20 #include "layout/LETypes.h"
107 LEErrorCode *status);
346 U_CAPI const le_font * U_EXPORT2
386 U_CAPI const LEGlyphID * U_EXPORT2
404 U_CAPI const float * U_EXPORT2
419 U_CAPI const le_int32 * U_EXPORT2
U_CAPI const le_int32 * pl_getVisualRunGlyphToCharMap(const pl_visualRun *run)
Get the glyph-to-character map for this visual run.
U_CAPI const float * pl_getVisualRunPositions(const pl_visualRun *run)
Get the (x, y) positions of the glyphs in the visual run.
void pl_paragraph
The opaque type for a paragraph layout.
U_CAPI pl_paragraph * pl_create(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 count, const pl_fontRuns *fontRuns, const pl_valueRuns *levelRuns, const pl_valueRuns *scriptRuns, const pl_localeRuns *localeRuns, UBiDiLevel paragraphLevel, le_bool vertical, LEErrorCode *status)
Construct a ParagraphLayout object for a styled paragraph.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getLineAscent(const pl_line *line)
Get the ascent of the line.
U_CAPI const le_font * pl_getVisualRunFont(const pl_visualRun *run)
Get the le_font object which represents the font of the visual run.
U_CAPI pl_line * pl_nextLine(pl_paragraph *paragraph, float width)
Return a pl_line object which represents next line in the paragraph.
U_CAPI const pl_visualRun * pl_getLineVisualRun(const pl_line *line, le_int32 runIndex)
Get a ParagraphLayout::VisualRun object for a given visual run in the line.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_countLineRuns(const pl_line *line)
Count the number of visual runs in the line.
U_CAPI UBiDiDirection pl_getVisualRunDirection(const pl_visualRun *run)
Get the direction of the visual run.
U_CAPI void pl_closeLine(pl_line *line)
Close the given line object.
void pl_visualRun
The opaque type for a visual run in a line.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getVisualRunLeading(const pl_visualRun *run)
A convenience method which returns the leading value for the font associated with this run.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getLineDescent(const pl_line *line)
Get the descent of the line.
U_CAPI void pl_close(pl_paragraph *paragraph)
Close the given paragraph layout object.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getLeading(const pl_paragraph *paragraph)
Return the max leading value for all the fonts in the paragraph.
void pl_line
The opaque type for a line in a paragraph layout.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getLineLeading(const pl_line *line)
Get the leading of the line.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getAscent(const pl_paragraph *paragraph)
Return the max ascent value for all the fonts in the paragraph.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getVisualRunAscent(const pl_visualRun *run)
A convenience method which returns the ascent value for the font associated with this run.
U_CAPI le_bool pl_isComplex(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 count)
Examine the given text and determine if it contains characters in any script which requires complex p...
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getLineWidth(const pl_line *line)
Get the width of the line.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getVisualRunGlyphCount(const pl_visualRun *run)
Get the number of glyphs in the visual run.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getDescent(const pl_paragraph *paragraph)
Return the max descent value for all the fonts in the paragraph.
U_CAPI UBiDiLevel pl_getParagraphLevel(pl_paragraph *paragraph)
Return the resolved paragraph level.
U_CAPI UBiDiDirection pl_getTextDirection(pl_paragraph *paragraph)
Return the directionality of the text in the paragraph.
U_CAPI const LEGlyphID * pl_getVisualRunGlyphs(const pl_visualRun *run)
Get the glyphs in the visual run.
U_CAPI le_int32 pl_getVisualRunDescent(const pl_visualRun *run)
A convenience method which returns the descent value for the font associated with this run.
U_CAPI void pl_reflow(pl_paragraph *paragraph)
Reset line breaking to start from the beginning of the paragraph.
void pl_localeRuns
Opaque datatype representing an array of locale runs.
void pl_valueRuns
Opaque datatype representing an array of value runs.
void pl_fontRuns
Opaque datatype representing an array of font runs.
UBiDiDirection values indicate the text direction.
uint8_t UBiDiLevel
UBiDiLevel is the type of the level values in this Bidi implementation.
#define U_CAPI
This is used to declare a function as a public ICU C API.