Collation API Details


  1. Overview
  2. Collator Instantiation
    1. Instantiating the Predefined Collators
    2. Instantiating Collators Using Custom Rules
  3. Compare
    1. Examples
  4. GetSortKey
    1. Sort Key Features
    2. Sort Key Output Buffer
    3. Example
    4. Using Iterators for String Comparison
    5. Obtaining Partial Sort Keys
    6. Other Examples
  5. Collation ElementIterator
    1. API Example
  6. Setting and Getting Attributes
  7. References


This section describes some of the usage conventions for the ICU Collation Service API.

Collator Instantiation

To use the Collation Service, you must instantiate a Collator. The Collator defines the properties and behavior of the sort ordering. The Collator can be repeatedly referenced until all collation activities have been performed. The Collator can then be closed and removed.

Instantiating the Predefined Collators

ICU comes with a large set of already predefined collators that are suited for specific locales. Most of the ICU locales have a predefined collator. In the worst case, the CLDR default set of rules, which is mostly equivalent to the UCA default ordering (DUCET), is used. The default sort order itself is designed to work well for many languages. (For example, there are no tailorings for the standard sort orders for English, German, French, etc.)

To instantiate a predefined collator, use the APIs ucol_open, createInstance and getInstance for C, C++ and Java codes respectively. The C API takes a locale ID (or language tag) string argument, C++ takes a Locale object, and Java takes a Locale or ULocale.

For some languages, multiple collation types are available; for example, “de-u-co-phonebk” / “de@collation=phonebook”. They can be enumerated via Collator::getKeywordValuesForLocale(). See also the list of available collation tailorings in the online ICU Collation Demo.

Starting with ICU 54, collation attributes can be specified via locale keywords as well, in the old locale extension syntax (“el@colCaseFirst=upper”) or in language tag syntax (“el-u-kf-upper”). Keywords and values are case-insensitive.

See the LDML Collation spec, Collation Settings, and the data file listing the valid collation keywords and their values. (The deprecated attributes kh/colHiraganaQuaternary and vt/variableTop are not supported.)

For the old locale extension syntax, the data file’s alias names are used (first alias, if defined, otherwise the name): “de@collation=phonebook;colCaseLevel=yes;kv=space”

For the language tag syntax, the non-alias names are used, and “true” values can be omitted: “de-u-co-phonebk-kc-kv-space”

This example demonstrates the instantiation of a collator.


UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UCollator *coll = ucol_open("en_US", &status);
if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    /* close the collator*/


UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
Collator *coll = Collator::createInstance(Locale("en", "US"), status);
if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    //close the collator
    delete coll;


Collator col = null;
try {
    col = Collator.getInstance(Locale.US);
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.err.println("English collation creation failed.");

Instantiating Collators Using Custom Rules

If the ICU predefined collators are not appropriate for your intended usage, you can define your own set of rules and instantiate a collator that uses them. For more details, please see the section on collation customization.

This example demonstrates the instantiation of a collator.


UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
U_STRING_DECL(rules, "&9 < a, A < b, B < c, C; ch, cH, Ch, CH < d, D, e, E", 52);
UCollator *coll;

U_STRING_INIT(rules, "&9 < a, A < b, B < c, C; ch, cH, Ch, CH < d, D, e, E", 52);
coll = ucol_openRules(rules, -1, UCOL_ON, UCOL_DEFAULT_STRENGTH, NULL, &status);
if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    /* close the collator*/


UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UnicodeString rules(u"&9 < a, A < b, B < c, C; ch, cH, Ch, CH < d, D, e, E");
Collator *coll = new RuleBasedCollator(rules, status);
if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
    //close the collator
    delete coll;


RuleBasedCollator coll = null;
String ruleset = "&9 < a, A < b, B < c, C; ch, cH, Ch, CH < d, D, e, E";
try {
    coll = new RuleBasedCollator(ruleset);
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.err.println("Customized collation creation failed.");


Two of the most used functions in ICU collation API, ucol_strcoll and ucol_getSortKey, have their counterparts in both Win32 and ANSI APIs:

ucol_strcoll Collator::compare strcoll CompareString
ucol_getSortKey Collator::getSortKey Collator.getCollationKey strxfrm LCMapString

For more sophisticated usage, such as user-controlled language-sensitive text searching, an iterating interface to collation is provided. Please refer to the section below on CollationElementIterator for more details.

