13 #ifndef __MEASUREUNIT_H__
14 #define __MEASUREUNIT_H__
33 class StringEnumeration;
34 class MeasureUnitImpl;
36 namespace number::impl {
37 class LongNameHandler;
128 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
289 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
484 return !(*
this == other);
554 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
677 inline std::pair<LocalArray<MeasureUnit>, int32_t> splitToSingleUnits(
UErrorCode& status)
692 int32_t destCapacity,
710 int32_t destCapacity,
1198 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
1632 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
3194 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
3888 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
3907 MeasureUnitImpl* fImpl;
3918 void setTo(int32_t typeId, int32_t subTypeId);
3933 friend class MeasureUnitImpl;
3936 friend class number::impl::LongNameHandler;
3940 inline std::pair<LocalArray<MeasureUnit>, int32_t>
3943 auto array = splitToSingleUnitsImpl(length, status);
3944 return std::make_pair(std::move(array), length);
"Smart pointer" class, deletes objects via the C++ array delete[] operator.
A unit such as length, mass, volume, currency, etc.
static MeasureUnit * createGasolineEnergyDensity(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: gasoline-energy-density.
static MeasureUnit * createArcSecond(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of angle: arc-second.
static MeasureUnit getBritishThermalUnit()
Returns by value, unit of energy: british-thermal-unit.
static MeasureUnit getInch()
Returns by value, unit of length: inch.
static MeasureUnit * createNewton(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of force: newton.
static MeasureUnit * createOhm(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of electric: ohm.
static MeasureUnit getMilligramPerDeciliter()
Returns by value, unit of concentr: milligram-per-deciliter.
static MeasureUnit * createMegabyte(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of digital: megabyte.
static MeasureUnit * createCubicFoot(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cubic-foot.
static MeasureUnit * createMillimeter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: millimeter.
static int32_t getAvailable(const char *type, MeasureUnit *destArray, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode &errorCode)
getAvailable gets all of the available units for a specific type.
static MeasureUnit getKilobit()
Returns by value, unit of digital: kilobit.
static MeasureUnit getLiterPerKilometer()
Returns by value, unit of consumption: liter-per-kilometer.
static MeasureUnit * createGigabyte(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of digital: gigabyte.
static MeasureUnit getNight()
Returns by value, unit of duration: night.
static MeasureUnit getMillimolePerLiter()
Returns by value, unit of concentr: millimole-per-liter.
static MeasureUnit getDegree()
Returns by value, unit of angle: degree.
static MeasureUnit getMilePerGallon()
Returns by value, unit of consumption: mile-per-gallon.
static MeasureUnit getKilohertz()
Returns by value, unit of frequency: kilohertz.
static MeasureUnit * createAcreFoot(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: acre-foot.
static MeasureUnit getMinute()
Returns by value, unit of duration: minute.
static MeasureUnit getTerabyte()
Returns by value, unit of digital: terabyte.
static MeasureUnit * createCubicMile(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cubic-mile.
static MeasureUnit getMillimeterOfMercury()
Returns by value, unit of pressure: millimeter-ofhg.
static MeasureUnit getCubicYard()
Returns by value, unit of volume: cubic-yard.
void initCurrency(StringPiece isoCurrency)
For ICU use only.
static MeasureUnit getGenericTemperature()
Returns by value, unit of temperature: generic.
static MeasureUnit getKilowattHour()
Returns by value, unit of energy: kilowatt-hour.
static MeasureUnit getBit()
Returns by value, unit of digital: bit.
static MeasureUnit * createLiterPerKilometer(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of consumption: liter-per-kilometer.
static MeasureUnit getStone()
Returns by value, unit of mass: stone.
static MeasureUnit getParsec()
Returns by value, unit of length: parsec.
static MeasureUnit getKilopascal()
Returns by value, unit of pressure: kilopascal.
static MeasureUnit getHour()
Returns by value, unit of duration: hour.
static MeasureUnit getLightSpeed()
Returns by value, unit of speed: light-speed.
static MeasureUnit getPoundFoot()
Returns by value, unit of torque: pound-force-foot.
static MeasureUnit * createAstronomicalUnit(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: astronomical-unit.
static MeasureUnit * createJigger(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: jigger.
static MeasureUnit getPixelPerCentimeter()
Returns by value, unit of graphics: pixel-per-centimeter.
static MeasureUnit * createCubicMeter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cubic-meter.
static MeasureUnit getMegabyte()
Returns by value, unit of digital: megabyte.
