Crate icu_properties_data

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Data for the icu_properties crate

This data was generated with CLDR version 47.0.0-BETA1, ICU version release-77-rc, and LSTM segmenter version v0.1.0.


  • pub use icu_provider_baked;


  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryAlnumV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryAlphabeticV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryAsciiHexDigitV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryBasicEmojiV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryBidiControlV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryBidiMirroredV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryBlankV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryCaseIgnorableV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryCaseSensitiveV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryCasedV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryChangesWhenCasefoldedV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryChangesWhenCasemappedV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryChangesWhenLowercasedV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryChangesWhenNfkcCasefoldedV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryChangesWhenTitlecasedV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryChangesWhenUppercasedV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryDashV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryDefaultIgnorableCodePointV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryDeprecatedV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryDiacriticV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryEmojiComponentV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryEmojiModifierBaseV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryEmojiModifierV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryEmojiPresentationV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryEmojiV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryExtendedPictographicV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryExtenderV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryFullCompositionExclusionV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryGraphV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryGraphemeBaseV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryGraphemeExtendV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryGraphemeLinkV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryHexDigitV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryHyphenV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryIdContinueV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryIdStartV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryIdeographicV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryIdsBinaryOperatorV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryIdsTrinaryOperatorV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryJoinControlV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryLogicalOrderExceptionV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryLowercaseV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryMathV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryNfcInertV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryNfdInertV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryNfkcInertV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryNfkdInertV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryNoncharacterCodePointV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryPatternSyntaxV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryPatternWhiteSpaceV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryPrependedConcatenationMarkV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryPrintV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryQuotationMarkV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryRadicalV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryRegionalIndicatorV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinarySegmentStarterV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinarySentenceTerminalV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinarySoftDottedV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryTerminalPunctuationV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryUnifiedIdeographV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryUppercaseV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryVariationSelectorV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryWhiteSpaceV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryXdigitV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryXidContinueV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyBinaryXidStartV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyEnumBidiClassV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyEnumBidiMirroringGlyphV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyEnumCanonicalCombiningClassV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyEnumEastAsianWidthV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyEnumGeneralCategoryV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyEnumGraphemeClusterBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyEnumHangulSyllableTypeV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyEnumIndicSyllabicCategoryV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyEnumJoiningTypeV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyEnumLineBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyEnumScriptV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyEnumSentenceBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyEnumWordBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameLongBidiClassV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameLongCanonicalCombiningClassV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameLongEastAsianWidthV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameLongGeneralCategoryV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameLongGraphemeClusterBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameLongHangulSyllableTypeV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameLongIndicSyllabicCategoryV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameLongJoiningTypeV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameLongLineBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameLongScriptV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameLongSentenceBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameLongWordBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameParseBidiClassV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameParseCanonicalCombiningClassV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameParseEastAsianWidthV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameParseGeneralCategoryMaskV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameParseGeneralCategoryV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameParseGraphemeClusterBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameParseHangulSyllableTypeV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameParseIndicSyllabicCategoryV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameParseJoiningTypeV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameParseLineBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameParseScriptV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameParseSentenceBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameParseWordBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameShortBidiClassV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameShortCanonicalCombiningClassV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameShortEastAsianWidthV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameShortGeneralCategoryV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameShortGraphemeClusterBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameShortHangulSyllableTypeV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameShortIndicSyllabicCategoryV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameShortJoiningTypeV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameShortLineBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameShortScriptV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameShortSentenceBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyNameShortWordBreakV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Implement DataProvider<PropertyScriptWithExtensionsV1> on the given struct using the data hardcoded in this file. This allows the struct to be used with icu’s _unstable constructors.
  • Marks a type as a data provider. You can then use macros like impl_core_helloworld_v1 to add implementations.