// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
// (online at: https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x/blob/main/LICENSE ).
// Provider structs must be stable
#![allow(clippy::exhaustive_structs, clippy::exhaustive_enums)]
use zerovec::{
ule::{AsULE, UleError, ULE},
use crate::dimension::provider::units_essentials::CompoundCount;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "datagen", derive(serde::Serialize, databake::Bake))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "datagen", databake(path = icu_experimental::dimension::provider::pattern_key))]
pub enum PowerValue {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "datagen", derive(serde::Serialize, databake::Bake))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "datagen", databake(path = icu_experimental::dimension::provider::pattern_key))]
pub enum PatternKey {
Power {
power: PowerValue,
count: CompoundCount,
/// [`PatternKeyULE`] is a type optimized for efficient storage and
/// deserialization of [`PatternKey`] using the `ZeroVec` model.
/// The serialization model packages the pattern item in a single byte.
/// The first two bits (b7 & b6) determine the variant of the pattern key:
/// - `00`: `Binary`
/// - `01`: `Decimal`
/// - `10`: `Power`
/// - `11`: Forbidden
/// The next 6 bits (b5 to b0) determine the value of the pattern key:
/// - For `Binary`, the value is mapped directly to the pattern value.
/// - For `Decimal`:
/// - b5 is determining the sign of the value. if b5 is 0, the value is positive. if b5 is 1, the value is negative.
/// - b4 to b0 are determining the magnitude of the value.
/// - For `Power`:
/// - b5 and b4 represent the power value, which can be `10` to represent `Two` and `11` to represent `Three`.
/// - b3 to b0 represent the count value, which can be:
/// - `0000`: Zero
/// - `0001`: One
/// - `0010`: Two
/// - `0011`: Few
/// - `0100`: Many
/// - `0101`: Other
/// - Note: In the `Power` case, b3 is always 0, and when b2 is 1, b1 must be 0.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct PatternKeyULE(u8);
// Safety (based on the safety checklist on the ULE trait):
// 1. PatternKeyULE does not include any uninitialized or padding bytes.
// (achieved by `#[repr(transparent)]` on a ULE type)
// 2. PatternKeyULE is aligned to 1 byte.
// (achieved by `#[repr(transparent)]` on a ULE type)
// 3. The impl of validate_bytes() returns an error if any byte is not valid.
// 4. The impl of validate_bytes() returns an error if there are extra bytes.
// 5. The other ULE methods use the default impl.
// 6. PatternKeyULE byte equality is semantic equality.
unsafe impl ULE for PatternKeyULE {
fn validate_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), zerovec::ule::UleError> {
for &byte in bytes.iter() {
// Ensure the first two bits (b7 & b6) are not 11.
if (byte & 0b1100_0000) == 0b1100_0000 {
return Err(UleError::parse::<Self>());
// For the `Power` variant:
// b5 & b4 must be 10 or 11. (this means that b5 must be 1)
// b3 must be 0.
// When b2 is 1, b1 must be 0.
if (byte & 0b1100_0000) == 0b1000_0000 {
// b5 must be 1
if (byte & 0b0010_0000) == 0 {
return Err(UleError::parse::<Self>());
// b3 must be 0
if (byte & 0b0000_1000) != 0 {
return Err(UleError::parse::<Self>());
// If b2 is 1, b1 must be 0
if (byte & 0b0000_0100) != 0 && (byte & 0b0000_0010) != 0 {
return Err(UleError::parse::<Self>());
impl AsULE for PatternKey {
type ULE = PatternKeyULE;
fn to_unaligned(self) -> Self::ULE {
let byte = match self {
PatternKey::Binary(value) => value,
PatternKey::Decimal(value) => {
let sign = if value < 0 { 0b0010_0000 } else { 0 };
debug_assert!(value > -32 && value < 32);
(0b01 << 6) | sign | (value.unsigned_abs() & 0b0001_1111)
PatternKey::Power { power, count } => {
let power_bits = {
match power {
PowerValue::Two => 0b10 << 4,
PowerValue::Three => 0b11 << 4,
// Combine the bits to form the final byte
(0b10 << 6) | power_bits | count as u8
fn from_unaligned(unaligned: Self::ULE) -> Self {
let byte = unaligned.0;
let variant = (byte & 0b1100_0000) >> 6;
let value = byte & 0b0011_1111;
match variant {
0b00 => PatternKey::Binary(value),
0b01 => match value & 0b0010_0000 {
0b0000_0000 => PatternKey::Decimal(value as i8),
0b0010_0000 => PatternKey::Decimal(-((value & 0b0001_1111) as i8)),
_ => unreachable!(),
0b10 => {
let power = match value & 0b0011_0000 {
0b0010_0000 => PowerValue::Two,
0b0011_0000 => PowerValue::Three,
_ => unreachable!(),
let count = value & 0b0000_1111;
PatternKey::Power {
count: count.into(),
_ => unreachable!(),
impl<'a> ZeroMapKV<'a> for PatternKey {
type Container = zerovec::ZeroVec<'a, PatternKey>;
type Slice = zerovec::ZeroSlice<PatternKey>;
type GetType = <PatternKey as AsULE>::ULE;
type OwnedType = PatternKey;
fn test_pattern_key_ule() {
use PowerValue::{Three, Two};
let binary = PatternKey::Binary(0b0000_1111);
let binary_ule = binary.to_unaligned();
assert_eq!(binary_ule.0, 0b0000_1111);
let decimal = PatternKey::Decimal(0b0000_1111);
let decimal_ule = decimal.to_unaligned();
assert_eq!(decimal_ule.0, 0b0100_1111);
let power2 = PatternKey::Power {
power: Two,
count: CompoundCount::Two,
let power2_ule = power2.to_unaligned();
assert_eq!(power2_ule.0, 0b1010_0010);
let power3 = PatternKey::Power {
power: Three,
count: CompoundCount::Two,
let power3_ule = power3.to_unaligned();
assert_eq!(power3_ule.0, 0b1011_0010);
let binary = PatternKey::from_unaligned(binary_ule);
assert_eq!(binary, PatternKey::Binary(0b0000_1111));
let decimal = PatternKey::from_unaligned(decimal_ule);
assert_eq!(decimal, PatternKey::Decimal(0b0000_1111));
let power2 = PatternKey::from_unaligned(power2_ule);
PatternKey::Power {
power: Two,
count: CompoundCount::Two,
let power3 = PatternKey::from_unaligned(power3_ule);
PatternKey::Power {
power: Three,
count: CompoundCount::Two,
let decimal_neg_1 = PatternKey::Decimal(-1);
let decimal_neg_1_ule = decimal_neg_1.to_unaligned();
assert_eq!(decimal_neg_1_ule.0, 0b0110_0001);
let decimal_neg_1 = PatternKey::from_unaligned(decimal_neg_1_ule);
assert_eq!(decimal_neg_1, PatternKey::Decimal(-1));
// Test invalid bytes
let unvalidated_bytes = [0b1100_0000];
let unvalidated_bytes = [0b1000_0000];