static MeasureUnit * createAtmosphere(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: atmosphere.
static MeasureUnit * createCup(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cup.
static MeasureUnit getMile()
Returns by value, unit of length: mile.
static MeasureUnit getPermyriad()
Returns by value, unit of concentr: permyriad.
static MeasureUnit * createPint(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: pint.
static MeasureUnit * createKilocalorie(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of energy: kilocalorie.
static MeasureUnit * createMegabit(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of digital: megabit.
static MeasureUnit * createMeter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: meter.
static MeasureUnit getAstronomicalUnit()
Returns by value, unit of length: astronomical-unit.
static MeasureUnit getBarrel()
Returns by value, unit of volume: barrel.
static MeasureUnit * createCentury(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: century.
static MeasureUnit getDalton()
Returns by value, unit of mass: dalton.
static MeasureUnit * createPicometer(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: picometer.
static MeasureUnit getMilePerHour()
Returns by value, unit of speed: mile-per-hour.
static MeasureUnit getTerabit()
Returns by value, unit of digital: terabit.
static MeasureUnit getDotPerCentimeter()
Returns by value, unit of graphics: dot-per-centimeter.
static MeasureUnit * createSquareInch(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of area: square-inch.
static MeasureUnit * createLiter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: liter.
int32_t getDimensionality(UErrorCode &status) const
Gets the dimensionality (power) of this MeasureUnit.
static MeasureUnit getCalorie()
Returns by value, unit of energy: calorie.
static MeasureUnit * createMinute(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: minute.
static MeasureUnit * createPortionPer1E9(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: portion-per-1e9.
static MeasureUnit getCentimeter()
Returns by value, unit of length: centimeter.
static MeasureUnit getJigger()
Returns by value, unit of volume: jigger.
static MeasureUnit * createBit(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of digital: bit.
static MeasureUnit * createDeciliter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: deciliter.
static MeasureUnit getGigahertz()
Returns by value, unit of frequency: gigahertz.
static MeasureUnit getPixelPerInch()
Returns by value, unit of graphics: pixel-per-inch.
static MeasureUnit * createBar(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: bar.
static MeasureUnit getFoodcalorie()
Returns by value, unit of energy: foodcalorie.
static MeasureUnit * createCandela(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of light: candela.
static MeasureUnit * createMicrometer(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: micrometer.
static MeasureUnit getMicrogram()
Returns by value, unit of mass: microgram.
static MeasureUnit * createKelvin(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of temperature: kelvin.
static MeasureUnit getSquareKilometer()
Returns by value, unit of area: square-kilometer.
static MeasureUnit getKilometer()
Returns by value, unit of length: kilometer.
static MeasureUnit * createMilligramOfglucosePerDeciliter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter.
static MeasureUnit getGigabyte()
Returns by value, unit of digital: gigabyte.
static MeasureUnit * createFluidOunce(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: fluid-ounce.
static MeasureUnit getMilligram()
Returns by value, unit of mass: milligram.
static MeasureUnit getPascal()
Returns by value, unit of pressure: pascal.
static MeasureUnit * createCelsius(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of temperature: celsius.
static MeasureUnit getRadian()
Returns by value, unit of angle: radian.
static MeasureUnit getPoint()
Returns by value, unit of length: point.
static MeasureUnit getPoundForce()
Returns by value, unit of force: pound-force.
static MeasureUnit * createGram(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: gram.
static MeasureUnit * createMonth(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: month.
MeasureUnit product(const MeasureUnit &other, UErrorCode &status) const
Gets the product of this unit with another unit.
static MeasureUnit * createPercent(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: percent.
static MeasureUnit getKilocalorie()
Returns by value, unit of energy: kilocalorie.
static MeasureUnit * createThermUs(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of energy: therm-us.
static MeasureUnit getMicrosecond()
Returns by value, unit of duration: microsecond.
static MeasureUnit * createTablespoon(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: tablespoon.
static MeasureUnit getBushel()
Returns by value, unit of volume: bushel.
static MeasureUnit * createMegawatt(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of power: megawatt.
static MeasureUnit * createFoot(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: foot.
static MeasureUnit * createHectopascal(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: hectopascal.
static MeasureUnit * createBushel(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: bushel.
static MeasureUnit getFluidOunce()
Returns by value, unit of volume: fluid-ounce.
static MeasureUnit getHectoliter()
Returns by value, unit of volume: hectoliter.
static MeasureUnit * createFurlong(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: furlong.
