93 class FieldPositionIteratorHandler;
94 class FormattedStringBuilder;
96 namespace numparse::impl {
99 class NumberParserImpl;
100 class MultiplierParseHandler;
114 class UnlocalizedNumberFormatter;
115 class LocalizedNumberFormatter;
116 class SimpleNumberFormatter;
117 class FormattedNumber;
119 class ScientificNotation;
121 class FractionPrecision;
122 class CurrencyPrecision;
123 class IncrementPrecision;
143 static constexpr int32_t kInternalDefaultThreshold = 3;
149 class DecimalQuantity;
150 class UFormattedNumberData;
151 class NumberFormatterImpl;
152 struct ParsedPatternInfo;
153 class ScientificModifier;
154 class MultiplierProducer;
156 class ScientificHandler;
158 class AffixPatternProvider;
159 class NumberPropertyMapper;
160 struct DecimalFormatProperties;
161 class MultiplierFormatHandler;
162 class CurrencySymbols;
163 class GeneratorHelpers;
165 class NumberRangeFormatterImpl;
167 struct UFormattedNumberImpl;
168 class MutablePatternModifier;
169 class ImmutablePatternModifier;
170 struct DecimalFormatWarehouse;
171 struct SimpleMicroProps;
172 class AdoptingSignumModifierStore;
353 union NotationUnion {
376 Notation(
const NotationType &type,
const NotationUnion &union_) : fType(type), fUnion(union_) {}
379 fUnion.errorCode = errorCode;
382 Notation() : fType(NTN_SIMPLE), fUnion() {}
385 if (fType == NTN_ERROR) {
386 status = fUnion.errorCode;
393 friend struct impl::MacroProps;
394 friend class ScientificNotation;
397 friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
398 friend class impl::ScientificModifier;
399 friend class impl::ScientificHandler;
402 friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
447 using Notation::Notation;
456 friend class impl::NumberPropertyMapper;
626 int32_t maxSignificantDigits);
725 union PrecisionUnion {
766 Precision(
const PrecisionType& type,
const PrecisionUnion& union_)
767 : fType(type), fUnion(union_) {}
770 fUnion.errorCode = errorCode;
773 Precision() : fType(RND_BOGUS) {}
775 bool isBogus()
const {
776 return fType == RND_BOGUS;
780 if (fType == RND_ERROR) {
781 status = fUnion.errorCode;
788 Precision withCurrency(
const CurrencyUnit ¤cy,
UErrorCode &status)
790 static FractionPrecision constructFraction(int32_t minFrac, int32_t maxFrac);
792 static Precision constructSignificant(int32_t minSig, int32_t maxSig);
794 static Precision constructFractionSignificant(
795 const FractionPrecision &base,
801 static IncrementPrecision constructIncrement(uint64_t increment, impl::digits_t magnitude);
806 friend struct impl::MacroProps;
807 friend struct impl::MicroProps;
810 friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
813 friend class impl::NumberPropertyMapper;
816 friend class impl::RoundingImpl;
819 friend class FractionPrecision;
820 friend class CurrencyPrecision;
821 friend class IncrementPrecision;
824 friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
827 friend class units::UnitsRouter;
856 int32_t minSignificantDigits,
857 int32_t maxSignificantDigits,
900 using Precision::Precision;
938 using Precision::Precision;
974 using Precision::Precision;
1022 bool fFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits;
1026 bool fHasError =
1028 IntegerWidth(impl::digits_t minInt, impl::digits_t maxInt,
bool formatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits);
1031 fUnion.errorCode = errorCode;
1036 fUnion.minMaxInt.fMinInt = -1;
1040 static IntegerWidth standard() {
1041 return IntegerWidth::zeroFillTo(1);
1044 bool isBogus()
const {
1045 return !fHasError && fUnion.minMaxInt.fMinInt == -1;
1050 status = fUnion.errorCode;
1056 void apply(impl::DecimalQuantity &quantity,
UErrorCode &status)
1058 bool operator==(
const IntegerWidth& other)
1061 friend struct impl::MacroProps;
1062 friend struct impl::MicroProps;
1065 friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
1068 friend class impl::MutablePatternModifier;
1069 friend class impl::ImmutablePatternModifier;
1072 friend class impl::NumberPropertyMapper;
1075 friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
1158 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
1160 Scale(int32_t magnitude, impl::DecNum* arbitraryToAdopt);
1165 impl::DecNum* fArbitrary;
1168 Scale(
UErrorCode error) : fMagnitude(0), fArbitrary(nullptr), fError(error) {}
1172 bool isValid()
const {
1173 return fMagnitude != 0 || fArbitrary !=
1184 void applyTo(impl::DecimalQuantity& quantity)
1186 void applyReciprocalTo(impl::DecimalQuantity& quantity)
1189 friend struct impl::MacroProps;
1190 friend struct impl::MicroProps;
