Defined in LineBreakOptions.d.ts:16 Constructorsconstructor new LineBreakOptions ( structObj ) : LineBreakOptions Parameters structObj : LineBreakOptions_obj Defined in LineBreakOptions.d.ts:30 Accessorsstrictness get strictness( ) : LineBreakStrictness Defined in LineBreakOptions.d.ts:18 set strictness( value ) : void Returns void Defined in LineBreakOptions.d.ts:19 wordOption get wordOption( ) : LineBreakWordOption Defined in LineBreakOptions.d.ts:21 set wordOption( value ) : void Returns void Defined in LineBreakOptions.d.ts:22 MethodsStatic
fromFields fromFields ( structObj ) : LineBreakOptions Parameters structObj : LineBreakOptions_obj Defined in LineBreakOptions.d.ts:27
" "
from an object that contains all ofLineBreakOptions
s fields. Optional fields do not need to be included in the provided object.