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ustdio.h File Reference

C API: Unicode stdio-like API. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
#include "unicode/utrans.h"
#include "unicode/unum.h"
#include "unicode/localpointer.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 File coll.h.


#define U_EOF   0xFFFF
 When an end of file is encountered, this value can be returned. More...


typedef struct UFILE UFILE
 Forward declaration of a Unicode-aware file. More...


enum  UFileDirection { U_READ = 1 , U_WRITE = 2 , U_READWRITE =3 }
 Enum for which direction of stream a transliterator applies to. More...


U_CAPI UFILEu_fopen (const char *filename, const char *perm, const char *locale, const char *codepage)
 Open a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI UFILEu_fopen_u (const UChar *filename, const char *perm, const char *locale, const char *codepage)
 Open a UFILE with a UChar* filename A UFILE is a wrapper around a FILE* that is locale and codepage aware. More...
U_CAPI UFILEu_finit (FILE *f, const char *locale, const char *codepage)
 Open a UFILE on top of an existing FILE* stream. More...
U_CAPI UFILEu_fadopt (FILE *f, const char *locale, const char *codepage)
 Open a UFILE on top of an existing FILE* stream. More...
U_CAPI UFILEu_fstropen (UChar *stringBuf, int32_t capacity, const char *locale)
 Create a UFILE that can be used for localized formatting or parsing. More...
U_CAPI void u_fclose (UFILE *file)
 Close a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI UBool u_feof (UFILE *f)
 Tests if the UFILE is at the end of the file stream. More...
U_CAPI void u_fflush (UFILE *file)
 Flush output of a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI void u_frewind (UFILE *file)
 Rewind the file pointer to the beginning of the file. More...
U_CAPI FILE * u_fgetfile (UFILE *f)
 Get the FILE* associated with a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI const char * u_fgetlocale (UFILE *file)
 Get the locale whose conventions are used to format and parse output. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_fsetlocale (UFILE *file, const char *locale)
 Set the locale whose conventions will be used to format and parse output. More...
U_CAPI const char * u_fgetcodepage (UFILE *file)
 Get the codepage in which data is written to and read from the UFILE. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_fsetcodepage (const char *codepage, UFILE *file)
 Set the codepage in which data will be written to and read from the UFILE. More...
U_CAPI UConverteru_fgetConverter (UFILE *f)
 Returns an alias to the converter being used for this file. More...
U_CAPI const UNumberFormatu_fgetNumberFormat (UFILE *f)
 Returns an alias to the number formatter being used for this file. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_printf (const char *patternSpecification,...)
 Write formatted data to stdout. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_fprintf (UFILE *f, const char *patternSpecification,...)
 Write formatted data to a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_vfprintf (UFILE *f, const char *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
 Write formatted data to a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_printf_u (const UChar *patternSpecification,...)
 Write formatted data to stdout. More...
U_CAPI UFILEu_get_stdout (void)
 Get a UFILE for stdout. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_fprintf_u (UFILE *f, const UChar *patternSpecification,...)
 Write formatted data to a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_vfprintf_u (UFILE *f, const UChar *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
 Write formatted data to a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_fputs (const UChar *s, UFILE *f)
 Write a Unicode to a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI UChar32 u_fputc (UChar32 uc, UFILE *f)
 Write a UChar to a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_file_write (const UChar *ustring, int32_t count, UFILE *f)
 Write Unicode to a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_fscanf (UFILE *f, const char *patternSpecification,...)
 Read formatted data from a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_vfscanf (UFILE *f, const char *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
 Read formatted data from a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_fscanf_u (UFILE *f, const UChar *patternSpecification,...)
 Read formatted data from a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_vfscanf_u (UFILE *f, const UChar *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
 Read formatted data from a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI UCharu_fgets (UChar *s, int32_t n, UFILE *f)
 Read one line of text into a UChar* string from a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI UChar u_fgetc (UFILE *f)
 Read a UChar from a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI UChar32 u_fgetcx (UFILE *f)
 Read a UChar32 from a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI UChar32 u_fungetc (UChar32 c, UFILE *f)
 Unget a UChar from a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_file_read (UChar *chars, int32_t count, UFILE *f)
 Read Unicode from a UFILE. More...
U_CAPI UTransliteratoru_fsettransliterator (UFILE *file, UFileDirection direction, UTransliterator *adopt, UErrorCode *status)
 Set a transliterator on the UFILE. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_sprintf (UChar *buffer, const char *patternSpecification,...)
 Write formatted data to a Unicode string. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_snprintf (UChar *buffer, int32_t count, const char *patternSpecification,...)
 Write formatted data to a Unicode string. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_vsprintf (UChar *buffer, const char *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
 Write formatted data to a Unicode string. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_vsnprintf (UChar *buffer, int32_t count, const char *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
 Write formatted data to a Unicode string. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_sprintf_u (UChar *buffer, const UChar *patternSpecification,...)
 Write formatted data to a Unicode string. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_snprintf_u (UChar *buffer, int32_t count, const UChar *patternSpecification,...)
 Write formatted data to a Unicode string. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_vsprintf_u (UChar *buffer, const UChar *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
 Write formatted data to a Unicode string. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_vsnprintf_u (UChar *buffer, int32_t count, const UChar *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
 Write formatted data to a Unicode string. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_sscanf (const UChar *buffer, const char *patternSpecification,...)
 Read formatted data from a Unicode string. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_vsscanf (const UChar *buffer, const char *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
 Read formatted data from a Unicode string. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_sscanf_u (const UChar *buffer, const UChar *patternSpecification,...)
 Read formatted data from a Unicode string. More...
U_CAPI int32_t u_vsscanf_u (const UChar *buffer, const UChar *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
 Read formatted data from a Unicode string. More...