1193 friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
1196 friend class impl::MultiplierFormatHandler;
1199 friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
1202 friend class ::icu::numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl;
1203 friend class ::icu::numparse::impl::MultiplierParseHandler;
1226 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
1269 friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
1272 friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
1276 friend struct impl::MacroProps;
1301 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
1343 if (fType == SYMPTR_DFS && fPtr.dfs ==
nullptr) {
1346 }
else if (fType == SYMPTR_NS && fPtr.ns ==
nullptr) {
1354 enum SymbolsPointerType {
1363 void doCopyFrom(
const SymbolsWrapper &other);
1365 void doMoveFrom(SymbolsWrapper&& src);
1374 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
1388 : fGrouping1(grouping1),
1389 fGrouping2(grouping2),
1390 fMinGrouping(minGrouping),
1391 fStrategy(strategy) {}
1419 int16_t fMinGrouping;
1429 bool isBogus()
const {
1430 return fGrouping1 == -3;
1434 void setLocaleData(
const impl::ParsedPatternInfo &patternInfo,
const Locale& locale);
1436 bool groupAtPosition(int32_t position,
const impl::DecimalQuantity &value)
1439 friend struct MacroProps;
1440 friend struct MicroProps;
1441 friend struct SimpleMicroProps;
1444 friend class NumberFormatterImpl;
1445 friend class ::icu::number::SimpleNumberFormatter;
1448 friend class ::icu::numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl;
1451 friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
1458 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
1481 Padder(int32_t width);
1484 fUnion.errorCode = errorCode;
1487 Padder() : fWidth(-2) {}
1489 bool isBogus()
const {
1490 return fWidth == -2;
1495 status = fUnion.errorCode;
1501 bool isValid()
const {
1505 int32_t padAndApply(
const impl::Modifier &mod1,
const impl::Modifier &mod2,
1506 FormattedStringBuilder &
string, int32_t leftIndex, int32_t rightIndex,
1510 friend struct MacroProps;
1511 friend struct MicroProps;
1514 friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
1517 friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
1559 bool approximately =
1574 const AffixPatternProvider* affixProvider =
1580 int32_t threshold = kInternalDefaultThreshold;
1592 return notation.copyErrorTo(status) || precision.copyErrorTo(status) ||
1593 padder.copyErrorTo(status) || integerWidth.copyErrorTo(status) ||
1594 symbols.
copyErrorTo(status) || scale.copyErrorTo(status) || usage.copyErrorTo(status) ||
1595 unitDisplayCase.copyErrorTo(status);
1601 #if (U_PF_WINDOWS <= U_PLATFORM && U_PLATFORM <= U_PF_CYGWIN) && defined(_MSC_VER)
1607 #pragma warning(push)
1608 #pragma warning(disable: 4661)
1616 template<
typename Derived>
2280 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
2305 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
2398 fMacros.copyErrorTo(outErrorCode);
2415 friend class impl::NumberRangeFormatterImpl;
2421 extern template class NumberFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter>;
2422 extern template class NumberFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberFormatter>;
2565 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
2662 #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API
2689 const impl::NumberFormatterImpl* fCompiled {
2690 char fUnsafeCallCount[8] {};
2694 const impl::DecimalFormatWarehouse* fWarehouse {
2696 explicit LocalizedNumberFormatter(
const NumberFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberFormatter>& other);
2698 explicit LocalizedNumberFormatter(NumberFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberFormatter>&& src) noexcept;
2700 LocalizedNumberFormatter(
const impl::MacroProps ¯os,
const Locale &locale);
2702 LocalizedNumberFormatter(impl::MacroProps &¯os,
const Locale &locale);
2704 void resetCompiled();
2706 void lnfMoveHelper(LocalizedNumberFormatter&& src);
2708 void lnfCopyHelper(
const LocalizedNumberFormatter& src,
UErrorCode& status);
2713 bool computeCompiled(
UErrorCode& status)
2716 friend class NumberFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter>;
2717 friend class NumberFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberFormatter>;
2720 friend class UnlocalizedNumberFormatter;
2723 #if (U_PF_WINDOWS <= U_PLATFORM && U_PLATFORM <= U_PF_CYGWIN) && defined(_MSC_VER)
2725 #pragma warning(pop)
C++ API: Appendable class: Sink for Unicode code points and 16-bit code units (char16_ts).
