54 #ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
139 int32_t patternLength,
633 const UChar *groupName,
657 const char *groupName,
681 int32_t destCapacity,
710 int64_t *groupLength,
1087 const UChar *replacementText,
1088 int32_t replacementLength,
1090 int32_t destCapacity,
1146 const UChar *replacementText,
1147 int32_t replacementLength,
1149 int32_t destCapacity,
1227 const UChar *replacementText,
1228 int32_t replacementLength,
1230 int32_t *destCapacity,
1257 UText *replacementText,
1288 int32_t *destCapacity,
1368 int32_t destCapacity,
1369 int32_t *requiredCapacity,
1370 UChar *destFields[],
1371 int32_t destFieldsCapacity,
1402 UText *destFields[],
1403 int32_t destFieldsCapacity,
1503 const void *context,
1524 const void *context,
1542 const void **context,
1577 const void *context,
1578 int64_t matchIndex);
1596 const void *context,
1613 const void **context,
"Smart pointer" class, closes a URegularExpression via uregex_close().
C++ API: "Smart pointers" for use with and in ICU4C C++ code.
#define U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalPointerClassName, Type, closeFunction)
"Smart pointer" definition macro, deletes objects via the closeFunction.
C API: Parse Error Information.
A UParseError struct is used to returned detailed information about parsing errors.
#define U_CDECL_END
This is used to end a declaration of a library private ICU C API.
int8_t UBool
The ICU boolean type, a signed-byte integer.
#define U_CAPI
This is used to declare a function as a public ICU C API.
char16_t UChar
The base type for UTF-16 code units and pointers.
This is used to begin a declaration of a library private ICU C API.
UBool URegexFindProgressCallback(const void *context, int64_t matchIndex)
Function pointer for a regular expression find callback function.
U_CAPI UBool uregex_find64(URegularExpression *regexp, int64_t startIndex, UErrorCode *status)
64bit version of uregex_find.
U_CAPI UText * uregex_patternUText(const URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
Returns the source text of the pattern for this regular expression.
UBool URegexMatchCallback(const void *context, int32_t steps)
Function pointer for a regular expression matching callback function.
U_CAPI const UChar * uregex_pattern(const URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t *patLength, UErrorCode *status)
Returns a pointer to the source form of the pattern for this regular expression.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_regionEnd(const URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
Reports the end index (exclusive) of the matching region for this URegularExpression.
U_CAPI void uregex_appendReplacementUText(URegularExpression *regexp, UText *replacementText, UText *dest, UErrorCode *status)
Implements a replace operation intended to be used as part of an incremental find-and-replace.
U_CAPI UText * uregex_replaceAllUText(URegularExpression *regexp, UText *replacement, UText *dest, UErrorCode *status)
Replaces every substring of the input that matches the pattern with the given replacement string.
U_CAPI URegularExpression * uregex_openUText(UText *pattern, uint32_t flags, UParseError *pe, UErrorCode *status)
Open (compile) an ICU regular expression.
U_CAPI void uregex_reset64(URegularExpression *regexp, int64_t index, UErrorCode *status)
64bit version of uregex_reset.
U_CAPI int64_t uregex_start64(URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t groupNum, UErrorCode *status)
64bit version of uregex_start.
U_CAPI void uregex_setRegionAndStart(URegularExpression *regexp, int64_t regionStart, int64_t regionLimit, int64_t startIndex, UErrorCode *status)
Set the matching region and the starting index for subsequent matches in a single operation.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_appendReplacement(URegularExpression *regexp, const UChar *replacementText, int32_t replacementLength, UChar **destBuf, int32_t *destCapacity, UErrorCode *status)
Implements a replace operation intended to be used as part of an incremental find-and-replace.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_getTimeLimit(const URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
Get the time limit for for matches with this URegularExpression.