static MeasureUnit * createDot(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: dot.
static MeasureUnit getCarat()
Returns by value, unit of mass: carat.
static MeasureUnit * createFahrenheit(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of temperature: fahrenheit.
static MeasureUnit * createCarat(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: carat.
static MeasureUnit * createOunceTroy(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: ounce-troy.
static MeasureUnit getVolt()
Returns by value, unit of electric: volt.
static MeasureUnit * createMillisecond(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: millisecond.
static MeasureUnit getOunce()
Returns by value, unit of mass: ounce.
uint64_t getConstantDenominator(UErrorCode &status) const
Retrieves the constant denominator for this COMPOUND unit.
static MeasureUnit getHectare()
Returns by value, unit of area: hectare.
static MeasureUnit * createKilobyte(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of digital: kilobyte.
static MeasureUnit getNanosecond()
Returns by value, unit of duration: nanosecond.
static MeasureUnit * createHour(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: hour.
static MeasureUnit getEarthMass()
Returns by value, unit of mass: earth-mass.
static MeasureUnit getFahrenheit()
Returns by value, unit of temperature: fahrenheit.
static int32_t getAvailable(MeasureUnit *destArray, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode &errorCode)
getAvailable gets all of the available units.
static MeasureUnit getMileScandinavian()
Returns by value, unit of length: mile-scandinavian.
static MeasureUnit * createGallonImperial(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: gallon-imperial.
static MeasureUnit getMegapascal()
Returns by value, unit of pressure: megapascal.
static MeasureUnit * createRadian(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of angle: radian.
static MeasureUnit getDeciliter()
Returns by value, unit of volume: deciliter.
static MeasureUnit * createSquareMeter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of area: square-meter.
static MeasureUnit getPixel()
Returns by value, unit of graphics: pixel.
MeasureUnit(const MeasureUnit &other)
Copy constructor.
static MeasureUnit getSolarLuminosity()
Returns by value, unit of light: solar-luminosity.
static MeasureUnit getMonthPerson()
Returns by value, unit of duration: month-person.
static MeasureUnit * createDecade(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: decade.
static MeasureUnit * createKilowatt(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of power: kilowatt.
static MeasureUnit getCentiliter()
Returns by value, unit of volume: centiliter.
static MeasureUnit * createMeterPerSecondSquared(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of acceleration: meter-per-square-second.
static MeasureUnit * createMole(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: mole.
static MeasureUnit * createDessertSpoonImperial(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: dessert-spoon-imperial.
static MeasureUnit getPartPerMillion()
Returns by value, unit of concentr: permillion.
static MeasureUnit getMegawatt()
Returns by value, unit of power: megawatt.
static MeasureUnit * createGrain(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: grain.
UMeasureUnitComplexity getComplexity(UErrorCode &status) const
Compute the complexity of the unit.
static MeasureUnit * createNauticalMile(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: nautical-mile.
static MeasureUnit getGigabit()
Returns by value, unit of digital: gigabit.
static MeasureUnit getTon()
Returns by value, unit of mass: ton.
static MeasureUnit * createHectare(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of area: hectare.
static MeasureUnit getBeaufort()
Returns by value, unit of speed: beaufort.
static MeasureUnit * createMile(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: mile.
static MeasureUnit getFurlong()
Returns by value, unit of length: furlong.
static MeasureUnit getLightYear()
Returns by value, unit of length: light-year.
static MeasureUnit getJoule()
Returns by value, unit of energy: joule.
static MeasureUnit * createCubicYard(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cubic-yard.
static MeasureUnit getTeaspoon()
Returns by value, unit of volume: teaspoon.
static MeasureUnit getWeekPerson()
Returns by value, unit of duration: week-person.
static MeasureUnit getPortionPer1E9()
Returns by value, unit of concentr: portion-per-1e9.
static MeasureUnit * createTerabit(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of digital: terabit.
static MeasureUnit getLiter()
Returns by value, unit of volume: liter.
static MeasureUnit getPermille()
Returns by value, unit of concentr: permille.
static MeasureUnit * createDegree(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of angle: degree.
static MeasureUnit * createLumen(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of light: lumen.
static MeasureUnit getYard()
Returns by value, unit of length: yard.
static MeasureUnit getByte()
Returns by value, unit of digital: byte.
static MeasureUnit getKilogram()
Returns by value, unit of mass: kilogram.
static MeasureUnit * createSolarMass(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: solar-mass.
static MeasureUnit * createMegahertz(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of frequency: megahertz.
static MeasureUnit * createMicrosecond(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: microsecond.
static MeasureUnit getDessertSpoon()
Returns by value, unit of volume: dessert-spoon.
static MeasureUnit * createNight(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: night.
static MeasureUnit getDrop()
Returns by value, unit of volume: drop.
static MeasureUnit * createQuart(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: quart.
static MeasureUnit * createDayPerson(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: day-person.
