48class ICUServiceFactory;
2001 return fGregorianYear;
2010 return fGregorianMonth;
2019 return fGregorianDayOfYear;
2028 return fGregorianDayOfMonth;
2187 void recalculateStamp();
2226 uint8_t fMinimalDaysInFirstWeek;
2417 friend class CalendarFactory;
2423 friend class CalendarService;
2429 friend class DefaultCalendarFactory;
2534 return createInstance(
zone, Locale::getDefault(), errorCode);
2564 fFields[field] = value;
2565 fStamp[field] = kInternallySet;
2566 fIsSet[field] =
2576 virtual UBool haveDefaultCentury() const override; \
2577 virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const override; \
2578 virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const override;
BasicTimeZone is an abstract class extending TimeZone.
Calendar is an abstract base class for converting between a UDate object and a set of integer fields ...
UBool after(const Calendar &when, UErrorCode &status) const
Returns true if this Calendar's current time is after "when"'s current time.
virtual int32_t getGreatestMinimum(EDateFields field) const
Gets the highest minimum value for the given field if varies.
UBool fIsTimeSet
The flag which indicates if the current time is set in the calendar.
void setTime(UDate date, UErrorCode &status)
Sets this Calendar's current time with the given UDate.
void setSkippedWallTimeOption(UCalendarWallTimeOption option)
Sets the behavior for handling skipped wall time at positive time zone offset transitions.
int32_t internalGet(UCalendarDateFields field) const
Gets the value for a given time field.
int32_t newestStamp(UCalendarDateFields start, UCalendarDateFields end, int32_t bestSoFar) const
Determine the best stamp in a range.
void set(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t value)
Sets the given time field with the given value.
Locale getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &status) const
Get the locale for this calendar object.
virtual const char * getTemporalMonthCode(UErrorCode &status) const
Gets The Temporal monthCode value corresponding to the month for the date.
int32_t get(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode &status) const
Gets the value for a given time field.
int32_t getLocalDOW(UErrorCode &status)
returns the local DOW, valid range 0..6
virtual int32_t getMinimum(EDateFields field) const
Gets the minimum value for the given time field.
UDate internalGetTime() const
Get the current time without recomputing.
virtual void roll(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode &status)
Time Field Rolling function.
UCalendarWallTimeOption getRepeatedWallTimeOption() const
Gets the behavior for handling wall time repeating multiple times at negative time zone offset transi...
virtual int32_t fieldDifference(UDate when, UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode &status)
Return the difference between the given time and the time this calendar object is set to.
int32_t weekNumber(int32_t desiredDay, int32_t dayOfPeriod, int32_t dayOfWeek)
Return the week number of a day, within a period.
virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const override=0
Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY.
int32_t computeJulianDay(UErrorCode &status)
Compute the Julian day from fields.
virtual int32_t getLeastMaximum(UCalendarDateFields field) const
Gets the lowest maximum value for the given field if varies.
static Calendar * createInstance(UErrorCode &success)
Creates a Calendar using the default timezone and locale.
void setTimeInMillis(double millis, UErrorCode &status)
Sets this Calendar's current time from the given long value.
static Calendar * createInstance(const TimeZone &zone, const Locale &aLocale, UErrorCode &success)
Gets a Calendar using the given timezone and given locale.
void complete(UErrorCode &status)
Recomputes the current time from currently set fields, and then fills in any unset fields in the time...
static void getCalendarTypeFromLocale(const Locale &locale, char *typeBuffer, int32_t typeBufferSize, UErrorCode &status)
Get the calendar type for given locale.
static uint8_t julianDayToDayOfWeek(int32_t julian)
Convert a quasi Julian date to the day of the week.
UBool isSet(UCalendarDateFields field) const
Determines if the given time field has a value set.
void setLenient(UBool lenient)
Specifies whether or not date/time interpretation is to be lenient.
virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYearFromWeekFields(int32_t yearWoy, int32_t woy, UErrorCode &status)
Subclasses must override this to convert from week fields (YEAR_WOY and WEEK_OF_YEAR) to an extended ...
int32_t getGregorianMonth() const
Return the month (0-based) on the Gregorian calendar as computed by computeGregorianFields().
void clear()
Clears the values of all the time fields, making them both unset and assigning them a value of zero.
void computeGregorianFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &ec)
Compute the Gregorian calendar year, month, and day of month from the Julian day.
int32_t getGregorianDayOfYear() const
Return the day of year (1-based) on the Gregorian calendar as computed by computeGregorianFields().
virtual UBool haveDefaultCentury() const =0
Useful constant for days of week.
virtual int32_t getLeastMaximum(EDateFields field) const
Gets the lowest maximum value for the given field if varies.
virtual ~Calendar()
UBool isLenient() const
Tells whether date/time interpretation is to be lenient.