U_CAPI void uregex_useTransparentBounds(URegularExpression *regexp, UBool b, UErrorCode *status)
Sets the transparency of region bounds for this URegularExpression.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_groupNumberFromCName(URegularExpression *regexp, const char *groupName, int32_t nameLength, UErrorCode *status)
Get the group number corresponding to a named capture group.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_split(URegularExpression *regexp, UChar *destBuf, int32_t destCapacity, int32_t *requiredCapacity, UChar *destFields[], int32_t destFieldsCapacity, UErrorCode *status)
Split a string into fields.
U_CAPI UBool uregex_matches64(URegularExpression *regexp, int64_t startIndex, UErrorCode *status)
64bit version of uregex_matches.
U_CAPI void uregex_reset(URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t index, UErrorCode *status)
Reset any saved state from the previous match.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_flags(const URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
Get the match mode flags that were specified when compiling this regular expression.
U_CAPI UText * uregex_groupUText(URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t groupNum, UText *dest, int64_t *groupLength, UErrorCode *status)
Returns a shallow immutable clone of the entire input string with the current index set to the beginn...
U_CAPI int64_t uregex_regionStart64(const URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
64bit version of uregex_regionStart.
U_CAPI void uregex_setUText(URegularExpression *regexp, UText *text, UErrorCode *status)
Set the subject text string upon which the regular expression will look for matches.
U_CAPI void uregex_setRegion64(URegularExpression *regexp, int64_t regionStart, int64_t regionLimit, UErrorCode *status)
64bit version of uregex_setRegion.
U_CAPI int64_t uregex_end64(URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t groupNum, UErrorCode *status)
64bit version of uregex_end.
struct URegularExpression URegularExpression
Structure representing a compiled regular expression, plus the results of a match operation.
U_CAPI UBool uregex_find(URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t startIndex, UErrorCode *status)
Find the first matching substring of the input string that matches the pattern.
U_CAPI const UChar * uregex_getText(URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t *textLength, UErrorCode *status)
Get the subject text that is currently associated with this regular expression object.
U_CAPI void uregex_useAnchoringBounds(URegularExpression *regexp, UBool b, UErrorCode *status)
Set whether this URegularExpression is using Anchoring Bounds for its region.
U_CAPI URegularExpression * uregex_open(const UChar *pattern, int32_t patternLength, uint32_t flags, UParseError *pe, UErrorCode *status)
Open (compile) an ICU regular expression.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_appendTail(URegularExpression *regexp, UChar **destBuf, int32_t *destCapacity, UErrorCode *status)
As the final step in a find-and-replace operation, append the remainder of the input string,...
U_CAPI void uregex_close(URegularExpression *regexp)
Close the regular expression, recovering all resources (memory) it was holding.
U_CAPI URegularExpression * uregex_openC(const char *pattern, uint32_t flags, UParseError *pe, UErrorCode *status)
Open (compile) an ICU regular expression.
U_CAPI UBool uregex_lookingAt(URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t startIndex, UErrorCode *status)
Attempts to match the input string, starting from the specified index, against the pattern.
Constants for Regular Expression Match Modes.
If set, '.
Allow white space and comments within patterns.
Control behavior of "$" and "^" If set, recognize line terminators within string, otherwise,...
If set, treat the entire pattern as a literal string.
Enable case insensitive matching.
Forces normalization of pattern and strings.
Error on Unrecognized backslash escapes.
Unicode word boundaries.
Unix-only line endings.
U_CAPI UBool uregex_findNext(URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
Find the next pattern match in the input string.
U_CAPI UText * uregex_getUText(URegularExpression *regexp, UText *dest, UErrorCode *status)
Get the subject text that is currently associated with this regular expression object.
U_CAPI UBool uregex_requireEnd(const URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
Return true the most recent match succeeded and additional input could cause it to fail.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_groupCount(URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
Get the number of capturing groups in this regular expression's pattern.
U_CAPI void uregex_refreshUText(URegularExpression *regexp, UText *text, UErrorCode *status)
Set the subject text string upon which the regular expression is looking for matches without changing...