UMeasurePrefix getPrefix(UErrorCode &status) const
Returns the current SI or binary prefix of this SINGLE unit.
static MeasureUnit * createWeek(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: week.
const char * getSubtype() const
Get the sub type.
static MeasureUnit * createYearPerson(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: year-person.
static MeasureUnit * createKilometerPerHour(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of speed: kilometer-per-hour.
static MeasureUnit * createPintMetric(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: pint-metric.
static MeasureUnit getSquareYard()
Returns by value, unit of area: square-yard.
static MeasureUnit * createHectoliter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: hectoliter.
static MeasureUnit * createPartPerMillion(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: permillion.
static MeasureUnit * createPixel(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: pixel.
static MeasureUnit getDot()
Returns by value, unit of graphics: dot.
static MeasureUnit * createCupMetric(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cup-metric.
static MeasureUnit getDunam()
Returns by value, unit of area: dunam.
static MeasureUnit getDessertSpoonImperial()
Returns by value, unit of volume: dessert-spoon-imperial.
static MeasureUnit * createTerabyte(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of digital: terabyte.
static MeasureUnit getKilowatt()
Returns by value, unit of power: kilowatt.
static MeasureUnit getSolarRadius()
Returns by value, unit of length: solar-radius.
static MeasureUnit getMegapixel()
Returns by value, unit of graphics: megapixel.
static MeasureUnit getLux()
Returns by value, unit of light: lux.
static MeasureUnit getMillimeter()
Returns by value, unit of length: millimeter.
static MeasureUnit * createMonthPerson(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: month-person.
static MeasureUnit * createNanometer(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: nanometer.
static MeasureUnit * createMileScandinavian(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: mile-scandinavian.
static MeasureUnit * createSquareMile(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of area: square-mile.
static MeasureUnit * createDunam(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of area: dunam.
static MeasureUnit getMilliwatt()
Returns by value, unit of power: milliwatt.
static MeasureUnit * createStone(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: stone.
static MeasureUnit getOunceTroy()
Returns by value, unit of mass: ounce-troy.
static MeasureUnit * createKilowattHour(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of energy: kilowatt-hour.
static MeasureUnit * createDecimeter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: decimeter.
static MeasureUnit getNewtonMeter()
Returns by value, unit of torque: newton-meter.
static MeasureUnit * createDay(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: day.
static MeasureUnit getAcreFoot()
Returns by value, unit of volume: acre-foot.
static MeasureUnit * createMillimolePerLiter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: millimole-per-liter.
static MeasureUnit * createRevolutionAngle(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of angle: revolution.
static MeasureUnit * createInch(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: inch.
static MeasureUnit getCandela()
Returns by value, unit of light: candela.
static MeasureUnit getNauticalMile()
Returns by value, unit of length: nautical-mile.
static MeasureUnit * createPixelPerInch(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: pixel-per-inch.
virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const override
Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY.
static MeasureUnit * createKilopascal(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: kilopascal.
static MeasureUnit getMegaliter()
Returns by value, unit of volume: megaliter.
static MeasureUnit * createSecond(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: second.
static MeasureUnit * createCentiliter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: centiliter.
static MeasureUnit getWatt()
Returns by value, unit of power: watt.
static MeasureUnit * createCentimeter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: centimeter.
static MeasureUnit getFluidOunceImperial()
Returns by value, unit of volume: fluid-ounce-imperial.
static MeasureUnit getPintMetric()
Returns by value, unit of volume: pint-metric.
static MeasureUnit getSquareFoot()
Returns by value, unit of area: square-foot.
static MeasureUnit getGigawatt()
Returns by value, unit of power: gigawatt.
static MeasureUnit * createSolarLuminosity(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of light: solar-luminosity.
static MeasureUnit * createElectronvolt(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of energy: electronvolt.
static MeasureUnit * createCubicCentimeter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cubic-centimeter.
static MeasureUnit * createMegapascal(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: megapascal.
static MeasureUnit * createKilogram(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: kilogram.
static MeasureUnit getMilliampere()
Returns by value, unit of electric: milliampere.