Field IDs for date and time.
EDaysOfWeek getFirstDayOfWeek() const
Gets what the first day of the week is; e.g., Sunday in US, Monday in France.
virtual int64_t handleComputeMonthStart(int32_t eyear, int32_t month, UBool useMonth, UErrorCode &status) const =0
Return the Julian day number of day before the first day of the given month in the given extended yea...
virtual bool operator==(const Calendar &that) const
Compares the equality of two Calendar objects.
virtual void roll(EDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode &status)
Time Field Rolling function.
static Calendar * createInstance(const Locale &aLocale, UErrorCode &success)
Creates a Calendar using the default timezone and the given locale.
static Calendar * makeInstance(const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status)
Creates a new Calendar from a Locale for the cache.
Calendar(UErrorCode &success)
Constructs a Calendar with the default time zone as returned by TimeZone::createInstance(),...
UBool equals(const Calendar &when, UErrorCode &status) const
Compares the Calendar time, whereas Calendar::operator== compares the equality of Calendar objects.
bool operator!=(const Calendar &that) const
Compares the inequality of two Calendar objects.
virtual int32_t getRelatedYear(UErrorCode &status) const
virtual Calendar * clone() const =0
Create and return a polymorphic copy of this calendar.
void clear(UCalendarDateFields field)
Clears the value in the given time field, both making it unset and assigning it a value of zero.
virtual void handleComputeFields(int32_t julianDay, UErrorCode &status)
Subclasses may override this method to compute several fields specific to each calendar system.
virtual void setTemporalMonthCode(const char *temporalMonth, UErrorCode &status)
Sets The Temporal monthCode which is a string identifier that starts with the literal grapheme "M" fo...
static StringEnumeration * getKeywordValuesForLocale(const char *key, const Locale &locale, UBool commonlyUsed, UErrorCode &status)
Given a key and a locale, returns an array of string values in a preferred order that would make a di...
UBool fAreFieldsVirtuallySet
True if all fields have been virtually set, but have not yet been computed.
double getTimeInMillis(UErrorCode &status) const
Gets this Calendar's current time as a long.
UCalendarDaysOfWeek getFirstDayOfWeek(UErrorCode &status) const
Gets what the first day of the week is; e.g., Sunday in US, Monday in France.
Calendar & operator=(const Calendar &right)
Default assignment operator.
static Calendar * createInstance(TimeZone *zoneToAdopt, const Locale &aLocale, UErrorCode &success)
Creates a Calendar using the given timezone and given locale.
TimeZone * orphanTimeZone()
Returns the time zone owned by this calendar.
int32_t internalGet(EDateFields field) const
Gets the value for a given time field.
static URegistryKey registerFactory(ICUServiceFactory *toAdopt, UErrorCode &status)
Register a new Calendar factory.
virtual int32_t getDefaultMonthInYear(int32_t eyear, UErrorCode &status)
Called by computeJulianDay.
virtual const char * getType() const =0
Returns the calendar type name string for this Calendar object.
UBool fAreFieldsSet
True if the fields are in sync with the currently set time of this Calendar.
Calendar(const Calendar &source)
Copy constructor.
virtual void computeFields(UErrorCode &status)
Converts GMT as milliseconds to time field values.
static UDate getNow()
Returns the current UTC (GMT) time measured in milliseconds since 0:00:00 on 1/1/70 (derived from the...
virtual int32_t getActualMaximum(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode &status) const
Return the maximum value that this field could have, given the current date.
static const Locale * getAvailableLocales(int32_t &count)
Returns a list of the locales for which Calendars are installed.
virtual void prepareGetActual(UCalendarDateFields field, UBool isMinimum, UErrorCode &status)
Prepare this calendar for computing the actual minimum or maximum.
void adoptTimeZone(TimeZone *value)
Sets the calendar's time zone to be the one passed in.