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_getStackLimit(const URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
Get the size of the heap storage available for use by the back tracking stack.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_replaceFirst(URegularExpression *regexp, const UChar *replacementText, int32_t replacementLength, UChar *destBuf, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode *status)
Replaces the first substring of the input that matches the pattern with the given replacement string.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_regionStart(const URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
Reports the start index of the matching region.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_start(URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t groupNum, UErrorCode *status)
Returns the index in the input string of the start of the text matched by the specified capture group...
U_CAPI int64_t uregex_regionEnd64(const URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
64bit version of uregex_regionEnd.
U_CAPI UText * uregex_appendTailUText(URegularExpression *regexp, UText *dest, UErrorCode *status)
As the final step in a find-and-replace operation, append the remainder of the input string,...
U_CAPI URegularExpression * uregex_clone(const URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
Make a copy of a compiled regular expression.
U_CAPI void uregex_setText(URegularExpression *regexp, const UChar *text, int32_t textLength, UErrorCode *status)
Set the subject text string upon which the regular expression will look for matches.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_replaceAll(URegularExpression *regexp, const UChar *replacementText, int32_t replacementLength, UChar *destBuf, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode *status)
Replaces every substring of the input that matches the pattern with the given replacement string.
U_CAPI void uregex_setStackLimit(URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t limit, UErrorCode *status)
Set the amount of heap storage available for use by the match backtracking stack.
U_CAPI void uregex_getMatchCallback(const URegularExpression *regexp, URegexMatchCallback **callback, const void **context, UErrorCode *status)
Get the callback function for this URegularExpression.
U_CAPI void uregex_setRegion(URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t regionStart, int32_t regionLimit, UErrorCode *status)
Sets the limits of the matching region for this URegularExpression.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_group(URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t groupNum, UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode *status)
Extract the string for the specified matching expression or subexpression.
U_CAPI UBool uregex_hasAnchoringBounds(const URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
Return true if this URegularExpression is using anchoring bounds.
U_CAPI void uregex_setTimeLimit(URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t limit, UErrorCode *status)
Set a processing time limit for match operations with this URegularExpression.
U_CAPI UBool uregex_lookingAt64(URegularExpression *regexp, int64_t startIndex, UErrorCode *status)
64bit version of uregex_lookingAt.
U_CAPI void uregex_setFindProgressCallback(URegularExpression *regexp, URegexFindProgressCallback *callback, const void *context, UErrorCode *status)
Set the find progress callback function for this URegularExpression.
U_CAPI void uregex_setMatchCallback(URegularExpression *regexp, URegexMatchCallback *callback, const void *context, UErrorCode *status)
Set a callback function for this URegularExpression.
U_CAPI UText * uregex_replaceFirstUText(URegularExpression *regexp, UText *replacement, UText *dest, UErrorCode *status)
Replaces the first substring of the input that matches the pattern with the given replacement string.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_end(URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t groupNum, UErrorCode *status)
Returns the index in the input string of the position following the end of the text matched by the sp...
U_CAPI void uregex_getFindProgressCallback(const URegularExpression *regexp, URegexFindProgressCallback **callback, const void **context, UErrorCode *status)
Get the find progress callback function for this URegularExpression.
U_CAPI UBool uregex_hasTransparentBounds(const URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
Queries the transparency of region bounds for this URegularExpression.
U_CAPI UBool uregex_hitEnd(const URegularExpression *regexp, UErrorCode *status)
Return true if the most recent matching operation touched the end of the text being processed.
U_CAPI UBool uregex_matches(URegularExpression *regexp, int32_t startIndex, UErrorCode *status)
Attempts to match the input string against the pattern.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_groupNumberFromName(URegularExpression *regexp, const UChar *groupName, int32_t nameLength, UErrorCode *status)
Get the group number corresponding to a named capture group.
U_CAPI int32_t uregex_splitUText(URegularExpression *regexp, UText *destFields[], int32_t destFieldsCapacity, UErrorCode *status)
Split a string into fields.
C API: Abstract Unicode Text API.
Basic definitions for ICU, for both C and C++ APIs.
Standard ICU4C error code type, a substitute for exceptions.