static MeasureUnit getDram()
Returns by value, unit of volume: dram.
static MeasureUnit * createGigahertz(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of frequency: gigahertz.
static MeasureUnit * createSquareYard(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of area: square-yard.
static MeasureUnit getHectopascal()
Returns by value, unit of pressure: hectopascal.
static MeasureUnit * createDotPerCentimeter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: dot-per-centimeter.
static MeasureUnit * createDessertSpoon(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: dessert-spoon.
static MeasureUnit getSquareMeter()
Returns by value, unit of area: square-meter.
static MeasureUnit getKilowattHourPer100Kilometer()
Returns by value, unit of force: kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer.
virtual MeasureUnit * clone() const
Returns a polymorphic clone of this object.
static MeasureUnit * createAcre(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of area: acre.
static MeasureUnit getCupMetric()
Returns by value, unit of volume: cup-metric.
static MeasureUnit * createDalton(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: dalton.
static MeasureUnit * createKarat(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: karat.
static MeasureUnit getMillisecond()
Returns by value, unit of duration: millisecond.
static MeasureUnit * createYard(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: yard.
static MeasureUnit * createBritishThermalUnit(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of energy: british-thermal-unit.
static MeasureUnit * createKilobit(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of digital: kilobit.
static MeasureUnit * createTon(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: ton.
static MeasureUnit * createDrop(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: drop.
static MeasureUnit * createMilePerHour(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of speed: mile-per-hour.
static MeasureUnit * createMilliwatt(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of power: milliwatt.
static MeasureUnit * createMillibar(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: millibar.
static MeasureUnit * createItem(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: item.
static MeasureUnit * createPoundPerSquareInch(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: pound-force-per-square-inch.
static MeasureUnit getArcMinute()
Returns by value, unit of angle: arc-minute.
MeasureUnit(MeasureUnit &&other) noexcept
Move constructor.
static MeasureUnit forIdentifier(StringPiece identifier, UErrorCode &status)
Constructs a MeasureUnit from a CLDR Core Unit Identifier, as defined in UTS 35.
static MeasureUnit getItem()
Returns by value, unit of concentr: item.
MeasureUnit & operator=(const MeasureUnit &other)
Copy assignment operator.
static MeasureUnit * createGallon(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: gallon.
static MeasureUnit getMillibar()
Returns by value, unit of pressure: millibar.
static MeasureUnit getPetabyte()
Returns by value, unit of digital: petabyte.
static MeasureUnit getYearPerson()
Returns by value, unit of duration: year-person.
static MeasureUnit getGrain()
Returns by value, unit of mass: grain.
Default constructor.
static MeasureUnit getDayPerson()
Returns by value, unit of duration: day-person.
static MeasureUnit * createMilePerGallon(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of consumption: mile-per-gallon.
static MeasureUnit * createMicrogram(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: microgram.
const char * getIdentifier() const
Get CLDR Unit Identifier for this MeasureUnit, as defined in UTS 35.
static MeasureUnit getNanometer()
Returns by value, unit of length: nanometer.
static MeasureUnit getGram()
Returns by value, unit of mass: gram.
static UClassID getStaticClassID()
Return the class ID for this class.
static MeasureUnit getSquareInch()
Returns by value, unit of area: square-inch.
static MeasureUnit * createBarrel(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: barrel.
static MeasureUnit getAtmosphere()
Returns by value, unit of pressure: atmosphere.
static MeasureUnit getKarat()
Returns by value, unit of concentr: karat.
static MeasureUnit * createMilligramPerDeciliter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: milligram-per-deciliter.
static MeasureUnit getEarthRadius()
Returns by value, unit of length: earth-radius.
static MeasureUnit getMole()
Returns by value, unit of concentr: mole.
static MeasureUnit getMilePerGallonImperial()
Returns by value, unit of consumption: mile-per-gallon-imperial.
static MeasureUnit getMegahertz()
Returns by value, unit of frequency: megahertz.
static MeasureUnit * createPoint(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: point.
static MeasureUnit * createHorsepower(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of power: horsepower.
const char * getType() const
Get the type.
static MeasureUnit * createSquareCentimeter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of area: square-centimeter.
static MeasureUnit getQuartImperial()
Returns by value, unit of volume: quart-imperial.
static MeasureUnit * createGigabit(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of digital: gigabit.
static MeasureUnit * createWeekPerson(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: week-person.
static MeasureUnit getMegabit()
Returns by value, unit of digital: megabit.
static MeasureUnit * createEm(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: em.
static MeasureUnit * createInchHg(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: inch-ofhg.
static MeasureUnit * createPermille(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: permille.
static MeasureUnit getHertz()
Returns by value, unit of frequency: hertz.
static MeasureUnit * createLiterPer100Kilometers(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of consumption: liter-per-100-kilometer.
static MeasureUnit getTonne()
Returns by value, unit of mass: tonne.
static MeasureUnit getKilobyte()
Returns by value, unit of digital: kilobyte.
static MeasureUnit * createPoundFoot(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of torque: pound-force-foot.
static MeasureUnit getMeterPerSecond()
Returns by value, unit of speed: meter-per-second.
