_london_winter = ZonedDateTime::try_from_str(
let mut zone_london_summer = ZonedDateTime::try_from_str(
let mut names =
FixedCalendarDateTimeNames::<Gregorian, ZoneFieldSet>::try_new(
// Create a pattern with symbol `zzzz`:
let pattern_str = "'Your time zone is:' zzzz";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
"Your time zone is: Greenwich Mean Time",
"Your time zone is: British Summer Time",
Sourcepub fn load_time_zone_specific_short_names<P>(
&mut self,
provider: &P,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn load_time_zone_specific_short_names<P>( &mut self, provider: &P, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Loads specific non-location short time zone names.
Sourcepub fn include_time_zone_specific_short_names(
&mut self,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
pub fn include_time_zone_specific_short_names( &mut self, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>
Includes specific non-location short time zone names.
Important: When performing manual time zone data loading, in addition to the specific time zone format data, also call either:
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::enums::ZoneFieldSet;
use icu::datetime::input::ZonedDateTime;
use icu::datetime::pattern::DateTimePattern;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::locale::locale;
use icu::time::zone::{IanaParser, VariantOffsetsCalculator};
use writeable::assert_try_writeable_eq;
let mut zone_london_winter = ZonedDateTime::try_from_str(
let mut zone_london_summer = ZonedDateTime::try_from_str(
let mut names =
FixedCalendarDateTimeNames::<Gregorian, ZoneFieldSet>::try_new(
// Create a pattern with symbol `z`:
let pattern_str = "'Your time zone is:' z";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
"Your time zone is: GMT",
"Your time zone is: BST",
Sourcepub fn load_decimal_formatter<P>(
&mut self,
provider: &P,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, DataError>
pub fn load_decimal_formatter<P>( &mut self, provider: &P, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, DataError>
Loads a DecimalFormatter
from a data provider.
Sourcepub fn include_decimal_formatter(
&mut self,
) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, DataError>
pub fn include_decimal_formatter( &mut self, ) -> Result<&mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>, DataError>
Loads a DecimalFormatter
with compiled data.
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::enums::TimeFieldSet;
use icu::datetime::input::Time;
use icu::datetime::pattern::DateTimePattern;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::locale::locale;
use writeable::assert_try_writeable_eq;
let mut names = FixedCalendarDateTimeNames::<(), TimeFieldSet>::try_new(
// Create a pattern for the time, which is all numbers
let pattern_str = "'The current 24-hour time is:' HH:mm";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
let time = Time::try_new(6, 40, 33, 0).unwrap();
"The current 24-hour time is: ০৬:৪০",
Source§impl<C, FSet> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
C: CldrCalendar,
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
impl<C, FSet> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
C: CldrCalendar,
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
Sourcepub fn with_pattern_unchecked<'l>(
&'l self,
pattern: &'l DateTimePattern,
) -> DateTimePatternFormatter<'l, C, FSet>
pub fn with_pattern_unchecked<'l>( &'l self, pattern: &'l DateTimePattern, ) -> DateTimePatternFormatter<'l, C, FSet>
Associates this FixedCalendarDateTimeNames
with a pattern
without checking that all necessary data is loaded.
Sourcepub fn load_for_pattern<'l, P>(
&'l mut self,
provider: &P,
pattern: &'l DateTimePattern,
) -> Result<DateTimePatternFormatter<'l, C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>where
P: DataProvider<<C as CldrCalendar>::YearNamesV1> + DataProvider<<C as CldrCalendar>::MonthNamesV1> + DataProvider<WeekdayNamesV1> + DataProvider<DayPeriodNamesV1> + DataProvider<TimeZoneEssentialsV1> + DataProvider<LocationsV1> + DataProvider<LocationsRootV1> + DataProvider<ExemplarCitiesV1> + DataProvider<ExemplarCitiesRootV1> + DataProvider<MetazoneGenericNamesLongV1> + DataProvider<MetazoneGenericNamesShortV1> + DataProvider<MetazoneStandardNamesLongV1> + DataProvider<MetazoneSpecificNamesLongV1> + DataProvider<MetazoneSpecificNamesShortV1> + DataProvider<MetazonePeriodV1> + DataProvider<DecimalSymbolsV1> + DataProvider<DecimalDigitsV1> + ?Sized,
pub fn load_for_pattern<'l, P>(
&'l mut self,
provider: &P,
pattern: &'l DateTimePattern,
) -> Result<DateTimePatternFormatter<'l, C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>where
P: DataProvider<<C as CldrCalendar>::YearNamesV1> + DataProvider<<C as CldrCalendar>::MonthNamesV1> + DataProvider<WeekdayNamesV1> + DataProvider<DayPeriodNamesV1> + DataProvider<TimeZoneEssentialsV1> + DataProvider<LocationsV1> + DataProvider<LocationsRootV1> + DataProvider<ExemplarCitiesV1> + DataProvider<ExemplarCitiesRootV1> + DataProvider<MetazoneGenericNamesLongV1> + DataProvider<MetazoneGenericNamesShortV1> + DataProvider<MetazoneStandardNamesLongV1> + DataProvider<MetazoneSpecificNamesLongV1> + DataProvider<MetazoneSpecificNamesShortV1> + DataProvider<MetazonePeriodV1> + DataProvider<DecimalSymbolsV1> + DataProvider<DecimalDigitsV1> + ?Sized,
Associates this FixedCalendarDateTimeNames
with a datetime pattern
and loads all data required for that pattern.