UBool before(const Calendar &when, UErrorCode &status) const
Returns true if this Calendar's current time is before "when"'s current time.
virtual int32_t defaultCenturyStartYear() const =0
void setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(uint8_t value)
Sets what the minimal days required in the first week of the year are; For example,...
virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UErrorCode &status) const
Queries if the current date for this Calendar is in Daylight Savings Time.
const char * getLocaleID(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &status) const
Get the locale for this calendar object.
virtual UDate defaultCenturyStart() const =0
virtual int32_t getMaximum(UCalendarDateFields field) const
Gets the maximum value for the given time field.
virtual void pinField(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode &status)
Adjust the specified field so that it is within the allowable range for the date to which this calend...
int32_t getGregorianYear() const
Return the extended year on the Gregorian calendar as computed by computeGregorianFields().
int32_t internalGet(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t defaultValue) const
Gets the value for a given time field.
void internalSetTime(UDate time)
Set the current time without affecting flags or fields.
virtual int32_t getActualMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode &status) const
Return the minimum value that this field could have, given the current date.
UDate getTime(UErrorCode &status) const
Gets this Calendar's time as milliseconds.
UBool fAreAllFieldsSet
True if all of the fields have been set.
virtual int32_t handleGetLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const =0
Subclass API for defining limits of different types.
virtual int32_t getWeekendTransition(UCalendarDaysOfWeek dayOfWeek, UErrorCode &status) const
Returns the time during the day at which the weekend begins or ends in this calendar system.
virtual int32_t getDefaultDayInMonth(int32_t eyear, int32_t month, UErrorCode &status)
Called by computeJulianDay.
int32_t getActualMinimum(EDateFields field, UErrorCode &status) const
Return the minimum value that this field could have, given the current date.
virtual int32_t internalGetMonth(UErrorCode &status) const
Use this function instead of internalGet(UCAL_MONTH).
UCalendarDateFields newerField(UCalendarDateFields defaultField, UCalendarDateFields alternateField) const
Return the field that is newer, either defaultField, or alternateField.
virtual UBool isEquivalentTo(const Calendar &other) const
Returns true if the given Calendar object is equivalent to this one.
const TimeZone & getTimeZone() const
Returns a reference to the time zone owned by this calendar.
double computeMillisInDay()
Compute the milliseconds in the day from the fields.
virtual bool isEra0CountingBackward() const
The year in this calendar is counting from 1 backward if the era is 0.
virtual int32_t getGreatestMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field) const
Gets the highest minimum value for the given field if varies.
Calendar(const TimeZone &zone, const Locale &aLocale, UErrorCode &success)
Constructs a Calendar with the given time zone and locale.
static Calendar * createInstance(const TimeZone &zone, UErrorCode &success)
Creates a Calendar using the given timezone and the default locale.
void setTimeZone(const TimeZone &zone)
Sets the calendar's time zone to be the same as the one passed in.
Useful constants for hour in 12-hour clock.
void internalSet(EDateFields field, int32_t value)
Sets the value for a given time field.
virtual void setRelatedYear(int32_t year)
virtual int32_t getMinimum(UCalendarDateFields field) const
Gets the minimum value for the given time field.
UCalendarDateFields resolveFields(const UFieldResolutionTable *precedenceTable) const
Given a precedence table, return the newest field combination in the table, or UCAL_FIELD_COUNT if no...
virtual int32_t handleComputeJulianDay(UCalendarDateFields bestField, UErrorCode &status)
Subclasses may override this.
void setRepeatedWallTimeOption(UCalendarWallTimeOption option)
Sets the behavior for handling wall time repeating multiple times at negative time zone offset transi...
virtual int32_t internalGetMonth(int32_t defaultValue, UErrorCode &status) const
Use this function instead of internalGet(UCAL_MONTH, defaultValue).
void setFirstDayOfWeek(UCalendarDaysOfWeek value)
Sets what the first day of the week is; e.g., Sunday in US, Monday in France.
virtual UBool isWeekend() const
Returns true if this Calendar's current date-time is in the weekend in this calendar system.
virtual bool inTemporalLeapYear(UErrorCode &status) const
Returns true if the date is in a leap year.
void set(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t date, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second)
Sets the values for the fields YEAR, MONTH, DATE, HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE, and SECOND.
virtual int32_t handleGetMonthLength(int32_t extendedYear, int32_t month, UErrorCode &status) const
Return the number of days in the given month of the given extended year of this calendar system.
virtual UCalendarWeekdayType getDayOfWeekType(UCalendarDaysOfWeek dayOfWeek, UErrorCode &status) const
Returns whether the given day of the week is a weekday, a weekend day, or a day that transitions from...
virtual int32_t handleGetYearLength(int32_t eyear) const
Return the number of days in the given extended year of this calendar system.