MeasureUnit withConstantDenominator(uint64_t denominator, UErrorCode &status) const
Creates a new MeasureUnit with a specified constant denominator.
virtual ~MeasureUnit()
static MeasureUnit getMilliliter()
Returns by value, unit of volume: milliliter.
static MeasureUnit getDay()
Returns by value, unit of duration: day.
static MeasureUnit * createMilligram(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: milligram.
MeasureUnit reciprocal(UErrorCode &status) const
Gets the reciprocal of this MeasureUnit, with the numerator and denominator flipped.
static MeasureUnit getQuarter()
Returns by value, unit of duration: quarter.
static MeasureUnit * createGForce(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of acceleration: g-force.
static StringEnumeration * getAvailableTypes(UErrorCode &errorCode)
getAvailableTypes gets all of the available types.
static MeasureUnit * createQuartImperial(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: quart-imperial.
static MeasureUnit * createMegaliter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: megaliter.
static MeasureUnit getCubicFoot()
Returns by value, unit of volume: cubic-foot.
static MeasureUnit * createKilojoule(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of energy: kilojoule.
static MeasureUnit * createHertz(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of frequency: hertz.
int32_t getOffset() const
ICU use only.
static MeasureUnit getPound()
Returns by value, unit of mass: pound.
static MeasureUnit * createPixelPerCentimeter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: pixel-per-centimeter.
static MeasureUnit * createNewtonMeter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of torque: newton-meter.
static MeasureUnit getCubicMile()
Returns by value, unit of volume: cubic-mile.
bool operator!=(const UObject &other) const
Inequality operator.
static MeasureUnit getOhm()
Returns by value, unit of electric: ohm.
static MeasureUnit getGasolineEnergyDensity()
Returns by value, unit of pressure: gasoline-energy-density.
static MeasureUnit * createBeaufort(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of speed: beaufort.
static MeasureUnit * createMegapixel(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: megapixel.
static MeasureUnit getPicometer()
Returns by value, unit of length: picometer.
static MeasureUnit getFathom()
Returns by value, unit of length: fathom.
static MeasureUnit getMonth()
Returns by value, unit of duration: month.
static MeasureUnit getCentury()
Returns by value, unit of duration: century.
static MeasureUnit * createMilliampere(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of electric: milliampere.
static MeasureUnit * createAmpere(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of electric: ampere.
static MeasureUnit getCubicInch()
Returns by value, unit of volume: cubic-inch.
static MeasureUnit * createParsec(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: parsec.
static MeasureUnit * createYear(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: year.
static MeasureUnit * createCalorie(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of energy: calorie.
static MeasureUnit * createFluidOunceImperial(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: fluid-ounce-imperial.
static MeasureUnit getYear()
Returns by value, unit of duration: year.
static MeasureUnit * createPinch(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: pinch.
static MeasureUnit * createMillimeterOfMercury(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: millimeter-ofhg.
static MeasureUnit * createEarthRadius(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: earth-radius.
static MeasureUnit * createDotPerInch(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of graphics: dot-per-inch.
static MeasureUnit * createPound(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: pound.
static MeasureUnit getPoundPerSquareInch()
Returns by value, unit of pressure: pound-force-per-square-inch.
static MeasureUnit getInchHg()
Returns by value, unit of pressure: inch-ofhg.
static MeasureUnit getLiterPer100Kilometers()
Returns by value, unit of consumption: liter-per-100-kilometer.
static MeasureUnit getAmpere()
Returns by value, unit of electric: ampere.
static MeasureUnit * createKilowattHourPer100Kilometer(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of force: kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer.
static MeasureUnit * createKilometer(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: kilometer.
static MeasureUnit getTablespoon()
Returns by value, unit of volume: tablespoon.
static MeasureUnit * createPermyriad(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of concentr: permyriad.
static MeasureUnit getCup()
Returns by value, unit of volume: cup.
static MeasureUnit * createPetabyte(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of digital: petabyte.
