249 const char *codepage);
272 const char *codepage);
293 const char *codepage);
314 const char *codepage);
414 U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2
440 U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2
503 const char *patternSpecification,
520 const char *patternSpecification,
552 const UChar *patternSpecification,
569 const UChar *patternSpecification,
628 const char *patternSpecification,
646 const char *patternSpecification,
660 const UChar *patternSpecification,
678 const UChar *patternSpecification,
796 const char *patternSpecification,
819 const char *patternSpecification,
837 const char *patternSpecification,
863 const char *patternSpecification,
877 const UChar *patternSpecification,
899 const UChar *patternSpecification,
917 const UChar *patternSpecification,
943 const UChar *patternSpecification,
960 const char *patternSpecification,
979 const char *patternSpecification,
994 const UChar *patternSpecification,
1013 const UChar *patternSpecification,
"Smart pointer" class, closes a UFILE via u_fclose().
C++ API: "Smart pointers" for use with and in ICU4C C++ code.
#define U_DEFINE_LOCAL_OPEN_POINTER(LocalPointerClassName, Type, closeFunction)
"Smart pointer" definition macro, deletes objects via the closeFunction.
C API: Character conversion.
struct UConverter UConverter
int32_t UChar32
Define UChar32 as a type for single Unicode code points.
int8_t UBool
The ICU boolean type, a signed-byte integer.
#define U_CAPI
This is used to declare a function as a public ICU C API.
char16_t UChar
The base type for UTF-16 code units and pointers.
C API: Compatibility APIs for number formatting.
void * UNumberFormat
A number formatter.
U_CAPI int32_t u_vfprintf_u(UFILE *f, const UChar *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
Write formatted data to a UFILE.
U_CAPI UFILE * u_fopen_u(const UChar *filename, const char *perm, const char *locale, const char *codepage)
Open a UFILE with a UChar* filename A UFILE is a wrapper around a FILE* that is locale and codepage a...
U_CAPI UBool u_feof(UFILE *f)
Tests if the UFILE is at the end of the file stream.
U_CAPI int32_t u_fscanf_u(UFILE *f, const UChar *patternSpecification,...)
Read formatted data from a UFILE.
U_CAPI int32_t u_vfprintf(UFILE *f, const char *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
Write formatted data to a UFILE.
U_CAPI UChar u_fgetc(UFILE *f)
Read a UChar from a UFILE.
U_CAPI const char * u_fgetcodepage(UFILE *file)
Get the codepage in which data is written to and read from the UFILE.
U_CAPI int32_t u_file_write(const UChar *ustring, int32_t count, UFILE *f)
Write Unicode to a UFILE.
U_CAPI void u_fflush(UFILE *file)
Flush output of a UFILE.
U_CAPI int32_t u_vfscanf_u(UFILE *f, const UChar *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
Read formatted data from a UFILE.
U_CAPI UFILE * u_fopen(const char *filename, const char *perm, const char *locale, const char *codepage)
Open a UFILE.
U_CAPI int32_t u_vsnprintf_u(UChar *buffer, int32_t count, const UChar *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
Write formatted data to a Unicode string.
U_CAPI const UNumberFormat * u_fgetNumberFormat(UFILE *f)
Returns an alias to the number formatter being used for this file.
U_CAPI int32_t u_fprintf_u(UFILE *f, const UChar *patternSpecification,...)
Write formatted data to a UFILE.
U_CAPI void u_frewind(UFILE *file)
Rewind the file pointer to the beginning of the file.
U_CAPI FILE * u_fgetfile(UFILE *f)
Get the FILE* associated with a UFILE.
U_CAPI void u_fclose(UFILE *file)
Close a UFILE.
U_CAPI UConverter * u_fgetConverter(UFILE *f)
Returns an alias to the converter being used for this file.
U_CAPI int32_t u_fsetcodepage(const char *codepage, UFILE *file)
Set the codepage in which data will be written to and read from the UFILE.
