The BreakIterator class implements methods for finding the location of boundaries in text.
Abstract class that defines an API for iteration on text objects.
A Locale object represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region.
The RuleBasedCollator class provides the implementation of Collator, using data-driven tables.
SearchIterator is an abstract base class that provides methods to search for a pattern within a text ...
StringSearch is a SearchIterator that provides language-sensitive text searching based on the compari...
virtual bool operator==(const SearchIterator &that) const override
Equality operator.
virtual ~StringSearch()
virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const override
ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for the actual class.
virtual void reset() override
Reset the iteration.
virtual int32_t handlePrev(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status) override
Search backward for matching text, starting at a given location.
StringSearch(const StringSearch &that)
Copy constructor that creates a StringSearch instance with the same behavior, and iterating over the ...
StringSearch(const UnicodeString &pattern, const UnicodeString &text, const Locale &locale, BreakIterator *breakiter, UErrorCode &status)
Creating a StringSearch instance using the argument locale language rule set.
StringSearch(const UnicodeString &pattern, CharacterIterator &text, const Locale &locale, BreakIterator *breakiter, UErrorCode &status)
Creating a StringSearch instance using the argument locale language rule set.
StringSearch & operator=(const StringSearch &that)
Assignment operator.
virtual void setText(CharacterIterator &text, UErrorCode &status) override
Set the target text to be searched.
virtual int32_t handleNext(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status) override
Search forward for matching text, starting at a given location.
virtual void setText(const UnicodeString &text, UErrorCode &status) override
Set the target text to be searched.
StringSearch(const UnicodeString &pattern, const UnicodeString &text, RuleBasedCollator *coll, BreakIterator *breakiter, UErrorCode &status)
Creating a StringSearch instance using the argument collator language rule set.
static UClassID getStaticClassID()
ICU "poor man's RTTI", returns a UClassID for this class.
void setCollator(RuleBasedCollator *coll, UErrorCode &status)
Sets the collator used for the language rules.
virtual int32_t getOffset() const override
Return the current index in the text being searched.
RuleBasedCollator * getCollator() const
Gets the collator used for the language rules.
const UnicodeString & getPattern() const
Gets the search pattern.
void setPattern(const UnicodeString &pattern, UErrorCode &status)
Sets the pattern used for matching.
virtual void setOffset(int32_t position, UErrorCode &status) override
Sets the index to point to the given position, and clears any state that's affected.
StringSearch(const UnicodeString &pattern, CharacterIterator &text, RuleBasedCollator *coll, BreakIterator *breakiter, UErrorCode &status)
Creating a StringSearch instance using the argument collator language rule set.
StringSearch * clone() const
Clone this object.
virtual StringSearch * safeClone() const override
Returns a copy of StringSearch with the same behavior, and iterating over the same text,...
UnicodeString is a string class that stores Unicode characters directly and provides similar function...
C++ API: Collation Element Iterator.
C++ API: SearchIterator object.
C++ API: The RuleBasedCollator class implements the Collator abstract base class.
void * UClassID
UClassID is used to identify classes without using the compiler's RTTI.
struct UStringSearch UStringSearch
Data structure for searching.
Basic definitions for ICU, for both C and C++ APIs.
Standard ICU4C error code type, a substitute for exceptions.
#define U_I18N_API
Set to export library symbols from inside the i18n library, and to import them from outside.