Useful constants for month.
virtual void computeTime(UErrorCode &status)
Converts Calendar's time field values to GMT as milliseconds.
static StringEnumeration * getAvailableLocales()
INTERNAL FOR 2.6 – Registration.
virtual int32_t getLimit(UCalendarDateFields field, ELimitType limitType) const
Return a limit for a field.
virtual UBool isWeekend(UDate date, UErrorCode &status) const
Returns true if the given UDate is in the weekend in this calendar system.
virtual int32_t getMaximum(EDateFields field) const
Gets the maximum value for the given time field.
virtual int32_t handleGetExtendedYear(UErrorCode &status)=0
Return the extended year defined by the current fields.
UCalendarWallTimeOption getSkippedWallTimeOption() const
Gets the behavior for handling skipped wall time at positive time zone offset transitions.
virtual void add(UCalendarDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode &status)
UDate Arithmetic function.
static UBool unregister(URegistryKey key, UErrorCode &status)
Unregister a previously-registered CalendarFactory using the key returned from the register call.
virtual void validateField(UCalendarDateFields field, UErrorCode &status)
Validate a single field of this calendar.
virtual const UFieldResolutionTable * getFieldResolutionTable() const
virtual void add(EDateFields field, int32_t amount, UErrorCode &status)
UDate Arithmetic function.
int32_t getGregorianDayOfMonth() const
Return the day of month (1-based) on the Gregorian calendar as computed by computeGregorianFields().
uint8_t getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek() const
Gets what the minimal days required in the first week of the year are; e.g., if the first week is def...
Calendar(TimeZone *zone, const Locale &aLocale, UErrorCode &success)
Constructs a Calendar with the given time zone and locale.
int32_t computeZoneOffset(double millis, double millisInDay, UErrorCode &ec)
This method can assume EXTENDED_YEAR has been set.
void set(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t date)
Sets the values for the fields YEAR, MONTH, and DATE.
void set(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t date, int32_t hour, int32_t minute)
Sets the values for the fields YEAR, MONTH, DATE, HOUR_OF_DAY, and MINUTE.
virtual int32_t fieldDifference(UDate when, EDateFields field, UErrorCode &status)
Return the difference between the given time and the time this calendar object is set to.
"Smart pointer" base class; do not use directly: use LocalPointer etc.
A Locale object represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region.
Base class for 'pure' C++ implementations of uenum api.
TimeZone represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings.
UObject is the common ICU "boilerplate" class.
C++ API: Locale ID object.
U_EXPORT UBool operator==(const StringPiece &x, const StringPiece &y)
Global operator == for StringPiece.
int32_t UFieldResolutionTable[12][8]
C++ API: TimeZone object.
Possible fields in a UCalendar.
One more than the highest normal UCalendarDateFields value.
Options for handling ambiguous wall time at time zone offset transitions.
Weekday types, as returned by ucal_getDayOfWeekType().
Useful constant for days of week.
Useful constant for the maximum size of the whole locale ID (including the terminating NULL and all k...
Constants for *_getLocale() Allow user to select whether she wants information on requested,...
int8_t UBool
The ICU boolean type, a signed-byte integer.
C API: Miscellaneous definitions.
const void * URegistryKey
Opaque type returned by registerInstance, registerFactory and unregister for service registration.
C++ API: Common ICU base class UObject.
void * UClassID
UClassID is used to identify classes without using the compiler's RTTI.
Basic definitions for ICU, for both C and C++ APIs.
Standard ICU4C error code type, a substitute for exceptions.
#define U_I18N_API
Set to export library symbols from inside the i18n library, and to import them from outside.
double UDate
Date and Time data type.