U_CAPI UTransliterator * u_fsettransliterator(UFILE *file, UFileDirection direction, UTransliterator *adopt, UErrorCode *status)
Set a transliterator on the UFILE.
U_CAPI int32_t u_fsetlocale(UFILE *file, const char *locale)
Set the locale whose conventions will be used to format and parse output.
U_CAPI int32_t u_printf_u(const UChar *patternSpecification,...)
Write formatted data to stdout.
U_CAPI int32_t u_printf(const char *patternSpecification,...)
Write formatted data to stdout.
U_CAPI int32_t u_sprintf(UChar *buffer, const char *patternSpecification,...)
Write formatted data to a Unicode string.
U_CAPI int32_t u_fscanf(UFILE *f, const char *patternSpecification,...)
Read formatted data from a UFILE.
U_CAPI const char * u_fgetlocale(UFILE *file)
Get the locale whose conventions are used to format and parse output.
U_CAPI int32_t u_sscanf(const UChar *buffer, const char *patternSpecification,...)
Read formatted data from a Unicode string.
U_CAPI UFILE * u_finit(FILE *f, const char *locale, const char *codepage)
Open a UFILE on top of an existing FILE* stream.
U_CAPI UFILE * u_fstropen(UChar *stringBuf, int32_t capacity, const char *locale)
Create a UFILE that can be used for localized formatting or parsing.
U_CAPI int32_t u_fputs(const UChar *s, UFILE *f)
Write a Unicode to a UFILE.
U_CAPI int32_t u_file_read(UChar *chars, int32_t count, UFILE *f)
Read Unicode from a UFILE.
U_CAPI UFILE * u_fadopt(FILE *f, const char *locale, const char *codepage)
Open a UFILE on top of an existing FILE* stream.
U_CAPI int32_t u_vsprintf_u(UChar *buffer, const UChar *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
Write formatted data to a Unicode string.
U_CAPI int32_t u_snprintf_u(UChar *buffer, int32_t count, const UChar *patternSpecification,...)
Write formatted data to a Unicode string.
U_CAPI UChar32 u_fungetc(UChar32 c, UFILE *f)
Unget a UChar from a UFILE.
Enum for which direction of stream a transliterator applies to.
U_CAPI int32_t u_vsscanf(const UChar *buffer, const char *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
Read formatted data from a Unicode string.
U_CAPI UChar32 u_fputc(UChar32 uc, UFILE *f)
Write a UChar to a UFILE.
U_CAPI int32_t u_snprintf(UChar *buffer, int32_t count, const char *patternSpecification,...)
Write formatted data to a Unicode string.
U_CAPI UChar * u_fgets(UChar *s, int32_t n, UFILE *f)
Read one line of text into a UChar* string from a UFILE.
U_CAPI int32_t u_sscanf_u(const UChar *buffer, const UChar *patternSpecification,...)
Read formatted data from a Unicode string.
U_CAPI UFILE * u_get_stdout(void)
Get a UFILE for stdout.
U_CAPI int32_t u_sprintf_u(UChar *buffer, const UChar *patternSpecification,...)
Write formatted data to a Unicode string.
U_CAPI int32_t u_fprintf(UFILE *f, const char *patternSpecification,...)
Write formatted data to a UFILE.
U_CAPI UChar32 u_fgetcx(UFILE *f)
Read a UChar32 from a UFILE.
U_CAPI int32_t u_vsnprintf(UChar *buffer, int32_t count, const char *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
Write formatted data to a Unicode string.
Forward declaration of a Unicode-aware file.
U_CAPI int32_t u_vsprintf(UChar *buffer, const char *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
Write formatted data to a Unicode string.
U_CAPI int32_t u_vsscanf_u(const UChar *buffer, const UChar *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
Read formatted data from a Unicode string.
U_CAPI int32_t u_vfscanf(UFILE *f, const char *patternSpecification, va_list ap)
Read formatted data from a UFILE.
void * UTransliterator
An opaque transliterator for use in C.
Basic definitions for ICU, for both C and C++ APIs.
Standard ICU4C error code type, a substitute for exceptions.