Detailed Description

C API: Unicode stdio-like API.

Unicode stdio-like C API

This API provides an stdio-like API wrapper around ICU's other formatting and parsing APIs. It is meant to ease the transition of adding Unicode support to a preexisting applications using stdio. The following is a small list of noticeable differences between stdio and ICU I/O's ustdio implementation.

Formatting and Parsing Specification

General printf format:
%[format modifier][width][.precision][type modifier][format]

General scanf format:
%[*][format modifier][width][type modifier][format]

EdoublefloatScientific with an uppercase exponent
edoublefloatScientific with a lowercase exponent
GdoublefloatUse E or f for best format
gdoublefloatUse e or f for best format
fdoublefloatSimple floating point without the exponent
Xint32_tint32_tustdio special uppercase hex radix formatting
xint32_tint32_tustdio special lowercase hex radix formatting
dint32_tint32_tDecimal format
iint32_tint32_tSame as d
nint32_tint32_tcount (write the number of UTF-16 codeunits read/written)
oint32_tint32_tustdio special octal radix formatting
uuint32_tuint32_tDecimal format
pvoid *void *Prints the pointer value
schar *char *Use default converter or specified converter from fopen
ccharcharUse default converter or specified converter from fopen
When width is specified for scanf, this acts like a non-NULL-terminated char * string.
By default, only one char is written.
SUChar *UChar *Null terminated UTF-16 string
CUCharUChar16-bit Unicode code unit
When width is specified for scanf, this acts like a non-NULL-terminated UChar * string
By default, only one codepoint is written.
%[] UChar *Null terminated UTF-16 string which contains the filtered set of characters specified by the UnicodeSet
%%  Show a percent sign

Format modifiers

hd, i, o, xint16_tshort format
huuint16_tshort format
hcchar(Unimplemented) Use invariant converter
hschar *(Unimplemented) Use invariant converter
hCchar(Unimplemented) 8-bit Unicode code unit
hSchar *(Unimplemented) Null terminated UTF-8 string
ld, i, o, xint32_tlong format (no effect)
luuint32_tlong format (no effect)
lcN/A(Unimplemented) Reserved for future implementation
lsN/A(Unimplemented) Reserved for future implementation
lCUChar32(Unimplemented) 32-bit Unicode code unit
lSUChar32 *(Unimplemented) Null terminated UTF-32 string
lld, i, o, xint64_tlong long format
lluuint64_t(Unimplemented) long long format
%-allN/ALeft justify
%+d, i, o, x, e, f, g, E, GN/AAlways show the plus or minus sign. Needs data for plus sign.
% d, i, o, x, e, f, g, E, GN/AInstead of a "+" output a blank character for positive numbers.
%#d, i, o, x, e, f, g, E, GN/APrecede octal value with 0, hex with 0x and show the decimal point for floats.
%nallN/AWidth of input/output. num is an actual number from 0 to some large number., f, g, E, F, GN/ASignificant digits precision. num is an actual number from 0 to some large number.
If * is used in printf, then the precision is passed in as an argument before the number to be formatted.