The ucol_compare function compares one pair of strings at a time. Comparing two strings is much faster than calculating sort keys for both of them. However, if comparisons should be done repeatedly on a very large number of strings, generating and storing sort keys can improve performance. In all other cases (such as quick sort or bubble sort of a moderately-sized list of strings), comparing strings works very well.

The C API used for comparing two strings is ucol_strcoll. It requires two UChar * strings and their lengths as parameters, as well as a pointer to a valid UCollator instance. The result is a UCollationResult constant, which can be one of UCOL_LESS, UCOL_EQUAL or UCOL_GREATER.

The C++ API offers the method Collator::compare with several overloads. Acceptable input arguments are UChar * with length of strings, or UnicodeString instances. The result is a member of the UCollationResult or EComparisonResult enums.

The Java API provides the method with one overload. Acceptable input arguments are Strings or Objects. The result is an int value, which is less than zero if source is less than target, zero if source and target are equal, or greater than zero if source is greater than target.

There are also several convenience functions and methods returning a boolean value, such as ucol_greater, ucol_greaterOrEqual, ucol_equal (in C) Collator::greater, Collator::greaterOrEqual, Collator::equal (in C++) and Collator.equals (in Java).

As of ICU 76 there are also C++ convenience functions and templates to create standard library compliant comparison function objects that use a collator to perform comparisons (instead of using the comparison operators on the strings being compared), such as Collator::less() for a C++ API Collator or collator::less() for a C API UCollator.



UChar *s [] = { /* list of Unicode strings */ };
uint32_t listSize = sizeof(s)/sizeof(s[0]);
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UCollator *coll = ucol_open("en_US", &status);
uint32_t i, j;
if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
  for(i=listSize-1; i>=1; i--) {
    for(j=0; j<i; j++) {
      if(ucol_strcoll(s[j], -1, s[j+1], -1) == UCOL_LESS) {
        swap(s[j], s[j+1]);


UnicodeString s [] = { /* list of Unicode strings */ };
uint32_t listSize = sizeof(s)/sizeof(s[0]);
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
Collator *coll = Collator::createInstance(Locale("en", "US"), status);
uint32_t i, j;
if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
  for(i=listSize-1; i>=1; i--) {
    for(j=0; j<i; j++) {
      if(coll->compare(s[j], s[j+1]) == UCOL_LESS) {
        swap(s[j], s[j+1]);
delete coll;

C++: (as of ICU 76)

icu::ErrorCode status;
icu::Locale locale = icu::Locale::forLanguageTag("sv", status);
icu::LocalPointer<Collator> collator(icu::Collator::createInstance(locale, status), status);
status.assertSuccess(); // Override ErrorCode::handleFailure() to handle failure.

std::vector<std::string> utf8{
    "Arnold", "Øystein", "Ingrid", "Åke", "Olof", "İsmail", "Örjan",

std::sort(utf8.begin(), utf8.end(), collator->less());

std::vector<UnicodeString> utf16{
    u"Arnold", u"Øystein", u"Ingrid", u"Åke", u"Olof", u"İsmail", u"Örjan",

std::sort(utf16.begin(), utf16.end(), collator->less());

C++: (calling the ICU C API, as of ICU 76)

UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
icu::LocalUCollatorPointer ucollator(ucol_open("sv", &status));

std::vector<std::string> utf8{
    "Arnold", "Øystein", "Ingrid", "Åke", "Olof", "İsmail", "Örjan",

std::sort(utf8.begin(), utf8.end(), icu::header::collator::less(ucollator.getAlias()));

std::vector<std::u16string> utf16{
    u"Arnold", u"Øystein", u"Ingrid", u"Åke", u"Olof", u"İsmail", u"Örjan",

std::sort(utf16.begin(), utf16.end(), icu::header::collator::less(ucollator.getAlias()));


String s [] = { /* list of Unicode strings */ };
try {
    Collator coll = Collator.getInstance(Locale.US);
    for (int i = s.length - 1; i > = 1; i --) {
        for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
            if ([j], s[j+1]) == -1) {
                swap(s[j], s[j+1]);
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.err.println("English collation creation failed.");


The C API provides the ucol_getSortKey function, which requires (apart from a pointer to a valid UCollator instance), an original UChar pointer, together with its length. It also requires a pointer to a receiving buffer and its length.

The C++ API provides the Collator::getSortKey method with similar parameters as the C version. It also provides Collator::getCollationKey, which produces a CollationKey object instance (a wrapper around a sort key).

The Java API provides only the Collator.getCollationKey method, which produces a CollationKey object instance (a wrapper around a sort key).

