
Module baked_exporter

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A data exporter that bakes the data into Rust code.

This module can be used as a target for the icu_provider_export crate.

See our datagen tutorial for more information about different data providers.


use icu_provider_export::baked_exporter::*;
use icu_provider_export::prelude::*;

let demo_path = std::env::temp_dir().join("icu4x_baked_demo");

// Set up the exporter
let mut exporter =
    BakedExporter::new(demo_path.clone(), Default::default()).unwrap();

// Export something. Make sure to use the same fallback data at runtime!
.export(&icu_provider::hello_world::HelloWorldProvider, exporter)

There are two ways to use baked data: you can build custom data providers for use with _unstable constructors, or you can use it with the compiled_data Cargo feature and constructors.

§Custom DataProvider

This allows you to use baked data in custom data pipelines, such as including some baked data and lazily loading more data from the network.

use icu_locale_core::locale;
use icu_provider::hello_world::*;


pub struct MyDataProvider;

let formatter = HelloWorldFormatter::try_new_unstable(&MyDataProvider, locale!("en").into()).unwrap();

assert_eq!(formatter.format_to_string(), "Hello World");


You can use baked data to overwrite the compiled data that’s included in ICU4X. To do this, build your binary with the ICU4X_DATA_DIR environment variable:

ICU4X_DATA_DIR=/tmp/icu4x_baked_demo cargo build <...>
use icu_locale_core::locale;
use icu_provider::hello_world::*;

let formatter = HelloWorldFormatter::try_new(locale!("en").into()).unwrap();

assert_eq!(formatter.format_to_string(), "Hello World");