printf modifier %* int32_t Next argument after this one specifies the width

scanf modifier %* N/A This field is scanned, but not stored

If you are using this C API instead of the ustream.h API for C++, you can use one of the following u_fprintf examples to display a UnicodeString.

    UFILE *out = u_finit(stdout, NULL, NULL);
    UnicodeString string1("string 1");
    UnicodeString string2("string 2");
    u_fprintf(out, "%S\n", string1.getTerminatedBuffer());
    u_fprintf(out, "%.*S\n", string2.length(), string2.getBuffer());

Definition in file ustdio.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define U_EOF   0xFFFF

When an end of file is encountered, this value can be returned.

See also

Definition at line 212 of file ustdio.h.

Typedef Documentation


typedef struct UFILE UFILE

Forward declaration of a Unicode-aware file.


Definition at line 1 of file ustdio.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ UFileDirection

Enum for which direction of stream a transliterator applies to.

See also
ICU 3.0

Definition at line 222 of file ustdio.h.

Function Documentation

◆ u_fadopt()

U_CAPI UFILE* u_fadopt ( FILE *  f,
const char *  locale,
const char *  codepage 

Open a UFILE on top of an existing FILE* stream.

The FILE* stream ownership is transferred to the new UFILE. It will be closed when the UFILE is closed.

fThe FILE* which this UFILE will take ownership of.
localeThe locale whose conventions will be used to format and parse output. If this parameter is NULL, the default locale will be used.
codepageThe codepage in which data will be written to and read from the file. If this parameter is NULL, data will be written and read using the default codepage for locale, unless locale is NULL, in which case the system default codepage will be used.
A new UFILE, or NULL if an error occurred. If an error occurs the ownership of the FILE* stream remains with the caller.
ICU 4.4

◆ u_fclose()

U_CAPI void u_fclose ( UFILE file)

Close a UFILE.

Implies u_fflush first.

fileThe UFILE to close.
ICU 3.0
See also

◆ u_feof()

U_CAPI UBool u_feof ( UFILE f)

Tests if the UFILE is at the end of the file stream.

fThe UFILE from which to read.
Returns true after the first read operation that attempts to read past the end of the file. It returns false if the current position is not end of file.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fflush()

U_CAPI void u_fflush ( UFILE file)

Flush output of a UFILE.

Implies a flush of converter/transliterator state. (That is, a logical break is made in the output stream - for example if a different type of output is desired.) The underlying OS level file is also flushed. Note that for a stateful encoding, the converter may write additional bytes to return the stream to default state.

fileThe UFILE to flush.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fgetc()

U_CAPI UChar u_fgetc ( UFILE f)

Read a UChar from a UFILE.

It is recommended that u_fgetcx used instead for proper parsing functions, but sometimes reading code units is needed instead of codepoints.

fThe UFILE from which to read.
The UChar value read, or U+FFFF if no character was available.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fgetcodepage()

U_CAPI const char* u_fgetcodepage ( UFILE file)

Get the codepage in which data is written to and read from the UFILE.