MeasureUnit withPrefix(UMeasurePrefix prefix, UErrorCode &status) const
Creates a MeasureUnit which is this SINGLE unit augmented with the specified prefix.
static MeasureUnit * createEarthMass(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: earth-mass.
static MeasureUnit * createFoodcalorie(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of energy: foodcalorie.
static MeasureUnit * createFathom(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: fathom.
static MeasureUnit getPercent()
Returns by value, unit of concentr: percent.
static MeasureUnit getRevolutionAngle()
Returns by value, unit of angle: revolution.
static MeasureUnit getSecond()
Returns by value, unit of duration: second.
static MeasureUnit * createLightSpeed(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of speed: light-speed.
static MeasureUnit * createWatt(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of power: watt.
static MeasureUnit * createMetricTon(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: metric-ton (renamed to tonne in CLDR 42 / ICU 72).
static MeasureUnit * createByte(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of digital: byte.
static MeasureUnit * createMilliliter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: milliliter.
static MeasureUnit * createArcMinute(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of angle: arc-minute.
static MeasureUnit * createLightYear(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: light-year.
static MeasureUnit getQuart()
Returns by value, unit of volume: quart.
static MeasureUnit getBar()
Returns by value, unit of pressure: bar.
static MeasureUnit getElectronvolt()
Returns by value, unit of energy: electronvolt.
static MeasureUnit getKelvin()
Returns by value, unit of temperature: kelvin.
static MeasureUnit getEm()
Returns by value, unit of graphics: em.
static MeasureUnit * createJoule(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of energy: joule.
static MeasureUnit * createSquareFoot(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of area: square-foot.
static MeasureUnit * createPoundForce(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of force: pound-force.
static MeasureUnit * createMilePerGallonImperial(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of consumption: mile-per-gallon-imperial.
static MeasureUnit * createGigawatt(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of power: gigawatt.
static MeasureUnit getKilometerPerHour()
Returns by value, unit of speed: kilometer-per-hour.
static MeasureUnit getCubicMeter()
Returns by value, unit of volume: cubic-meter.
static MeasureUnit getCubicCentimeter()
Returns by value, unit of volume: cubic-centimeter.
static MeasureUnit getGallon()
Returns by value, unit of volume: gallon.
void initTime(const char *timeId)
For ICU use only.
MeasureUnit & operator=(MeasureUnit &&other) noexcept
Move assignment operator.
static MeasureUnit * createPascal(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of pressure: pascal.
static MeasureUnit getKnot()
Returns by value, unit of speed: knot.
static MeasureUnit getFoot()
Returns by value, unit of length: foot.
static MeasureUnit getMicrometer()
Returns by value, unit of length: micrometer.
static MeasureUnit * createVolt(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of electric: volt.
static MeasureUnit * createMeterPerSecond(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of speed: meter-per-second.
static MeasureUnit getAcre()
Returns by value, unit of area: acre.
static MeasureUnit getNewton()
Returns by value, unit of force: newton.
static MeasureUnit * createCubicKilometer(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cubic-kilometer.
static MeasureUnit * createTeaspoon(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: teaspoon.
virtual bool operator==(const UObject &other) const
Equality operator.
static MeasureUnit getPint()
Returns by value, unit of volume: pint.
static MeasureUnit * createNanosecond(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: nanosecond.
static MeasureUnit * createKnot(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of speed: knot.
static MeasureUnit getGForce()
Returns by value, unit of acceleration: g-force.
static MeasureUnit * createDram(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: dram.
static MeasureUnit getGallonImperial()
Returns by value, unit of volume: gallon-imperial.
static MeasureUnit getArcSecond()
Returns by value, unit of angle: arc-second.
static MeasureUnit getMeter()
Returns by value, unit of length: meter.
static MeasureUnit getMeterPerSecondSquared()
Returns by value, unit of acceleration: meter-per-square-second.
static MeasureUnit * createKilohertz(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of frequency: kilohertz.
static MeasureUnit * createSquareKilometer(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of area: square-kilometer.
static MeasureUnit getPinch()
Returns by value, unit of volume: pinch.
static MeasureUnit getCelsius()
Returns by value, unit of temperature: celsius.
static MeasureUnit getDecimeter()
Returns by value, unit of length: decimeter.
static MeasureUnit * createTonne(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: tonne.
static MeasureUnit * createQuarter(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of duration: quarter.
