
Macro impl_long_month_relative_v1

macro_rules! impl_long_month_relative_v1 {
    ($ provider : ty) => { ... };
    ($ provider : ty , ITER) => { ... };
    ($ provider : ty , DRY) => { ... };
    ($ provider : ty , DRY , ITER) => { ... };
Expand description

Implement DataProvider<LongMonthRelativeV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.

Using this implementation will embed the following data in the binary’s data segment:

  • 735B for the lookup data structure (148 data identifiers)
  • 32677B1 for the actual data (147 unique structs)

  1. these numbers can be smaller in practice due to linker deduplication