This is the same codepage passed in the preceding call to u_fsetcodepage or u_fopen.

fileThe UFILE to query.
The codepage in which data is written to and read from the UFILE, or NULL if an error occurred.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fgetConverter()

U_CAPI UConverter* u_fgetConverter ( UFILE f)

Returns an alias to the converter being used for this file.

fThe UFILE to get the value from
alias to the converter (The converter must not be modified or closed)
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fgetcx()

U_CAPI UChar32 u_fgetcx ( UFILE f)

Read a UChar32 from a UFILE.

fThe UFILE from which to read.
The UChar32 value read, or U_EOF if no character was available, or U+FFFD (replacement character) if an ill-formed character was encountered.
See also
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fgetfile()

U_CAPI FILE* u_fgetfile ( UFILE f)

Get the FILE* associated with a UFILE.

A FILE*, owned by the UFILE. (The FILE must not be modified or closed)
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fgetlocale()

U_CAPI const char* u_fgetlocale ( UFILE file)

Get the locale whose conventions are used to format and parse output.

This is the same locale passed in the preceding call tou_fsetlocale or u_fopen.

fileThe UFILE to set.
The locale whose conventions are used to format and parse output.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fgetNumberFormat()

U_CAPI const UNumberFormat* u_fgetNumberFormat ( UFILE f)

Returns an alias to the number formatter being used for this file.

fThe UFILE to get the value from
alias to the number formatter (The formatter must not be modified or closed)
ICU 51

◆ u_fgets()

U_CAPI UChar* u_fgets ( UChar s,
int32_t  n,

Read one line of text into a UChar* string from a UFILE.

The newline at the end of the line is read into the string. The string is always null terminated

fThe UFILE from which to read.
nThe maximum number of characters - 1 to read.
sThe UChar* to receive the read data. Characters will be stored successively in s until a newline or EOF is reached. A null character (U+0000) will be appended to s.
A pointer to s, or NULL if no characters were available.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_file_read()

U_CAPI int32_t u_file_read ( UChar chars,
int32_t  count,

Read Unicode from a UFILE.

Bytes will be converted from the UFILE's underlying codepage, with subsequent conversion to Unicode. The data will not be NULL terminated.

charsA pointer to receive the Unicode data.
countThe number of Unicode characters to read.
fThe UFILE from which to read.
The number of Unicode characters read.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_file_write()

U_CAPI int32_t u_file_write ( const UChar ustring,
int32_t  count,

Write Unicode to a UFILE.

The ustring passed in will be converted to the UFILE's underlying codepage before it is written.

ustringA pointer to the Unicode data to write.
countThe number of Unicode characters to write
fThe UFILE to which to write.
The number of Unicode characters written.
See also
ICU 3.0

◆ u_finit()

U_CAPI UFILE* u_finit ( FILE *  f,
const char *  locale,
const char *  codepage 

Open a UFILE on top of an existing FILE* stream.

The FILE* stream ownership remains with the caller. To have the UFILE take over ownership and responsibility for the FILE* stream, use the function u_fadopt.

fThe FILE* to which this UFILE will attach and use.
localeThe locale whose conventions will be used to format and parse output. If this parameter is NULL, the default locale will be used.
codepageThe codepage in which data will be written to and read from the file. If this parameter is NULL, data will be written and read using the default codepage for locale, unless locale is NULL, in which case the system default codepage will be used.
A new UFILE, or NULL if an error occurred.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fopen()

U_CAPI UFILE* u_fopen ( const char *  filename,
const char *  perm,
const char *  locale,
const char *  codepage 

Open a UFILE.

A UFILE is a wrapper around a FILE* that is locale and codepage aware. That is, data written to a UFILE will be formatted using the conventions specified by that UFILE's Locale; this data will be in the character set specified by that UFILE's codepage.

filenameThe name of the file to open. Must be 0-terminated.
permThe read/write permission for the UFILE; one of "r", "w", "rw"
localeThe locale whose conventions will be used to format and parse output. If this parameter is NULL, the default locale will be used.
codepageThe codepage in which data will be written to and read from the file. If this parameter is NULL the system default codepage will be used.
A new UFILE, or NULL if an error occurred.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fopen_u()

U_CAPI UFILE* u_fopen_u ( const UChar filename,
const char *  perm,
const char *  locale,
const char *  codepage 

Open a UFILE with a UChar* filename A UFILE is a wrapper around a FILE* that is locale and codepage aware.