static MeasureUnit getHorsepower()
Returns by value, unit of power: horsepower.
static MeasureUnit getMetricTon()
Returns by value, unit of mass: metric-ton (renamed to tonne in CLDR 42 / ICU 72).
static MeasureUnit getSolarMass()
Returns by value, unit of mass: solar-mass.
static MeasureUnit getSquareCentimeter()
Returns by value, unit of area: square-centimeter.
static MeasureUnit getKilojoule()
Returns by value, unit of energy: kilojoule.
static MeasureUnit getThermUs()
Returns by value, unit of energy: therm-us.
static MeasureUnit * createLux(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of light: lux.
static MeasureUnit getCubicKilometer()
Returns by value, unit of volume: cubic-kilometer.
static MeasureUnit getDotPerInch()
Returns by value, unit of graphics: dot-per-inch.
static MeasureUnit getWeek()
Returns by value, unit of duration: week.
static MeasureUnit getSquareMile()
Returns by value, unit of area: square-mile.
static MeasureUnit getDecade()
Returns by value, unit of duration: decade.
static MeasureUnit * createOunce(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of mass: ounce.
static MeasureUnit * createGenericTemperature(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of temperature: generic.
static MeasureUnit getLumen()
Returns by value, unit of light: lumen.
MeasureUnit withDimensionality(int32_t dimensionality, UErrorCode &status) const
Creates a MeasureUnit which is this SINGLE unit augmented with the specified dimensionality (power).
static MeasureUnit * createSolarRadius(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of length: solar-radius.
static MeasureUnit getMilligramOfglucosePerDeciliter()
Returns by value, unit of concentr: milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter.
static MeasureUnit * createCubicInch(UErrorCode &status)
Returns by pointer, unit of volume: cubic-inch.
Base class for 'pure' C++ implementations of uenum api.
A string-like object that points to a sized piece of memory.
UObject is the common ICU "boilerplate" class.
C++ API: "Smart pointers" for use with and in ICU4C C++ code.
U_CAPI int32_t umeas_getPrefixBase(UMeasurePrefix unitPrefix)
Returns the base of the factor associated with the given unit prefix: the base is 10 for SI prefixes ...
U_CAPI int32_t umeas_getPrefixPower(UMeasurePrefix unitPrefix)
Returns the exponent of the factor associated with the given unit prefix, for example 3 for kilo,...
enum icu::UMeasurePrefix UMeasurePrefix
Enumeration for SI and binary prefixes, e.g.
Enumeration for SI and binary prefixes, e.g.
SI prefix: quecto, 10^-30.
Binary prefix: yobi, 1024^8.
SI prefix: giga, 10^9.
Binary prefix: gibi, 1024^3.
Binary prefix: tebi, 1024^4.
SI prefix: pico, 10^-12.
SI prefix: nano, 10^-9.
ICU use only.
SI prefix: quetta, 10^30.
ICU use only.
SI prefix: hecto, 10^2.
Binary prefix: kibi, 1024^1.
ICU use only.
SI prefix: exa, 10^18.
SI prefix: femto, 10^-15.
Binary prefix: mebi, 1024^2.
SI prefix: mega, 10^6.
SI prefix: ronna, 10^27.
Binary prefix: pebi, 1024^5.
SI prefix: ronto, 10^-27.
SI prefix: deci, 10^-1.
SI prefix: zepto, 10^-21.
SI prefix: centi, 10^-2.
Binary prefix: zebi, 1024^7.
SI prefix: kilo, 10^3.
SI prefix: deka, 10^1.
The absence of an SI or binary prefix.
SI prefix: yotta, 10^24.
ICU use only.
SI prefix: atto, 10^-18.
SI prefix: yocto, 10^-24.
SI prefix: zetta, 10^21.
Binary prefix: exbi, 1024^6.
SI prefix: tera, 10^12.
ICU use only.
SI prefix: milli, 10^-3.
SI prefix: micro, 10^-6.
SI prefix: peta, 10^15.
Enumeration for unit complexity.
A mixed unit, like hour+minute.
A compound unit, like meter-per-second.
A single unit, like kilojoule.
#define U_CAPI
This is used to declare a function as a public ICU C API.
void * UClassID
UClassID is used to identify classes without using the compiler's RTTI.
Basic definitions for ICU, for both C and C++ APIs.
Standard ICU4C error code type, a substitute for exceptions.
#define U_I18N_API
Set to export library symbols from inside the i18n library, and to import them from outside.