4 #ifndef __DISPLAYOPTIONS_H__
5 #define __DISPLAYOPTIONS_H__
60 this->grammaticalCase = grammaticalCase;
72 this->nounClass = nounClass;
84 this->pluralCategory = pluralCategory;
96 this->capitalization = capitalization;
108 this->nameStyle = nameStyle;
120 this->displayLength = displayLength;
132 this->substituteHandling = substituteHandling;
Responsible for building DisplayOptions.
Builder & setNounClass(UDisplayOptionsNounClass nounClass)
Sets the noun class.
Builder & setPluralCategory(UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory pluralCategory)
Sets the plural category.
Builder & setDisplayLength(UDisplayOptionsDisplayLength displayLength)
Sets the display length.
Builder & setCapitalization(UDisplayOptionsCapitalization capitalization)
Sets the capitalization.
Builder & setNameStyle(UDisplayOptionsNameStyle nameStyle)
Sets the dialect handling.
DisplayOptions build()
Builds the display options.
Builder & setSubstituteHandling(UDisplayOptionsSubstituteHandling substituteHandling)
Sets the substitute handling.
Builder & setGrammaticalCase(UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase grammaticalCase)
Sets the grammatical case.
Represents all the display options that are supported by CLDR such as grammatical case,...
DisplayOptions & operator=(DisplayOptions &&other) noexcept=default
Moves the DisplayOptions.
DisplayOptions(const DisplayOptions &other)=default
Copies the DisplayOptions.
UDisplayOptionsSubstituteHandling getSubstituteHandling() const
Gets the substitute handling.
UDisplayOptionsNameStyle getNameStyle() const
Gets the dialect handling.
static Builder builder()
Creates a builder with the UNDEFINED values for all the parameters.
UDisplayOptionsCapitalization getCapitalization() const
Gets the capitalization.
UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase getGrammaticalCase() const
Gets the grammatical case.
UDisplayOptionsNounClass getNounClass() const
Gets the noun class.
UDisplayOptionsDisplayLength getDisplayLength() const
Gets the display length.
Builder copyToBuilder() const
Creates a builder with the same parameters from this object.
DisplayOptions & operator=(const DisplayOptions &other)=default
Copies the DisplayOptions.
UDisplayOptionsPluralCategory getPluralCategory() const
Gets the plural category.
C API: Display options (enum types, values, helper functions)
Represents all the capitalization options.
Represents all the substitute handling.
Standard CLDR plural form/category constants.
Represents all the grammatical cases that are supported by CLDR.
Represents all the dialect handlings.
Represents all the grammatical noun classes that are supported by CLDR.
Represents all the display lengths.
Basic definitions for ICU, for both C and C++ APIs.
#define U_I18N_API
Set to export library symbols from inside the i18n library, and to import them from outside.
C API: API for accessing ICU version numbers.