That is, data written to a UFILE will be formatted using the conventions specified by that UFILE's Locale; this data will be in the character set specified by that UFILE's codepage.

filenameThe name of the file to open. Must be 0-terminated.
permThe read/write permission for the UFILE; one of "r", "w", "rw"
localeThe locale whose conventions will be used to format and parse output. If this parameter is NULL, the default locale will be used.
codepageThe codepage in which data will be written to and read from the file. If this parameter is NULL the system default codepage will be used.
A new UFILE, or NULL if an error occurred.
ICU 54

◆ u_fprintf()

U_CAPI int32_t u_fprintf ( UFILE f,
const char *  patternSpecification,

Write formatted data to a UFILE.

fThe UFILE to which to write.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_fprintf will interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
The number of Unicode characters written to f.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fprintf_u()

U_CAPI int32_t u_fprintf_u ( UFILE f,
const UChar patternSpecification,

Write formatted data to a UFILE.

fThe UFILE to which to write.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_fprintf will interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
The number of Unicode characters written to f.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fputc()

U_CAPI UChar32 u_fputc ( UChar32  uc,

Write a UChar to a UFILE.

ucThe UChar to write.
fThe UFILE to which to write.
The character written if successful, EOF otherwise.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fputs()

U_CAPI int32_t u_fputs ( const UChar s,

Write a Unicode to a UFILE.

The null (U+0000) terminated UChar* s will be written to f, excluding the NULL terminator. A newline will be added to f.

sThe UChar* to write.
fThe UFILE to which to write.
A non-negative number if successful, EOF otherwise.
See also
ICU 3.0

◆ u_frewind()

U_CAPI void u_frewind ( UFILE file)

Rewind the file pointer to the beginning of the file.

fileThe UFILE to rewind.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fscanf()

U_CAPI int32_t u_fscanf ( UFILE f,
const char *  patternSpecification,

Read formatted data from a UFILE.

fThe UFILE from which to read.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_fscanf will interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF if an error occurred.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fscanf_u()

U_CAPI int32_t u_fscanf_u ( UFILE f,
const UChar patternSpecification,

Read formatted data from a UFILE.

fThe UFILE from which to read.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_fscanf will interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF if an error occurred.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fsetcodepage()

U_CAPI int32_t u_fsetcodepage ( const char *  codepage,
UFILE file 

Set the codepage in which data will be written to and read from the UFILE.

All Unicode data written to the UFILE will be converted to this codepage before it is written to the underlying FILE*. It it generally a bad idea to mix codepages within a file. This should only be called right after opening the UFile, or after calling u_frewind.

codepageThe codepage in which data will be written to and read from the file. For example "latin-1" or "ibm-943". A value of NULL means the default codepage for the UFILE's current locale will be used.
fileThe UFILE to set.
0 if successful, otherwise a negative number.
See also
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fsetlocale()

U_CAPI int32_t u_fsetlocale ( UFILE file,
const char *  locale 

Set the locale whose conventions will be used to format and parse output.

localeThe locale whose conventions will be used to format and parse output.
fileThe UFILE to query.
NULL if successful, otherwise a negative number.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fsettransliterator()

U_CAPI UTransliterator* u_fsettransliterator ( UFILE file,
UFileDirection  direction,
UTransliterator adopt,
UErrorCode status 

Set a transliterator on the UFILE.

The transliterator will be owned by the UFILE.

fileThe UFILE to set transliteration on
adoptThe UTransliterator to set. Can be NULL, which will mean that no transliteration is used.
directioneither U_READ, U_WRITE, or U_READWRITE - sets which direction the transliterator is to be applied to. If U_READWRITE, the "Read" transliteration will be in the inverse direction.
statusICU error code.
The previously set transliterator, owned by the caller. If U_READWRITE is specified, only the WRITE transliterator is returned. In most cases, the caller should call utrans_close() on the result of this function.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fstropen()

U_CAPI UFILE* u_fstropen ( UChar stringBuf,
int32_t  capacity,
const char *  locale 

Create a UFILE that can be used for localized formatting or parsing.