Sort keys are generally only useful in databases or other circumstances where function calls are extremely expensive. See Sortkeys vs Comparison.

Sort Key Features

ICU writes sort keys as sequences of bytes.

Each sort key ends with one 00 byte and does not contain any other 00 byte. The terminating 00 byte is included in the length of the sort key as returned by the API (unlike any other ICU API where terminating NUL bytes or characters are not counted as part of the length).

Sort key byte sequences must be compared with an unsigned-byte comparison, as with strcmp().

Comparing the sort keys of two strings from the same collator yields the same ordering as using the collator to compare the two strings directly. That is: strcmp(coll.getSortKey(str1), coll.getSortKey(str2)) is equivalent to, str2).

Sort keys from different collators (different locale or strength or any other attributes/settings) are not comparable.

Sort keys can be “merged” as described in UTS #10 Merging Sort Keys, via ucol_mergeSortkeys() or Java CollationKey.merge().

  • Since CLDR 1.9/ICU 4.6, the same effect can be achieved by concatenating strings with U+FFFE between them. The concatenation has the same sort order as the merged sort keys.
  • However, it is not guaranteed that the sort key of the concatenated strings is the same as the merged result of the individual sort keys. (That is, merge(getSortKey(str1), getSortKey(str2)) may differ from getSortKey(str1 + ‘\uFFFE’ + str2).)
  • In particular, a future version of ICU is likely to generate shorter sort keys when concatenating strings with U+FFFE between them (by using compression across the U+FFFE weights).
  • The recommended way to achieve “merged” sorting is via strings with U+FFFE.

Any further analysis or parsing of sort keys is not supported.

Sort keys will change from one ICU version to another; therefore, if sort keys are stored in a database or other persistent storage, then each upgrade requires their regeneration.

  • The details of the underlying data change with every Unicode and CLDR version.
  • Sort keys are also subject to enhancements and bug fixes in the builder and implementation code.
  • On the other hand, the sort order is much more stable. It is subject to deliberate changes to the default Unicode collation order, which is kept quite stable, and subject to deliberate changes in CLDR data as new data is added and feedback on existing data is taken into account.

Implementation notes: (Not supported as permanent constraints on sort keys)

Byte 02 was unique as a merge separator for some versions of ICU before version ICU 53. Since ICU 53, 02 is also used in regular collation weights where there is no conflict (to expand the number of available short weights).

Byte 01 has been unique as a level separator. This is not strictly necessary for non-primary levels. (A level’s compressible “common” weight as its level separator would yield shorter sort keys.) However, the current implementation of ucol_mergeSortkeys() relies on it. (Also, test code currently examines sort keys for finding the strength of a comparison difference.) This may change in the future, especially if ucol_mergeSortkeys() were to become deprecated.

Level separators are likely to be equivalent to single-byte weights (possibly compressible): Multi-byte level separators would noticeably lengthen sort keys for short strings.

The byte values used in several ICU versions for sort keys and collation elements are documented in the “Special Byte Values” design doc on the ICU site.

Sort Key Output Buffer

ucol_getSortKey() can operate in ‘preflighting’ mode, which returns the amount of memory needed to store the resulting sort key. This mode is automatically activated if the output buffer size passed is set to zero. Should the sort key become longer than the buffer provided, function again slips into preflighting mode. The overall performance is poorer than if the function is called with a zero output buffer. If the size of the sort key returned is greater than the size of the buffer provided, the content of the result buffer is undefined. In that case, the result buffer could be reallocated to its proper size and the sort key generator function can be used again.

The best way to generate a series of sort keys is to do the following:

  1. Create a big temporary buffer on the stack. Typically, this buffer is allocated only once, and reused with every sort key generated. There is no need to keep it as small as possible. A recommended size for the temporary buffer is four times the length of the longest string processed.

  2. Start the loop. Call ucol_getSortKey() to find out how big the sort key buffer should be, and fill in the temporary buffer at the same time.

  3. If the temporary buffer is too small, allocate or reallocate more space. Fill in the sort key values in the overflow buffer.

  4. Allocate the sort key buffer with the size returned by ucol_getSortKey() and call memcpy to copy the sort key content from the temp buffer to the sort key buffer.