Does not duplicate textual field symbols. See #4337
Sourcepub fn include_for_pattern<'l>(
&'l mut self,
pattern: &'l DateTimePattern,
) -> Result<DateTimePatternFormatter<'l, C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>where
Baked: DataProvider<<C as CldrCalendar>::YearNamesV1> + DataProvider<<C as CldrCalendar>::MonthNamesV1>,
pub fn include_for_pattern<'l>(
&'l mut self,
pattern: &'l DateTimePattern,
) -> Result<DateTimePatternFormatter<'l, C, FSet>, PatternLoadError>where
Baked: DataProvider<<C as CldrCalendar>::YearNamesV1> + DataProvider<<C as CldrCalendar>::MonthNamesV1>,
Associates this FixedCalendarDateTimeNames
with a pattern
and includes all data required for that pattern.
Does not support duplicate textual field symbols. See #4337
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::input::Date;
use icu::datetime::input::{DateTime, Time};
use icu::datetime::pattern::DateTimePattern;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::locale::locale;
use writeable::assert_try_writeable_eq;
let mut names =
// Create a pattern from a pattern string:
let pattern_str = "MMM d (EEEE) 'of year' y G 'at' h:mm a";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
// Load data for the pattern and format:
let datetime = DateTime {
date: Date::try_new_gregorian(2023, 12, 5).unwrap(),
time: Time::try_new(17, 43, 12, 0).unwrap(),
"Dec 5 (Tuesday) of year 2023 AD at 5:43 PM"
Source§impl<C, FSet> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
impl<C, FSet> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
Sourcepub fn cast_into_fset<FSet2>(self) -> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet2>where
FSet2: DateTimeNamesFrom<FSet>,
pub fn cast_into_fset<FSet2>(self) -> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet2>where
FSet2: DateTimeNamesFrom<FSet>,
Maps a FixedCalendarDateTimeNames
of a specific FSet
to a more general FSet
For example, this can transform a formatter for DateFieldSet
to one for
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::enums::{
CompositeDateTimeFieldSet, DateFieldSet,
use icu::datetime::input::Date;
use icu::datetime::input::{DateTime, Time};
use icu::datetime::pattern::DateTimePattern;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::datetime::pattern::MonthNameLength;
use icu::locale::locale;
use writeable::assert_try_writeable_eq;
// Create an instance that can format abbreviated month names:
let mut names: FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<Gregorian, DateFieldSet> =
// Test it with a pattern:
let pattern_str = "MMM d y";
let pattern: DateTimePattern = pattern_str.parse().unwrap();
let datetime = DateTime {
date: Date::try_new_gregorian(2023, 11, 20).unwrap(),
time: Time::midnight(),
"лист. 20 2023"
// Convert the field set to `CompositeDateTimeFieldSet`:
let composite_names = names.cast_into_fset::<CompositeDateTimeFieldSet>();
// It should still work:
"лист. 20 2023"
Converting into a narrower type is not supported:
use icu::calendar::Gregorian;
use icu::datetime::pattern::FixedCalendarDateTimeNames;
use icu::datetime::fieldsets::enums::{DateFieldSet, CompositeDateTimeFieldSet};
let composite_names: FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<Gregorian, CompositeDateTimeFieldSet> = todo!();
// error[E0277]: the trait bound `(): From<DataPayloadWithVariables<DayPeriodNamesV1, FieldLength>>` is not satisfied
let narrow_names = composite_names.cast_into_fset::<DateFieldSet>();
Trait Implementations§
Source§impl<FSet> AsMut<FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<(), FSet>> for DateTimeNames<FSet>where
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
impl<FSet> AsMut<FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<(), FSet>> for DateTimeNames<FSet>where
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
Source§fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<(), FSet>
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<(), FSet>
Source§impl<FSet> AsRef<FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<(), FSet>> for DateTimeNames<FSet>where
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
impl<FSet> AsRef<FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<(), FSet>> for DateTimeNames<FSet>where
FSet: DateTimeNamesMarker,
Source§fn as_ref(&self) -> &FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<(), FSet>
fn as_ref(&self) -> &FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<(), FSet>
Source§impl<C, FSet> Clone for FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>
impl<C, FSet> Clone for FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>
Source§fn clone(&self) -> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>
fn clone(&self) -> FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>
1.0.0 · Source§fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
. Read moreAuto Trait Implementations§
impl<C, FSet> Freeze for FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::YearNames as NamesContainer<YearNamesV1, YearNameLength>>::Container: Freeze,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::MonthNames as NamesContainer<MonthNamesV1, MonthNameLength>>::Container: Freeze,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::WeekdayNames as NamesContainer<WeekdayNamesV1, WeekdayNameLength>>::Container: Freeze,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::DayPeriodNames as NamesContainer<DayPeriodNamesV1, DayPeriodNameLength>>::Container: Freeze,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneEssentials as NamesContainer<TimeZoneEssentialsV1, ()>>::Container: Freeze,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneLocationsRoot as NamesContainer<LocationsRootV1, ()>>::Container: Freeze,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneLocations as NamesContainer<LocationsV1, ()>>::Container: Freeze,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneExemplarsRoot as NamesContainer<ExemplarCitiesRootV1, ()>>::Container: Freeze,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneExemplars as NamesContainer<ExemplarCitiesV1, ()>>::Container: Freeze,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneGenericLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneGenericNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: Freeze,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneGenericShort as NamesContainer<MetazoneGenericNamesShortV1, ()>>::Container: Freeze,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneStandardLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneStandardNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: Freeze,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneSpecificLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneSpecificNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: Freeze,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneSpecificShort as NamesContainer<MetazoneSpecificNamesShortV1, ()>>::Container: Freeze,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::MetazoneLookup as NamesContainer<MetazonePeriodV1, ()>>::Container: Freeze,
impl<C, FSet> RefUnwindSafe for FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::YearNames as NamesContainer<YearNamesV1, YearNameLength>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::MonthNames as NamesContainer<MonthNamesV1, MonthNameLength>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::WeekdayNames as NamesContainer<WeekdayNamesV1, WeekdayNameLength>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::DayPeriodNames as NamesContainer<DayPeriodNamesV1, DayPeriodNameLength>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneEssentials as NamesContainer<TimeZoneEssentialsV1, ()>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneLocationsRoot as NamesContainer<LocationsRootV1, ()>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneLocations as NamesContainer<LocationsV1, ()>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneExemplarsRoot as NamesContainer<ExemplarCitiesRootV1, ()>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneExemplars as NamesContainer<ExemplarCitiesV1, ()>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneGenericLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneGenericNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneGenericShort as NamesContainer<MetazoneGenericNamesShortV1, ()>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneStandardLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneStandardNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneSpecificLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneSpecificNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneSpecificShort as NamesContainer<MetazoneSpecificNamesShortV1, ()>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::MetazoneLookup as NamesContainer<MetazonePeriodV1, ()>>::Container: RefUnwindSafe,
C: RefUnwindSafe,
FSet: RefUnwindSafe,
impl<C, FSet> Send for FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::YearNames as NamesContainer<YearNamesV1, YearNameLength>>::Container: Send,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::MonthNames as NamesContainer<MonthNamesV1, MonthNameLength>>::Container: Send,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::WeekdayNames as NamesContainer<WeekdayNamesV1, WeekdayNameLength>>::Container: Send,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::DayPeriodNames as NamesContainer<DayPeriodNamesV1, DayPeriodNameLength>>::Container: Send,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneEssentials as NamesContainer<TimeZoneEssentialsV1, ()>>::Container: Send,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneLocationsRoot as NamesContainer<LocationsRootV1, ()>>::Container: Send,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneLocations as NamesContainer<LocationsV1, ()>>::Container: Send,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneExemplarsRoot as NamesContainer<ExemplarCitiesRootV1, ()>>::Container: Send,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneExemplars as NamesContainer<ExemplarCitiesV1, ()>>::Container: Send,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneGenericLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneGenericNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: Send,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneGenericShort as NamesContainer<MetazoneGenericNamesShortV1, ()>>::Container: Send,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneStandardLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneStandardNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: Send,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneSpecificLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneSpecificNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: Send,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneSpecificShort as NamesContainer<MetazoneSpecificNamesShortV1, ()>>::Container: Send,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::MetazoneLookup as NamesContainer<MetazonePeriodV1, ()>>::Container: Send,
C: Send,
FSet: Send,
impl<C, FSet> Sync for FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::YearNames as NamesContainer<YearNamesV1, YearNameLength>>::Container: Sync,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::MonthNames as NamesContainer<MonthNamesV1, MonthNameLength>>::Container: Sync,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::WeekdayNames as NamesContainer<WeekdayNamesV1, WeekdayNameLength>>::Container: Sync,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::DayPeriodNames as NamesContainer<DayPeriodNamesV1, DayPeriodNameLength>>::Container: Sync,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneEssentials as NamesContainer<TimeZoneEssentialsV1, ()>>::Container: Sync,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneLocationsRoot as NamesContainer<LocationsRootV1, ()>>::Container: Sync,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneLocations as NamesContainer<LocationsV1, ()>>::Container: Sync,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneExemplarsRoot as NamesContainer<ExemplarCitiesRootV1, ()>>::Container: Sync,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneExemplars as NamesContainer<ExemplarCitiesV1, ()>>::Container: Sync,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneGenericLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneGenericNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: Sync,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneGenericShort as NamesContainer<MetazoneGenericNamesShortV1, ()>>::Container: Sync,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneStandardLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneStandardNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: Sync,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneSpecificLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneSpecificNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: Sync,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneSpecificShort as NamesContainer<MetazoneSpecificNamesShortV1, ()>>::Container: Sync,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::MetazoneLookup as NamesContainer<MetazonePeriodV1, ()>>::Container: Sync,
C: Sync,
FSet: Sync,
impl<C, FSet> Unpin for FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::YearNames as NamesContainer<YearNamesV1, YearNameLength>>::Container: Unpin,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::MonthNames as NamesContainer<MonthNamesV1, MonthNameLength>>::Container: Unpin,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::WeekdayNames as NamesContainer<WeekdayNamesV1, WeekdayNameLength>>::Container: Unpin,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::DayPeriodNames as NamesContainer<DayPeriodNamesV1, DayPeriodNameLength>>::Container: Unpin,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneEssentials as NamesContainer<TimeZoneEssentialsV1, ()>>::Container: Unpin,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneLocationsRoot as NamesContainer<LocationsRootV1, ()>>::Container: Unpin,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneLocations as NamesContainer<LocationsV1, ()>>::Container: Unpin,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneExemplarsRoot as NamesContainer<ExemplarCitiesRootV1, ()>>::Container: Unpin,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneExemplars as NamesContainer<ExemplarCitiesV1, ()>>::Container: Unpin,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneGenericLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneGenericNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: Unpin,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneGenericShort as NamesContainer<MetazoneGenericNamesShortV1, ()>>::Container: Unpin,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneStandardLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneStandardNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: Unpin,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneSpecificLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneSpecificNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: Unpin,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneSpecificShort as NamesContainer<MetazoneSpecificNamesShortV1, ()>>::Container: Unpin,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::MetazoneLookup as NamesContainer<MetazonePeriodV1, ()>>::Container: Unpin,
C: Unpin,
FSet: Unpin,
impl<C, FSet> UnwindSafe for FixedCalendarDateTimeNames<C, FSet>where
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::YearNames as NamesContainer<YearNamesV1, YearNameLength>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::MonthNames as NamesContainer<MonthNamesV1, MonthNameLength>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::WeekdayNames as NamesContainer<WeekdayNamesV1, WeekdayNameLength>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::DayPeriodNames as NamesContainer<DayPeriodNamesV1, DayPeriodNameLength>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneEssentials as NamesContainer<TimeZoneEssentialsV1, ()>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneLocationsRoot as NamesContainer<LocationsRootV1, ()>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneLocations as NamesContainer<LocationsV1, ()>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneExemplarsRoot as NamesContainer<ExemplarCitiesRootV1, ()>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneExemplars as NamesContainer<ExemplarCitiesV1, ()>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneGenericLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneGenericNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneGenericShort as NamesContainer<MetazoneGenericNamesShortV1, ()>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneStandardLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneStandardNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneSpecificLong as NamesContainer<MetazoneSpecificNamesLongV1, ()>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::ZoneSpecificShort as NamesContainer<MetazoneSpecificNamesShortV1, ()>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
<<FSet as DateTimeNamesMarker>::MetazoneLookup as NamesContainer<MetazonePeriodV1, ()>>::Container: UnwindSafe,
C: UnwindSafe,
FSet: UnwindSafe,
Blanket Implementations§
Source§impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
Source§fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
Source§impl<T> CloneToUninit for Twhere
T: Clone,
impl<T> CloneToUninit for Twhere
T: Clone,
Source§impl<T> IntoEither for T
impl<T> IntoEither for T
Source§fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>
fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>
into a Left
variant of Either<Self, Self>
if into_left
is true
Converts self
into a Right
variant of Either<Self, Self>
otherwise. Read moreSource§fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
into a Left
variant of Either<Self, Self>
if into_left(&self)
returns true
Converts self
into a Right
variant of Either<Self, Self>
otherwise. Read more