ICU 76.1 76.1
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ICU 76.1

API Reference Usage

C++ Programmers:

Use Class Hierarchy or Alphabetical List or Compound List to find the class you are interested in. For example, to find BreakIterator, you can go to the Alphabetical List, then click on "BreakIterator". Once you are at the class, you will find an inheritance chart, a list of the public members, a detailed description of the class, then detailed member descriptions.

C Programmers:

Use Module List or File Members to find a list of all the functions and constants. For example, to find BreakIterator functions you would click on File List, then find "ubrk.h" and click on it. You will find descriptions of Defines, Typedefs, Enumerations, and Functions, with detailed descriptions below. If you want to find a specific function, such as ubrk_next(), then click first on File Members, then use your browser Find dialog to search for "ubrk_next()".

API References for Previous Releases

The API References for each release of ICU are also available as a zip file from the ICU download page.

Architecture (User's Guide)

Module List

Module Name C C++
Basic Types and Constants utypes.h utypes.h
Strings and Character Iteration ustring.h, utf8.h, utf16.h, icu::StringPiece, UText, UCharIterator, icu::ByteSink icu::UnicodeString, icu::CharacterIterator, icu::Appendable, icu::StringPiece,icu::ByteSink
Unicode Character
Properties and Names
uchar.h, uscript.h C API
Sets of Unicode Code Points and Strings uset.h icu::UnicodeSet
Maps from Unicode Code Points to Integer Values ucptrie.h, umutablecptrie.h C API
Maps from Strings to Integer Values (no C API) icu::BytesTrie, icu::UCharsTrie
Codepage Conversion ucnv.h, ucnvsel.h C API
Codepage Detection ucsdet.h C API
Unicode Text Compression ucnv.h
(encoding name "SCSU" or "BOCU-1")
Locales uloc.h, ulocale.h, ulocbuilder.h icu::Locale, icu::LocaleBuilder, icu::LocaleMatcher
Resource Bundles ures.h icu::ResourceBundle
Normalization unorm2.h icu::Normalizer2
Calendars and Time Zones ucal.h icu::Calendar, icu::TimeZone
Date and Time Formatting udat.h icu::DateFormat
Relative Date and Time Formatting ureldatefmt.h icu::RelativeDateTimeFormatter
Message Formatting umsg.h icu::MessageFormat
Message Formatting 2
(technology preview)
(no C API) icu::message2::MessageFormatter
List Formatting ulistformatter.h icu::ListFormatter
Number Formatting
(includes currency and unit formatting)
unumberformatter.h, unum.h, usimplenumberformatter.h icu::number::NumberFormatter (ICU 60+) or icu::NumberFormat (older versions)
icu::number::SimpleNumberFormatter (ICU 73+)
Number Range Formatting
(includes currency and unit ranges)
unumberrangeformatter.h icu::number::NumberRangeFormatter
Number Spellout
(Rule Based Number Formatting)
Text Transformation
utrans.h icu::Transliterator
Bidirectional Algorithm ubidi.h, ubiditransform.h C API
Arabic Shaping ushape.h C API
Collation ucol.h icu::Collator
String Searching usearch.h icu::StringSearch
Index Characters/
Bucketing for Sorted Lists
(no C API) icu::AlphabeticIndex
Text Boundary Analysis
(Break Iteration)
ubrk.h icu::BreakIterator
Regular Expressions uregex.h icu::RegexPattern, icu::RegexMatcher
StringPrep usprep.h C API
International Domain Names in Applications:
UTS #46 in C/C++, IDNA2003 only via C API
uidna.h idna.h
Identifier Spoofing & Confusability uspoof.h C API
Universal Time Scale utmscale.h C API
Paragraph Layout / Complex Text Layout playout.h icu::ParagraphLayout
ICU I/O ustdio.h ustream.h

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