  5. Loop back to step 1 until you are done.

  6. Delete the overflow buffer if you created one.


void GetSortKeys(const Ucollator* coll, const UChar*
const *source, uint32_t arrayLength)
  char[1000] buffer; // allocate stack buffer
  char* currBuffer = buffer;
  int32_t bufferLen = sizeof(buffer);
  int32_t expectedLen = 0;
  UErrorCode err = U_ZERO_ERROR;

  for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; ++i) {
    expectedLen = ucol_getSortKey(coll, source[i], -1, currBuffer, bufferLen);
    if (expectedLen > bufferLen) {
      if (currBuffer == buffer) {
        currBuffer = (char*)malloc(expectedLen);
      } else {
        currBuffer = (char*)realloc(currBuffer, expectedLen);
    bufferLen = ucol_getSortKey(coll, source[i], -1, currBuffer, expectedLen);
  processSortKey(i, currBuffer, bufferLen);

  if (currBuffer != buffer && currBuffer != NULL) {

:point_right: Note Although the API allows you to call ucol_getSortKey with NULL to see what the sort key length is, it is strongly recommended that you NOT determine the length first, then allocate and fill the sort key buffer. If you do, it requires twice the processing since computing the length has to do the same calculation as actually getting the sort key. Instead, the example shown above uses a stack buffer.

Using Iterators for String Comparison

ICU4C’s ucol_strcollIter API allows for comparing two strings that are supplied as character iterators (UCharIterator). This is useful when you need to compare differently encoded strings using strcoll. In that case, converting the strings first would probably be wasteful, since strcoll usually gives the result before whole strings are processed. This API is implemented only as a C function in ICU4C. There are no equivalent C++ or ICU4J functions.

/* we are arriving with two char*: utf8Source and utf8Target, with their
* lengths in utf8SourceLen and utf8TargetLen
    UCharIterator sIter, tIter;
    uiter_setUTF8(&sIter, utf8Source, utf8SourceLen);
    uiter_setUTF8(&tIter, utf8Target, utf8TargetLen);
    compareResultUTF8 = ucol_strcollIter(myCollation, &sIter, &tIter, &status);

Obtaining Partial Sort Keys

When using different sort algorithms, such as radix sort, sometimes it is useful to process strings only as much as needed to feed into the sorting algorithm. For that purpose, ICU provides the ucol_nextSortKeyPart API, which also takes character iterators. This API allows for iterating over subsequent pieces of an uncompressed sort key. Between calls to the API you need to save a 64-bit state. Following is an example of simulating a string compare function using the partial sort key API. Your usage model is bound to look much different.

static UCollationResult compareUsingPartials(UCollator *coll,
                                             const UChar source[], int32_t sLen,
                                             const UChar target[], int32_t tLen,
                                             int32_t pieceSize, UErrorCode *status) {
  int32_t partialSKResult = 0;
  UCharIterator sIter, tIter;
  uint32_t sState[2], tState[2];
  int32_t sSize = pieceSize, tSize = pieceSize;
  int32_t i = 0;
  uint8_t sBuf[16384], tBuf[16384];
  if(pieceSize > 16384) {
    return UCOL_EQUAL;
  *status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
  sState[0] = 0; sState[1] = 0;
  tState[0] = 0; tState[1] = 0;
  while(sSize == pieceSize && tSize == pieceSize && partialSKResult == 0) {
    uiter_setString(&sIter, source, sLen);
    uiter_setString(&tIter, target, tLen);
    sSize = ucol_nextSortKeyPart(coll, &sIter, sState, sBuf, pieceSize, status);
    tSize = ucol_nextSortKeyPart(coll, &tIter, tState, tBuf, pieceSize, status);
    partialSKResult = memcmp(sBuf, tBuf, pieceSize);

  if(partialSKResult < 0) {
      return UCOL_LESS;
  } else if(partialSKResult > 0) {
    return UCOL_GREATER;
  } else {
    return UCOL_EQUAL;

Other Examples

A longer example is presented in the ‘Examples’ section. Here is an illustration of the usage model.


#define MAX_KEY_SIZE 100
#define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 10000
const char text[] = {
const UChar s [5][20];
int i;
int32_t length, expectedLen;
uint8_t temp[MAX_BUFFER _SIZE];

uint8_t *temp2 = NULL;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

temp2 = temp;

for( i = 0; i < 5; i++)
   u_uastrcpy(s[i], text[i]);
UCollator *coll = ucol_open("en_US",&status);
uint32_t length;
if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
  for(i=0; i<MAX_LIST_LENGTH; i++) {
    expectedLen = ucol_getSortKey(coll, s[i], -1,temp2,length );
    if (expectedLen > length) {
      if (temp2 == temp) {
        temp2 =(char*)malloc(expectedLen);
      } else {
        temp2 =(char*)realloc(temp2, expectedLen);
        length =ucol_getSortKey(coll, s[i], -1, temp2, expectedLen);
    memcpy(key[i], temp2, length);
qsort(keys, MAX_LIST_LENGTH,MAX_KEY_SIZE*sizeof(uint8_t), strcmp);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_LIST_LENGTH; i++) {