The u_sprintf and u_sscanf functions do not read or write numbers for a specific locale. The ustdio.h file functions can be used on this UFILE. The string is usable once u_fclose or u_fflush has been called on the returned UFILE.

stringBufThe string used for reading or writing.
capacityThe number of code units available for use in stringBuf
localeThe locale whose conventions will be used to format and parse output. If this parameter is NULL, the default locale will be used.
A new UFILE, or NULL if an error occurred.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_fungetc()

U_CAPI UChar32 u_fungetc ( UChar32  c,

Unget a UChar from a UFILE.

If this function is not the first to operate on f after a call to u_fgetc, the results are undefined. If this function is passed a character that was not received from the previous u_fgetc or u_fgetcx call, the results are undefined.

cThe UChar to put back on the stream.
fThe UFILE to receive c.
The UChar32 value put back if successful, U_EOF otherwise.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_get_stdout()

U_CAPI UFILE* u_get_stdout ( void  )

Get a UFILE for stdout.

UFILE that writes to stdout
ICU 49

◆ u_printf()

U_CAPI int32_t u_printf ( const char *  patternSpecification,

Write formatted data to stdout.

patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_printf will interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
The number of Unicode characters written to stdout
ICU 49

◆ u_printf_u()

U_CAPI int32_t u_printf_u ( const UChar patternSpecification,

Write formatted data to stdout.

patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_printf_u will interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
The number of Unicode characters written to stdout
ICU 49

◆ u_snprintf()

U_CAPI int32_t u_snprintf ( UChar buffer,
int32_t  count,
const char *  patternSpecification,

Write formatted data to a Unicode string.

When the number of code units required to store the data exceeds count, then count code units of data are stored in buffer and a negative value is returned. When the number of code units required to store the data equals count, the string is not null terminated and count is returned.

bufferThe Unicode String to which to write.
countThe number of code units to read.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_sprintf will interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
The number of Unicode characters that would have been written to buffer had count been sufficiently large. This does not include the terminating null character.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_snprintf_u()

U_CAPI int32_t u_snprintf_u ( UChar buffer,
int32_t  count,
const UChar patternSpecification,

Write formatted data to a Unicode string.

When the number of code units required to store the data exceeds count, then count code units of data are stored in buffer and a negative value is returned. When the number of code units required to store the data equals count, the string is not null terminated and count is returned.

bufferThe Unicode string to which to write.
countThe number of code units to read.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_sprintf will interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
The number of Unicode characters that would have been written to buffer had count been sufficiently large.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_sprintf()

U_CAPI int32_t u_sprintf ( UChar buffer,
const char *  patternSpecification,

Write formatted data to a Unicode string.

bufferThe Unicode String to which to write.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_sprintf will interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
The number of Unicode code units written to buffer. This does not include the terminating null character.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_sprintf_u()

U_CAPI int32_t u_sprintf_u ( UChar buffer,
const UChar patternSpecification,

Write formatted data to a Unicode string.

bufferThe Unicode string to which to write.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_sprintf will interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
The number of Unicode characters written to buffer.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_sscanf()

U_CAPI int32_t u_sscanf ( const UChar buffer,
const char *  patternSpecification,

Read formatted data from a Unicode string.

bufferThe Unicode string from which to read.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_sscanf will interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF if an error occurred.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_sscanf_u()

U_CAPI int32_t u_sscanf_u ( const UChar buffer,
const UChar patternSpecification,

Read formatted data from a Unicode string.

bufferThe Unicode string from which to read.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_sscanf will interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF if an error occurred.
ICU 3.0

◆ u_vfprintf()

U_CAPI int32_t u_vfprintf ( UFILE f,
const char *  patternSpecification,
va_list  ap 

Write formatted data to a UFILE.

This is identical to u_fprintf, except that it will not call va_start and va_end.

fThe UFILE to which to write.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_fprintf will interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
apThe argument list to use.
The number of Unicode characters written to f.
See also
ICU 3.0

◆ u_vfprintf_u()

U_CAPI int32_t u_vfprintf_u ( UFILE f,
const UChar patternSpecification,
va_list  ap 

Write formatted data to a UFILE.