C++ API: Interface for writing bytes, and implementation classes.
A unit of currency, such as USD (U.S.
Represents all the display options that are supported by CLDR such as grammatical case,...
"Smart pointer" class, deletes objects via the standard C++ delete operator.
A Locale object represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region.
A unit such as length, mass, volume, currency, etc.
Defines numbering systems.
Defines rules for mapping non-negative numeric values onto a small set of keywords.
A string-like object that points to a sized piece of memory.
UMemory is the common ICU base class.
UnicodeString is a string class that stores Unicode characters directly and provides similar function...
A class that defines a rounding precision parameterized by a currency to be used when formatting numb...
Precision withCurrency(const CurrencyUnit ¤cy) const
Associates a currency with this rounding precision.
A class that defines a rounding precision based on a number of fraction places and optionally signifi...
Precision withMinDigits(int32_t minSignificantDigits) const
Ensure that no less than this number of significant digits are retained when rounding according to fr...
Precision withSignificantDigits(int32_t minSignificantDigits, int32_t maxSignificantDigits, UNumberRoundingPriority priority) const
Override maximum fraction digits with maximum significant digits depending on the magnitude of the nu...
Precision withMaxDigits(int32_t maxSignificantDigits) const
Ensure that no more than this number of significant digits are retained when rounding according to fr...
A class that defines a rounding precision parameterized by a rounding increment to be used when forma...
Precision withMinFraction(int32_t minFrac) const
Specifies the minimum number of fraction digits to render after the decimal separator,...
A class that defines the strategy for padding and truncating integers before the decimal separator.
static IntegerWidth zeroFillTo(int32_t minInt)
Pad numbers at the beginning with zeros to guarantee a certain number of numerals before the decimal ...
IntegerWidth truncateAt(int32_t maxInt)
Truncate numbers exceeding a certain number of numerals before the decimal separator.
A class that defines the notation style to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter.
static CompactNotation compactShort()
Print the number using short-form compact notation.
static ScientificNotation engineering()
Print the number using engineering notation, a variant of scientific notation in which the exponent m...
static CompactNotation compactLong()
Print the number using long-form compact notation.
static SimpleNotation simple()
Print the number using simple notation without any scaling by powers of ten.
static ScientificNotation scientific()
Print the number using scientific notation (also known as scientific form, standard index form,...
A class that defines the rounding precision to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter.
static SignificantDigitsPrecision maxSignificantDigits(int32_t maxSignificantDigits)
Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of significant digits/figures.
static FractionPrecision fixedFraction(int32_t minMaxFractionPlaces)
Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of fraction places (numerals after the decimal ...
static SignificantDigitsPrecision minSignificantDigits(int32_t minSignificantDigits)
Always show at least a certain number of significant digits/figures, padding with zeros if necessary.
static FractionPrecision maxFraction(int32_t maxFractionPlaces)
Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of fraction places (numerals after the decimal ...
static IncrementPrecision increment(double roundingIncrement)
Show numbers rounded if necessary to the closest multiple of a certain rounding increment.
static CurrencyPrecision currency(UCurrencyUsage currencyUsage)
Show numbers rounded and padded according to the rules for the currency unit.
static FractionPrecision minFraction(int32_t minFractionPlaces)
Always show at least a certain number of fraction places after the decimal separator,...
Precision trailingZeroDisplay(UNumberTrailingZeroDisplay trailingZeroDisplay) const
Configure how trailing zeros are displayed on numbers.
static Precision unlimited()
Show all available digits to full precision.
static FractionPrecision integer()
Show numbers rounded if necessary to the nearest integer.
static SignificantDigitsPrecision fixedSignificantDigits(int32_t minMaxSignificantDigits)
Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of significant digits or significant figures.
static IncrementPrecision incrementExact(uint64_t mantissa, int16_t magnitude)
Version of Precision::increment() that takes an integer at a particular power of 10.
static FractionPrecision minMaxFraction(int32_t minFractionPlaces, int32_t maxFractionPlaces)
Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of fraction places (numerals after the decimal ...
static SignificantDigitsPrecision minMaxSignificantDigits(int32_t minSignificantDigits, int32_t maxSignificantDigits)
Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of significant digits/figures; in addition,...
A class that defines a quantity by which a number should be multiplied when formatting.
static Scale none()
Do not change the value of numbers when formatting or parsing.