const UnicodeString s [] = {
CollationKey *keys[MAX_LIST_LENGTH];
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
Collator *coll = Collator::createInstance(Locale("en_US"), status);
uint32_t i;
if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
  for(i=0; i<listSize; i++) {
    keys[i] = coll->getCollationKey(s[i], -1);
  qsort(keys, MAX_LIST_LENGTH, sizeof(CollationKey),compareKeys);
  delete[] keys;
  delete coll;


String s [] = {
CollationKey keys[] = new CollationKey[s.length];
try {
    Collator coll = Collator.getInstance(Locale.US);
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i ++) {
        keys[i] = coll.getCollationKey(s[i]);

catch (Exception e) {
    System.err.println("Error creating English collator");

Collation ElementIterator

A collation element iterator can only be used in one direction. This is established at the time of the first call to retrieve a collation element. Once ucol_next (C), CollationElementIterator::next (C++) or (Java) are invoked, ucol_previous (C), CollationElementIterator::previous (C++) or CollationElementIterator.previous (Java) should not be used (and vice versa). The direction can be changed immediately after ucol_first, ucol_last, ucol_reset (in C), CollationElementIterator::first, CollationElementIterator::last, CollationElementIterator::reset (in C++) or CollationElementIterator.first, CollationElementIterator.last, CollationElementIterator.reset (in Java) is called, or when it reaches the end of string while traversing the string.

When ucol_next is called at the end of the string buffer, UCOL_NULLORDER is always returned with any subsequent calls to ucol_next. The same applies to ucol_previous.

An example of how iterators are used is the Boyer-Moore search implementation, which can be found in the samples section.

API Example


UCollator         *coll = ucol_open("en_US",status);
UErrorCode         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UChar              text[20];
UCollationElements *collelemitr;
uint32_t           collelem;

u_uastrcpy(text, "text");
collelemitr = ucol_openElements(coll, text, -1, &status);
collelem = 0;
do {
  collelem = ucol_next(collelemitr, &status);
} while (collelem != UCOL_NULLORDER);



UErrorCode    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
Collator      *coll = Collator::createInstance(Locale::getUS(), status);
UnicodeString text("text");
CollationElementIterator *collelemitr = coll->createCollationElementIterator(text);
uint32_t      collelem = 0;
do {
  collelem = collelemitr->next(status);
} while (collelem != CollationElementIterator::NULLORDER);

delete collelemitr;
delete coll;


try {
    RuleBasedCollator coll = (RuleBasedCollator)Collator.getInstance(Locale.US);
    String text = "text";
    CollationElementIterator collelemitr = coll.getCollationElementIterator(text);
    int collelem = 0;
    do {
        collelem =;
    } while (collelem != CollationElementIterator.NULLORDER);
} catch (Exception e) {
    System.err.println("Error in collation iteration");

Setting and Getting Attributes

The general attribute setting APIs are ucol_setAttribute (in C) and Collator::setAttribute (in C++). These APIs take an attribute name and an attribute value. If the name and the value pass a syntax and range check, the property of the collator is changed. If the name and value do not pass a syntax and range check, however, the state is not changed and the error code variable is set to an error condition. The Java version does not provide general attribute setting APIs; instead, each attribute has its own setter API of the form RuleBasedCollator.setATTRIBUTE_NAME(arguments).

The attribute getting APIs are ucol_getAttribute (C) and Collator::getAttribute (C++). Both APIs require an attribute name as an argument and return an attribute value if a valid attribute name was supplied. If a valid attribute name was not supplied, however, they return an undefined result and set the error code. Similarly to the setter APIs for the Java version, no generic getter API is provided. Each attribute has its own setter API of the form RuleBasedCollator.getATTRIBUTE_NAME() in the Java version.


  1. Ken Whistler, Markus Scherer: “Unicode Technical Standard #10, Unicode Collation Algorithm” (

  2. ICU Design doc: “Collation v2” (

  3. Mark Davis: “ICU Collation Design Document” (

  4. The Unicode Standard, chapter 5, “Implementation guidelines” (

  5. Laura Werner: “Efficient text searching in Java: Finding the right string in any language” (

  6. Mark Davis, Martin Dürst: “Unicode Standard Annex #15: Unicode Normalization Forms” (