This is identical to u_fprintf_u, except that it will not call va_start and va_end.

fThe UFILE to which to write.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_fprintf will interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
apThe argument list to use.
The number of Unicode characters written to f.
See also
ICU 3.0

◆ u_vfscanf()

U_CAPI int32_t u_vfscanf ( UFILE f,
const char *  patternSpecification,
va_list  ap 

Read formatted data from a UFILE.

This is identical to u_fscanf, except that it will not call va_start and va_end.

fThe UFILE from which to read.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_fscanf will interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
apThe argument list to use.
The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF if an error occurred.
See also
ICU 3.0

◆ u_vfscanf_u()

U_CAPI int32_t u_vfscanf_u ( UFILE f,
const UChar patternSpecification,
va_list  ap 

Read formatted data from a UFILE.

This is identical to u_fscanf_u, except that it will not call va_start and va_end.

fThe UFILE from which to read.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_fscanf will interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
apThe argument list to use.
The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF if an error occurred.
See also
ICU 3.0

◆ u_vsnprintf()

U_CAPI int32_t u_vsnprintf ( UChar buffer,
int32_t  count,
const char *  patternSpecification,
va_list  ap 

Write formatted data to a Unicode string.

This is identical to u_snprintf, except that it will not call va_start and va_end.

When the number of code units required to store the data exceeds count, then count code units of data are stored in buffer and a negative value is returned. When the number of code units required to store the data equals count, the string is not null terminated and count is returned.

bufferThe Unicode string to which to write.
countThe number of code units to read.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_sprintf will interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
apThe argument list to use.
The number of Unicode characters that would have been written to buffer had count been sufficiently large.
See also
ICU 3.0

◆ u_vsnprintf_u()

U_CAPI int32_t u_vsnprintf_u ( UChar buffer,
int32_t  count,
const UChar patternSpecification,
va_list  ap 

Write formatted data to a Unicode string.

This is identical to u_snprintf_u, except that it will not call va_start and va_end. When the number of code units required to store the data exceeds count, then count code units of data are stored in buffer and a negative value is returned. When the number of code units required to store the data equals count, the string is not null terminated and count is returned.

bufferThe Unicode string to which to write.
countThe number of code units to read.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_sprintf will interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
apThe argument list to use.
The number of Unicode characters that would have been written to f had count been sufficiently large.
See also
ICU 3.0

◆ u_vsprintf()

U_CAPI int32_t u_vsprintf ( UChar buffer,
const char *  patternSpecification,
va_list  ap 

Write formatted data to a Unicode string.

This is identical to u_sprintf, except that it will not call va_start and va_end.

bufferThe Unicode string to which to write.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_sprintf will interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
apThe argument list to use.
The number of Unicode characters written to buffer.
See also
ICU 3.0

◆ u_vsprintf_u()

U_CAPI int32_t u_vsprintf_u ( UChar buffer,
const UChar patternSpecification,
va_list  ap 

Write formatted data to a Unicode string.

This is identical to u_sprintf_u, except that it will not call va_start and va_end.

bufferThe Unicode string to which to write.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_sprintf will interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
apThe argument list to use.
The number of Unicode characters written to f.
See also
ICU 3.0

◆ u_vsscanf()

U_CAPI int32_t u_vsscanf ( const UChar buffer,
const char *  patternSpecification,
va_list  ap 

Read formatted data from a Unicode string.

This is identical to u_sscanf, except that it will not call va_start and va_end.

bufferThe Unicode string from which to read.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_sscanf will interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
apThe argument list to use.
The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF if an error occurred.
See also
ICU 3.0

◆ u_vsscanf_u()

U_CAPI int32_t u_vsscanf_u ( const UChar buffer,
const UChar patternSpecification,
va_list  ap 

Read formatted data from a Unicode string.

This is identical to u_sscanf_u, except that it will not call va_start and va_end.

bufferThe Unicode string from which to read.
patternSpecificationA pattern specifying how u_sscanf will interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
apThe argument list to use.
The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF if an error occurred.
See also
ICU 3.0