Scale & operator=(const Scale &other)
static Scale powerOfTen(int32_t power)
Multiply numbers by a power of ten before formatting.
Scale(const Scale &other)
static Scale byDoubleAndPowerOfTen(double multiplicand, int32_t power)
Multiply a number by both a power of ten and by an arbitrary double value.
static Scale byDecimal(StringPiece multiplicand)
Multiply numbers by an arbitrary value before formatting.
Scale(int32_t magnitude, impl::DecNum *arbitraryToAdopt)
Scale(Scale &&src) noexcept
static Scale byDouble(double multiplicand)
Multiply numbers by an arbitrary value before formatting.
Scale & operator=(Scale &&src) noexcept
A class that defines the scientific notation style to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormat...
ScientificNotation withExponentSignDisplay(UNumberSignDisplay exponentSignDisplay) const
Sets whether to show the sign on positive and negative exponents in scientific notation.
ScientificNotation withMinExponentDigits(int32_t minExponentDigits) const
Sets the minimum number of digits to show in the exponent of scientific notation, padding with zeros ...
static Grouper forStrategy(UNumberGroupingStrategy grouping)
Grouper(int16_t grouping1, int16_t grouping2, int16_t minGrouping, UNumberGroupingStrategy strategy)
int16_t getSecondary() const
static Grouper forProperties(const DecimalFormatProperties &properties)
Resolve the values in Properties to a Grouper object.
int16_t getPrimary() const
static Padder forProperties(const DecimalFormatProperties &properties)
static Padder codePoints(UChar32 cp, int32_t targetWidth, UNumberFormatPadPosition position)
Manages NumberFormatterSettings::usage()'s char* instance on the heap.
StringProp(StringProp &&src) noexcept
StringProp(const StringProp &other)
StringProp & operator=(StringProp &&src) noexcept
StringProp & operator=(const StringProp &other)
void set(StringPiece value)
SymbolsWrapper & operator=(const SymbolsWrapper &other)
const NumberingSystem * getNumberingSystem() const
Get the NumberingSystem pointer.
bool isNumberingSystem() const
Whether the object is currently holding a NumberingSystem.
const DecimalFormatSymbols * getDecimalFormatSymbols() const
Get the DecimalFormatSymbols pointer.
SymbolsWrapper(const SymbolsWrapper &other)
SymbolsWrapper(SymbolsWrapper &&src) noexcept
void setTo(const DecimalFormatSymbols &dfs)
The provided object is copied, but we do not adopt it.
SymbolsWrapper & operator=(SymbolsWrapper &&src) noexcept
void setTo(const NumberingSystem *ns)
Adopt the provided object.
UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const
bool isDecimalFormatSymbols() const
Whether the object is currently holding a DecimalFormatSymbols.
C++ API: Currency Unit Information.
C++ API: Symbols for formatting numbers.
C++ API: Display options class.
C++ API: FieldPosition identifies the fields in a formatted output.
C++ API: FieldPosition Iterator.
C++ API: A unit for measuring a quantity.
U_EXPORT UBool operator==(const StringPiece &x, const StringPiece &y)
Global operator == for StringPiece.
C++ API: units for percent and permille.
C API: Parse Error Information.
C++ API: PluralRules object.
A UParseError struct is used to returned detailed information about parsing errors.
impl::digits_t fMinExponentDigits
UNumberSignDisplay fExponentSignDisplay
int8_t fEngineeringInterval
bool fRetain
Whether to retain trailing zeros based on the looser strategy.
UNumberRoundingPriority fPriority
impl::digits_t fIncrementMagnitude
bool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const
Check all members for errors.
StringProp unitDisplayCase
IntegerWidth integerWidth
C API: Encapsulates information about a currency.
Currency Usage used for Decimal Format.
int32_t UChar32
Define UChar32 as a type for single Unicode code points.
int8_t UBool
The ICU boolean type, a signed-byte integer.
C API: Compatibility APIs for number formatting.
Constants for specifying short or long format.
The possible number format pad positions.
C API: Header-only input options for various number formatting APIs.
The possible number format rounding modes.
Half-even rounding.
An enum declaring the strategy for when and how to display grouping separators (i....
C++ API: Common ICU base class UObject.
Basic definitions for ICU, for both C and C++ APIs.
Standard ICU4C error code type, a substitute for exceptions.
Memory allocation error.
No error, no warning.
#define U_FAILURE(x)
Does the error code indicate a failure?
#define U_I18N_API
Set to export library symbols from inside the i18n library, and to import them from outside.